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Sales Tips And Techniques Using Your Network with Tracy Beavers
Episode Summary
Tracy Beavers talks to us about how to use your network for sales! This fresh approach will unleash your potential in a number of ways.
-how to keep your network warm so they’re ready to get their wallet out.
-how and when to follow up
-why the follow-up is often neglected but so important
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Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/tracybeaverscoaching
Email: tracylanebeavers@gmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tracy-beavers-b650449
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Tracy Beavers Transcription
[00:04:22]Kris Ward: Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day, today we are with Tracy Beavers, Tracy Beavers is in the house and we are going to talk to Tracy about sales. She is a sought after sales coach, and she’s going to talk to us about things that I think we all do. That’s neglecting the follow-up and listen, I’ve got my excuses, why I don’t follow up. So let’s see if they pan out with Tracy. Welcome to the show, Tracy.
[00:04:51]Tracy Beavers: Thank you so much, Kris. I’m so excited to be here.
[00:04:54]]Kris Ward: Oh good. We’re going to have some fun. Okay. Sales, look, I love sales. I’m comfortable with sales. I get excited when I get a sales call like that makes my week.
[00:05:03] Oh, I got a couple of sales calls this week. Okay. So it’s my jam. I love doing it. However, I don’t follow up. I don’t. I think I’m really of the mind that if I have to convince you to work with me, we’re not starting off into a good situation. Now maybe the nature of my work is different. But I’m really about, I want you to be hungry.
[00:05:26] I don’t want to be carrying the weight. I really want you, you know, if you’re not interested now, it’s like to me. Okay. Here’s my thing. It’s like trying to convince somebody to go out on a date with you. Like, if I can’t convince you, if you’re not excited on day one, then we’re not going to last. Six weeks in like you, I drug you to that first day kicking and screaming.
[00:05:44] Now I’m wondering why it’s petering out a month later. That’s how I feel about it, but I know it goes against everything that you know is out there. So tell me what I’m doing wrong.
[00:05:56]Tracy Beavers: So, first of all, the words sales people go “ew”. And so what cracks me up is. Nobody thinks there’s a sale. They are a salesperson, or they don’t want to be labeled a sale.
[00:06:04] Okay. We’re all on sales that out there. But just like you say, you know, everybody that’s in business or sales wants clients that are warmed up, ready to go with their wallet out. And all you gotta do is say, here’s what I can do for you. Here’s my price. And they sign up and everybody’s happy. But that’s not the way it works.
[00:06:24] We have to, people want to do business and you’ve heard this a million times with people that they know like and trust. Correct. And that takes building an actual relationship and being a human being. We can’t like in your analogy of dating, we can’t walk into the bar, sit down next to somebody and look at them, go, Hey, want to get married?
[00:06:44]Kris Ward: I love that you had me in a bar. I love that we started right off in the bar, not a coffee shop. Come on, pastor. Don’t put your pajamas on, go to a bar. Okay.
[00:06:54]Tracy Beavers: I can’t just ask you to marry me the minute I meet you, cause you’re like, who are you? You want to tick? I don’t even know you.
[00:07:00]Kris Ward: Okay, so right off the bat, I think what I’m doing, as soon as somebody says follow up, I reject that because I think I’ve met with you.
[00:07:08] If you’re not interested, I’m not doing a big old campaign of followup, but what you’re saying is really the follow up can come before the sales call. It’s building that “know, like, and trust”. So the followup is from that first contact.
[00:07:21]Tracy Beavers: Yes, it is. It’s okay. First contact. So you meet somebody at a networking event.
And, you know, you’ve had a great conversation. Maybe it’s about business. Maybe it’s not, it doesn’t always have to be. And you know that you want to fall. You want to follow up with that person. You want to see for me, networking is exciting. Cause I want to see where the people I meet are going to feel fit into my life.
[00:07:43] Everybody has a space in my life. It doesn’t always have to be about business. Right? Here’s the fun part about networking is you never know if the next person that you need is going to be the person that is pivotal to your success. It’s like that old Microsoft Minesweeper game that we all played at work when our employers that we were working and the little square and you click on the squares and the object is to clear the board and sometimes you’re clicking and it’s just clicking.
[00:08:11] And then sometimes you click on a mine and it blows open several spaces and it’s like networking. The next person you meet could be the person who just introduces you to this person, introduces you to that person. And it’s building that relationship and them getting to know you so that they know they like you and they want to stay in contact with you. And the follow-up really is just the furthering of the relationship.
[00:08:37]Kris Ward: Okay. So that’s a valuable lesson that I learned painfully years ago. And here’s the problem. You know, a lot of you guys out there know I’m all about, you know, building your win team and what is next team, and I’m all about super toolkits and be more efficient and all that stuff.
[00:08:51] So that’s great. So. Many years ago when I wasn’t like that in the beginning. And I was going like the first two years of my business vote sleep, which did not make me a charming person. I am a recovering russiaholic. Right. So everything is rush, rush, rush, rush, right? Like trying to outrace time. It was just nuts.
[00:09:07] And you know, it was always like, go, go, go. And people even would say, I talk so quickly. And I think you need to listen faster, like get out of my way. So what would happen is anything that didn’t work was an interruption from work. And so I really saw it painfully right. That I let meaningful relationships die, frankly, because there was no reason for me to call them. There was no reason for me to follow up. Like we didn’t have. So then all of a sudden, and now, you know, later there, these big, huge, important people. And I don’t mean that in a horrible way, but, you know, I did like them and I would’ve liked to enjoy their journey and I would’ve like to stay connected, but I didn’t have a reason to reach out to them.
[00:09:46] So the relationship melted away. Where I learned that now is like, okay, I’m having this wonderful opportunity. I meet these fantastic people through the podcast and being on shows. So what I learned quickly is, Oh, as meeting way more people than I ever had before.But if I wasn’t careful, I would be rotating relationships instead of sustaining them.
[00:10:06] Right. And I had dropped the ball on that years earlier, where all of a sudden, you’re just so busy working evenings, weekends, like a crazy person. And then you realize, Oh, you haven’t talked to that business connection in two years, which does not take long to pass. So where do we, those are two extremes. What do you suggest? How do we navigate that?
[00:10:25]Tracy Beavers: So I navigate it, with a very full-proof easy system and it’s called, you’ve heard of a CRM system, customer management. Now what I teach my clients is the best CRM system for you is the one you’re going to use. Oh, I don’t care if it is a Rolodex with pieces of paper in it and index cards in a shoe box, or if it’s an Excel spreadsheet or if it’s one of those monthly paid subscriptions that you see on the internet.
[00:10:57] Salesforce is one 17 hats. There’s one called DOE. And there’s a lot of them that are very, there are, some of them are free. Some of them are very low, low price point. And some of them are very industry specific, which is cool. Like for somebody who’s in a general sales role at a company, Salesforce is a good option if, especially if they’re a franchise owner, as someone who’s in network marketing. Might use one called DOE, penny is another one.
[00:11:21]Kris Ward: So let’s go with the entrepreneur that listens, you guys out there, small business entrepreneurs. So you’re saying, you know, there’s free stuff out there, but again, guys, you know, I’m all about this. Don’t now start, this is the thing before the thing and backup. So you could do something as simple as a spreadsheet spreadsheet, which by the way, is what I currently use because in that, you know what I do, I also like to have a picture of the person because I’m meeting so many people and if I don’t have the picture.
[00:11:50] Here’s the story. I had somebody who’s on the podcast, a fantastic person. And we were chatting. And even now people always say, Oh, it’s great. You go high energy and stuff. Well, that’s great. So you try to go to sleep, right? Mind’s racing. So we started talking about she. Yeah. She was about weighted blankets, it had changed her life.
[00:12:08] And I was like, all right, I’ll give it a try, but whatever. And it really truly was the most significant thing I’d ever done. Weighted blanket. She gave me a brand name, just call, just get this name, whatever. So I sent an email. Like a month later said, I can’t believe this is working. I’ll my gosh, I have my much deeper sleep.
[00:12:24] I went on and on and I sent the email. I confused her with somebody else who kindly replied and said that’s okay. And she had been on the show too. So she kindly replied and said, that’s wonderful, Kris. I’m so glad to hear that you’re sleeping well, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I do appreciate you sharing this with me.
[00:12:44] Very happy together. Yeah. I’m really glad you got a new blanket. Yeah. Like, I sounded like I was five in kindergarten, so I realized, Oh, are ready. You know, because I can see why I got them confused. They’re both in similar topics, frankly. They dissimilar, they looked a lot, a little bit of like as well, I get it.
[00:13:01] I laughed. We had a joke about it, but it doesn’t take long before that happens. Right. So we, so we want to have some ability to follow up with clarity of who these people are. Okay. And then what do we do?
[00:13:00]Tracy Beavers: So you want to put everything. Okay. So first of all, a CRM system you want at a minimum, their name, cell phone number and email, because a lot of us are relying on social media, Facebook messenger, Instagram, DMS, and all that.
[00:13:32] Yeah. That is not a good strategy. If that disappeared tomorrow, we’ve got to go back to old school and have all that contact information. So we don’t lose contact. And this is not only people that you meet at networking events. This is your best client. You do not want your best client to go without a touch from you.
[00:13:50] Because they will move on to somebody else. So as business owners, we have to love on the ones we’ve got while we’re trying to attract new ones into our business. Because if you don’t love on the ones that you’ve got, they’re going to go out the back door really quietly. And then all you’ve got is
[00:14:04]Kris Ward: That’s a Southern thing. Everybody write that down. Love on the ones you got.
[00:14:10]Tracy Beavers: Love on the ones you got. Love the ones you’re with. Okay. there’s a song about that.
[00:14:13]Kris Ward: Yeah. That’s a business country song, love on the ones you got. Okay. I’m going to get.
[00:14:18]Tracy Beavers: So in your example, you could very easily put her name and the date of your conversation is important where you met that person is important to the fact that she recommended a way to blanket.
[00:14:31] That’s important. It seems silly, but it’s important because then your brain will go, Oh, and she was wearing a blue shirt and we talked about this and she’s got a dog name, you know, such and such. And it helps you have a genuine contact with that person. You genuinely can email her and go, Hey. Well blankets amazing.
[00:14:52] And know that you’ve got the right person or, Hey, how’s your dog, or, Hey, you mentioned your grandmother’s been sick. You know, we’ve gotta be human beings. And the more information you can put in there, the less you have to remember.
[00:15:05]Kris Ward: Yeah. And a hundred percent because I do that now. So that’s one of the columns is something personal about them.
[00:15:10] Like their two year old just had a birthday and you’re right. It will anchor it. I’ll remember it, but otherwise, without it, I personally would have no confidence. So I’d kind of like sketch over subjects, like hope you and your family are doing well, because I don’t remember which person, like, I’m not a hundred percent if you have a two year old, right.
[00:15:26] 20 year old. Right. So you’re good that doesn’t feel vintage. Yeah, no, it doesn’t, it doesn’t count. Right. So you’re absolutely right. That really truly does matter. Okay. So spell it out and this stuff, listen, this sounds like so basic common sense, but we all get so busy that you forget it. And especially listen every once in a while I get a business contact that just somehow.
[00:15:49] Well, you know, through the grapevine, we hear their whole Facebook has been wiped out and they’ve got kids and weddings and all their contacts and they’re just there. And you know what, aside from the fact, one time in the beginning, I got kicked out of Instagram. I mean, of course you got to love these platforms.
[00:16:03] Cause I have no idea why, like we were only on it in the beginning, like six months, there was nothing I could have done. I didn’t have I still don’t have a following. That’s going to make an impact or commit a crime. Right. But what happens is too, aside from that, you lose those contacts. You do feel a little beat up like the world just said, you don’t know, we just wiped you out.
[00:16:23] We killed you on Facebook. You’re dead to us. Right. And I know with Instagram, I thought. You know, it took me about six months before I went back. Cause I thought you dumped me. I don’t care. But then I realized that Instagram wasn’t taking it as hard as I had taken it. So unfortunately, no, they had moved on quite nicely without me.
[00:16:43] So, it does happen all the time with people with really significant accounts. So, you know, not only having this email list, but also knowing who that, then you could reach out to these people personally, if you needed to. So this is kind of like sometimes you think it’s basic, but boy, is it embarrassing when someone goes over these basics with you after you dropped the ball?
[00:17:05]Tracy Beavers: It is. It is simple. It is simple. It is basic. It’s I, and it’s, I think it’s easy truly if you get it and you get in the habit of it, every time you go out and you’re and you come home with business cards, if you don’t do something with those, then you might as well have not gone to the event.
[00:17:23] I mean, then what’s the point of being there? I was talking to a real estate agent not too long ago, and this was heartbreaking. She’s been in the business five years and she is very productive. She’s a high producer. Do you know, she had not kept any contacts for the last five years of all the people that came through her open houses all.
[00:17:45] And I was like, my jaw dropped and I’m like, you got to be kidding me. I thought in my mind, didn’t say this to her because I didn’t want her to cry. But I was like, how much more of a producer could you have been and gotten there faster if you had kept. All of the names of the potential buyers and your sellers and loved on them and the other real estate agents that you meet and all of that. I mean, it’s just, it hurt my heart.
[00:18:13]Kris Ward: My first instinct was thinking, okay, I went right to judgment. I’m sorry. I think of what the heck. Right. But then on the other hand, if I stopped for a moment, I thought case by case scenario, she probably thought, well, they weren’t buying are they? They said they weren’t in the area.
[00:18:27] So she figured at the time case-by-case scenario, there wasn’t a real solid lead. But what she could have been building was a community. Yes.
[00:18:37]Tracy Beavers: And here’s the thing you never know when someone is going to be ready to purchase. And you might want to stay top of mind. So let’s say it’s somebody walks through that open house and they were just kicking tires.
[00:18:48] They were looking loose, just checking it out. Okay. You never know what’s going to happen in somebody’s life tomorrow. Right? Maybe that next two weeks or three weeks, they had got a promotion and were moving and they needed to sell their house. All of a sudden. Maybe they had, all of a sudden had a parent that needed to move in with them.
[00:19:07] You never know what’s going to happen. And so on the face of it while it looks like, as you’re saying, she’s probably thinking, Oh, they’re not interested. She is making up their mind for them based on assumption, not based on fact. And so that person could have been one of her clients and then been so happy, referred her to five other people.
[00:19:29] Who could have referred her, refer to refer to her, you know, that’ll shampoo commercial, talk to your friends and you tell two friends and you template it’s the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. So she made assumptions and she decided, and, and it little by little is how it happened and five years passed and she’s like, Oh my gosh.
[00:19:48]Kris Ward: Yeah. Cause you don’t think at the time you just try, this is, this is all the foundation of what we do. We’re all about creating your win team, your what is next team? And, you know, I’m all about stopping entrepreneurs from working so hard, but what happens is you get caught up in this week, bleeds into next week, into next month.
[00:20:03] That all of a sudden there goes another year. Like I’m certain we slide from January to March and then you blink twice at summer. Um, September to December I know is three weeks long. Right. So what happens is all of a sudden, you think, Oh, I’m like I did too. Like, I let these some significant, like when I was coming up, there’s some really heavy, heavy influencers that I was hanging out and we were brainstorming business ideas, and now I’m like, Oh my gosh, you’re, you know, like we should have stayed in contact, not just for my own purpose and vanity.
[00:20:32] And I could have. Had been still connected, but it would have been really fun to share that journey with them. And I just got busy and thought we would bump into each other when we were both a little bit less busy. Right. So, okay. So it’s really about staying connected. All right. It’s about having that systematized, so it’s effective, so you can lean into it, um, making it a habit.
[00:20:53] Yeah, so making it a habit. So what does that habit look like? Like, is it just re you know, the typical newsletter stuff?
[00:21:01]Tracy Beavers: Oh, making it a habit of using the system is what I meant to me. Okay. So for me, my habit is daily. I put in the contacts that I’ve met that day, or that I’ve had in compensation with everything goes in there.
[00:21:16] It takes literally two minutes. Okay. Llike if you’re in my CRM system, I’m going to log in there. I’m going to say Kris ward, excellent podcast today. And it’ll log the date. Cause I’m using a software system.
[00:21:27]Kris Ward: Isn’t that gender silver. She’s, I’ll give you a Southern thing. Isn’t she wonderful, like sweet tea. All right.
[00:21:34]Tracy Beavers: And if, like, then if you said to me and if it was a pre-interview for a podcast and you said to me, okay, I’m going to get back with you in a couple of weeks. We’re jam packed for April, blah, blah, blah, whatever the conversation I’m like. Okay. I know in two weeks I need to be hearing from Kris because I want to be on her podcast.
[00:21:49] So I’m going to diary that forward for two weeks. Right. And so anybody that’s new, they get entered in as a prospect or just a contact. And then every day I pull that up as part of my morning routine before Mike’s first client appointment, before people start to get ahold of me with phone calls and emails and all the things, it’s part of what I do every morning.
[00:22:11] I look and see who needs a touch for me today? Who have I forgotten, not forgotten about, but who do I need to go back to? And I’m shocked sometimes I’m like, wow, has it really been, you know, like, you’ll think I just talked to that person and then you look, and the date is from February and you’re like, wow, has it really been since February, since I’ve talked to that person, right.
[00:22:31] It’s just like, you’re saying time flies and so fast. The other thing that you can do is. This, and this is going to sound terrible, but we are also busy. We cannot rely on our memory. Some, a lot of friends are in my system because I want to be sure I’m checking in on them regularly because I want to stay together and stay in touch. Because just like they’re saying out of sight, out of mind.
[00:22:55]Kris Ward: I put my own birthday on my calendar. Cause one year it was like on a Tuesday and my family, my husband had these plans and I’m like, Oh my gosh, I’m booked. I didn’t know. I didn’t, I didn’t recognize that day. So we had to move a bunch of appointments.
[00:23:07] So I had to block it off for the next year going, okay. I have a birthday and. It’s not about me. Other people might want to do something. Okay. So we have on our spreadsheet, what we do is we’ll put in and also we’ll nurture that and make sure we stay in contact with them on social media as well. So we make sure that we’ve liked, you’re connected with them engaged on their choice of platform.
[00:23:25] So, so just having that there, that there’s some, as you say, you’ve touched them in some way. All right. And just keep nurturing the community.
[00:23:35]Tracy Beavers: Yes. Okay. In a, in a human warm relational way, because if all we say is buy my stuff, buy my stuff, buy my stuff. No sleazy salesy. We don’t want to do that. No. Yeah. So it’s all about building those relationships.
[00:23:53] That’s what it comes back to. And one of the ways you use the CRM system as a tool to help [00:24:00] you do that. So you can free up all that brain space to think about something else, because you don’t want to have to walk around remembering. All your contacts and you know, when you’re going to follow up with them and all that.
[00:24:11]Kris Ward: No, a hundred percent. And you know what, like going back to my date, you know, a dating example, you can’t listen, you can’t call somebody to go out and date, have a good time and then check in with them six weeks later, like yeah, you ran out of things. Did you run to the bottom of your list and start over? Like, that’s it, we’re not doing this right.
[00:24:28] Right. Yeah. Yeah. So you have to keep, you know, you want to build these connections and like, to my earlier point, I definitely want to, don’t want to be rotating relationships. That’s useless. Right. All right. So tell us, you know, these are some really simple but profound easily lost in your day to day activities because we’re always about, Oh, you know, we all have this deadline, like right now, we’re working really hard on this new masterclass that we’re going to be doing in our community or Facebook community.
[00:24:56] Because anyways, it’s phenomenal. We’re putting a lot of work into that. That’s our big focus right now. But when my head surfaces from that and a couple of weeks, you know, all of a sudden there’ll be the next thing, right. Then we’ll call your WIN team, what is next. So you do get lost. So tell us more of, you know, where you feel we’re dropping the ball in this area.
[00:25:15]Tracy Beavers: Well, that realtor example, she wasn’t using the system at all. That’s a great, just right fail right there. And then we do drop the ball when we don’t use it consistently. Just like I talked about, it needs to be part of your routine. It needs to go on your planner. Okay. It’s not on my planner and it’s not written down. It’s not going to happen. Cause I’m not going to remember it.
[00:25:37]Kris Ward: What are we reaching out to them for? Like we don’t want it to feel forced. And if we don’t have anything to say, and, you know, are we going to check in and do it? Hey, last time we talked, it was two year olds birthday. How was that like that? I’m not a big fan of small talk either.
[00:25:52]Tracy Beavers: No, not at all. You do want to have a genuine reason, obviously, if it’s someone you’ve met casually, you know, one thing you could do is maybe instead of reaching out or, to directly to that person, as you’re saying you friended them on Facebook or Instagram on some way on social media, you could just go kind of see what they’re up to.
[00:26:13] Like a few things, comment on a few things, just so they see your name again. Okay. So that counts. Yeah, for sure. Okay. And actually almost better than right. Continue to text them or email them or call them or whatever that can get kind of, you want to think of a way? Here’s another example. So when I go to, a networking event, or let’s say I have lunch with someone who I really want to stay in contact with just as a business person, because there I could do some mentoring with them, they could do some mentoring with me, you know, just a great, collaboration partner.
[00:26:50] I’m gonna send them a thank you note. Right. That counts as a touch. And they’re going to get that a few days after we’ve met and it’s going to keep me top of mind. And then if I don’t want to, if I don’t have a reason to reach out directly, I could go, friend them on Facebook and I’m just going to be their friend. Yeah, no. Hey, that two year old birthday party looked amazing. Cute, cute kid, you know, whatever, but yeah, it all counts.
[00:27:16]Kris Ward: I think for a while, listen, this is an interesting story that came up recently. So a good 10 years ago, when, you know, even like I went virtually for anybody else, even if they were in my local community, I was doing appointments on Skype because they could see my computer.
[00:27:30] It was just time efficient instead of driving around, even if it took 10 minutes, right. But so I remember, but when there’d be people in the local community that something happened, so this gentleman had taken over, you know, whatever the eyewear store he had and he was new to the business community.
[00:27:45] So I sent him a postcard, welcome to the community, blah, blah, blah, for my business. And, my mom was in there just the other day, get a pair of glasses. And he said, Oh, it’s my anniversary. I’ve been doing this for 11 years. And he took her over and he showed her, he said, this was the first postcard I got, opened up.
[00:28:00] And it’s from Kris. Now. Here’s the thing. I stopped doing that because all of a sudden everything was so virtual. I felt silly asking for people for their address, like, okay, can I send your address? Right. So I stopped doing it. But now I realize if I ask somebody for their address, they’ll give me their address.
[00:28:15] And even if it’s just a postcard that maybe I send them three postcards a year, but people did use to go on about these postcards. Like as if I, I don’t know hand-stitched did. And it was because it wasn’t email because email is just more work. How many emails do I have to plow through?
[00:28:29]Tracy Beavers: No, your email’s going to go into his third junk folder.
[00:28:32]Kris Ward: Right. But he’s kept that card all these years. So my. Hesitancy was asking for their email, the regular snail mail address, but it’s not such a big deal. Ask for it, move on.
[00:28:44]Tracy Beavers: It’s really not. And you can make it less awkward sometimes. I’ll say like, if the look on their faces, like what stalker I’m at, like, okay, I’m Southern, I’m going to send you a thank you note.
[00:28:54] I’m just letting you know. Right. You know, or there is a way to find them an address that might be more appropriate. Do you know where they work?
[00:29:03] Kris Ward: But so many, see a lot of my, even before all this craziness in the world, 80% of them would have a home office. Right. Because, so then I didn’t want to ask them for their address, but I do find now I just ask people and they give it.
[00:29:15] So I don’t know if I’m just following into what I tell my clients, not to do. Like, Oh, here’s your distraction. Here’s your reason. Here’s the excuse for not following through on something. So, okay. Ask for their address.
[00:29:27] Tracy Beavers: I’m sorry to interrupt you, when they give you their business card, if there’s not an address on there, you could simply say, Oh, Hey, and you’ve got the card and you’re writing.
[00:29:37] Hey, I just want to make sure, can I get your address? Do you have a PO box or anything like that? That’s a little bit more, you know, relaxed.
[00:29:46] Kris Ward: Yeah. It feels like a hundred years since I got a business card. Cause I’ve been virtual for a really long time. My clients around the world, I don’t even have, I don’t even have business cards anymore.
[00:29:55] So, but, the point you made is a valid one. Okay. So we’ve got a couple minutes left. These are really profound, but simple things to do. And what it is really impacting is your you know, we always say your networking is your net worth. So that’s, that’s a big thing. What’s the final thing you want people to take away with today? As far as the importance of all this?
[00:30:14]Tracy Beavers: Oh gosh. I would say anyone that is looking to truly be successful in sales and drive revenue. You’ve got to build relationships, right? And this using this simple tool is one of the ways that you can effectively do that and be, just a genuinely nice person, you know, making sure that you’ve got the notes on your conversation, because if you follow up with somebody and you can’t remember what they told you, that’s, that’s not okay.
[00:30:44] I’ve had people follow up with me and literally I’m like, did you not remember that? You know, whatever products they were selling or whatever. Do you not remember anything that I told you? Cause now I don’t like blue. I like this, or no, I don’t. You know what I mean? And so it just, it takes all the guesswork out of it.
[00:31:02] And it gives you a solid place to jump off of to build those relationships and gain more revenue, which is, you know, at the end of the day, what we all want is to have more success. And less overwhelm and less worry. And, um, just more energy because you free up all that brain space. You can go spin. Yeah.
[00:31:23]Kris Ward: Yeah. And you really are. The community is everything because the irony of that is. We’ve all done this. Then you leave that relationship, the one-off and you go and try to get a bunch of likes on Facebook from people. You know what I mean? Like you’re like, no, no, no. I know you want to build a relationship with me, but I’m over here trying to get attention from people that have never met me and that are, we don’t know what this attention means, but I’m trained to jump through these hoops and get a bunch of likes. So it really is kind of upside down.
[00:31:53]Tracy Beavers: Yeah, it is. Yeah. Yeah. Those vanity, those vanity numbers don’t mean anything anyway.
[00:31:56]]Kris Ward: No, no, no. We’ve all learned that by now. Unless of course they, they treat you as dead and cut you completely off, then it is upset. Yeah. Okay. Tracy, where is the best place for people to find you and get more of your brilliance?
[00:32:09]Tracy Beavers: I am. I’m on tracybeavers.com. That’s my website. I’m on Facebook. Tracy L beavers. And also, if you’ll go to my website, I have a freebie that your listeners can grab and it’s super easy to find. It’s one of the biggest buttons at the top, and it is a tips on how to generate, create your own referral machine, deeper with the clients that you have.
[00:32:38] Okay. Just like we’re talking about building relationships, diving deeper with the clients that you have. So that they’ll love you so much. They can’t help, but refer you.
[00:32:47]Kris Ward: all right. We all want that. It’s going to be the show notes guys, and right after this, I’ll head over there myself and check it out for you.
[00:32:52] But, grab one as soon as you can, Tracy, thank you very much. We really appreciate you. It was lots of fun and everyone else, we’ll see you on the next episode. [00:33:02]