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Recent Podcast Episodes

How To Rock SEO Content Easily Today! with Lorraine Ball

Episode Summary

Lorraine Ball gives us an interesting conversation that will get you inspired about creating amazing content! No longer will you dread this chore. You’ll be pumped!

-why you should throw out keyword research
-how to easily make SEO rich content
-how questions are your biggest resource
And so much more….

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Podcast: Win The Hour, Win The Day Podcast

You can find Lorraine Ball at:

Masterclass:  Working Hard Sucks And It’s Costing You Money!

Win The Hour Win The Day

Check out the Outsourcing Playbook For Busy Entrepreneurs here:

Lorraine Ball Podcast Transcription

[00:00:30]Kris Ward:  Hello, Lorraine. How are you?

[00:00:37] I can’t hear you. Oh, it says you’re connecting to audio. The rain is connected to audio. I can’t hear you yet. Oh, there we go. Okay. Help me piece this together, Lorraine. I know that I had a really engaging conversation with him. And somehow you distracted me cause I didn’t make any notes on these people.

[00:01:02] So we missed it. You must have chatted me up. Like I remember having fun with you. So I don’t, I have the bio, I’m going to go through some housekeeping stuff, but I don’t have the angle in which what’s… because marketing is a broad thing. What was our angle? We were going to start with. 

[00:01:18]Lorraine Ball: And I’ve done you know, full confession. I’ve done a bunch of these lately. So,  let me give you a couple of options. You tell me when you think.. I can talk about user-generated content, encouraging your community to create content for you. Content-based SEO, letting go of the key words and the buzzwords, and really focusing on answering questions that your customers have in their journey and creating content on your website.

[00:01:50] That does that. I can talk about.. if we want to go more kind of social and email, one of my favorites is ‘Subject lines’. Just how do you grab attention? Kind of the art of crafting a great subject line. How long is the conversation? 

[00:02:13]Kris Ward: It’s about 20 minutes. And so far you’re off to 20, between 20-25 minutes, but so far you’re off just screaming start because I actually want to, I’m wondering, can we see what we can do, but I liked both of them content-based SEO content and then subject lines. Can we dabble with both of those? 

[00:02:27]Lorraine Ball: So let’s start with Content-based SEO and then, kind of switch off and go, okay. So now as you start to create this content and you’re going to start sharing it, how do you get it out there and social media and what are some of the tricks to crafting a great subject line that hooks people as well as search engines.

[00:02:49]Kris Ward:  Okay. So I considered you what we call a podcast friend. So I didn’t make you fill out our proper pod or proper form, but I did send an email to my admin person with this done. So I think you gave me a referral, you know, I think he gave me a review. The only thing I’m missing, I believe, is a referral to another, for another guest.

[00:03:12]Lorraine Ball: Oh, okay. No worries. When we’re done, I’ll just send you a follow up. I’ve got, I’ve had a bunch of people, and we can kind of talk about gaps. I mean, obviously. I’ve got 600 episodes. I’ve got some great people that I really enjoyed talking to.

[00:03:29]Kris Ward:  Yeah. So we just want anyone that when they talk to me, the audience can get a takeaway right now.

[00:03:35] And we assume really dynamic smart people like, you know, other dynamics, smart people. That’s perfect. Awesome. Okay. So just make sure you do that because what happens is when the show’s ready to air, they check the list. And if you miss that, they bumped you down. 

[00:03:52]Lorraine Ball: Oh no, I’ll do that. I’ll do that right after we get off the phone, I’ll really kind of pick through a little bit and find a few times I think will be awesome.

[00:03:59]Kris Ward:  Okay. So now what we’re going to do is we’re going to take a selfie. Here we go. Okay.

[00:04:20]Lorraine Ball: Right way to do that. 

[00:04:21]Kris Ward:Thanks. 

[00:04:22]Lorraine Ball: Now, do you use the audio only or do you use audio? 

[00:04:27]Kris Ward: We use both. Yeah.

[00:04:35]Lorraine Ball: And so Lorraine Ball.

[00:04:40] Yep.

[00:04:53]Kris Ward: Hey, so my audience, they’ve been in business about five years. Service-based entrepreneurs. They’re looking for solid takeaways. I think you grasp that. I was very conversational. I will definitely want to unpack things. You say I’ll jump in. I promise to interrupt you. I try to put my finger up a little bit to slow you down when I want it, because I usually want to do that. I want to unpack your brilliance. It’s not like, I just want to ask you a question or something.

[00:05:18]Lorraine Ball: I always tell people if I’m rambling, and you’re old enough, you probably will remember this. Do the Carol Burnett thing, just kind of like get your ear and I’ll…

[00:05:28]Kris Ward: I watched her, I wasn’t that old because I watched her reruns, but she was freaking funny.

[00:05:31] I do think even as a kid in reruns, I do think the funniest moment on television in the history of TV was “Gone With The Wind”. Yeah. Like in the history of television, that’s the funniest thing ever. 

[00:05:45]Lorraine Ball: Yeah. I’m trying to remember whether I think I did see her. I think I saw her originals. I definitely remember her more from the reruns, but they were just such a joy to watch if you just wanted to laugh.

[00:06:02]Kris Ward:  Yeah. That’s my whole thing, especially now, if it’s not funny and kind of like, I don’t watch anything else, but I’m watching them try to break each other. Like even as a kid, you’re like, oh my gosh, they’re screwing up. Like, that’s hilarious. Right. Okay. Let’s see what we have there. All right. We’re going to be good. More than a few words, as a digital toolbox. Okay. So what’s the name of your company? 

[00:06:34]Lorraine Ball: “The digital toolboxes” is kind of what I’m using as my corporate.

[00:06:40]Kris Ward: Okay, gotcha. Okay. All right. We’re going to dive in. Have some fun. Okay.


[00:06:51]Kris Ward: Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day Podcast. I am your host Kris Ward, and today we have Lorraine Ball in the house. So Lorraine is the founder of Digital Toolbox Club. And she’s going to talk to us today. We’re going to try to get a whole bunch of stuff out of her.

[00:07:10] She’s going to talk to us. We’re going to start off with content-based SEO Content. That was really well-worded, Lorraine. Okay. So I think what we’re talking about here is really about how to produce content, whether it’s a blog or social media or whatever, and then make it SEO friendly. So it comes up in the search. If I’ve messed this up. So it’s unrecognizable to you, Lorraine, or jump in and save me. 

[00:07:30]Lorraine Ball: Okay. I’m going to jump in and say to you, it’s actually the reverse. With content based SEO, it’s an approach where you throw out worrying about keywords. You give yourself permission instead of going okay. I have to write this blog. That includes the phrase, heating air conditioning, Denver, let go of that. 

[00:07:59]Kris Ward: And I did that for years. So much so that I didn’t even use geeky words, so we don’t want to go in too much. Okay. So write the content. All right. Start from there. 

[00:08:07]Lorraine Ball: It said what you’re doing with content based SEO is you’re starting with the question because everybody goes to Google.

[00:08:16] With questions. That’s what search engines are about. How do I, where do I, what do I, who do, who does, who does this near me? What the hell is this? Can I say yes. You know, but that’s what they’re typing in. And so instead of worrying about what word you’re using, start answering the questions, start creating content that has one purpose to answer one question that somebody has. Sooner or later you’ll trip over the right keywords.

[00:08:51] But what you’ll be doing is, you will be matching content to questions. Instead of matching content to key words. 

[00:09:03]Kris Ward: Right? Okay. So this sounds really, I don’t want to say simple, but it’s easy to forget. I often say, oh, I forgot I knew that. What happens is when you’re out talking day to day about what you do.

[00:09:15] So we’re all about “stop working so hard”. We’re all about. Entrepreneurs getting ideas to execution. So many entrepreneurs are caught in the web of admin, 80% of the time. And we believe you should be in creation mode 60% of the time and admin mode, 40% of the time. So I talk a lot about that, but then I could get caught up in writing a blog about, I don’t know, how to avoid burnout or why entrepreneurs are working so hard, but that’s not answering the question.

[00:09:44] Right. So if I was then going back to how to work less hours or how to delegate or, oh my gosh, that’s a good one. You know why this is going to sound stupid. I just realized this. Somebody said to me the other day, ‘Everybody just listen and I’ll talk to myself’. Myself, there’s only one. I don’t hear voices.

[00:10:03] Somebody said to me the other day, yeah, often she said, Kris, my, my issue is like, how do I delegate? And I said, you know, that’s a problem. That’s a fundamental issue. Because if you think of it as delegating, then you have created the wrong team. Everybody. You want to be in a room where everybody’s smarter than you. Like my team.

[00:10:20] I don’t worry about delegating to them because they all have their area of expertise. I am the dumbest person in that room. I am not delegating to them. They have something they do way better than me. So even that I could write a blog on how to delegate. Right. Okay. So, this is, sorry, let me just close in there. So what you’re telling us, it’s really super simple, but I think none of us are doing it. 

[00:10:44]Lorraine Ball: What’d you want to do is.. you want to think about your customer journey. This is kind of a geeky marketing thing, but there’s that first part of the journey where they don’t even know what they don’t know. Right. What are the questions people ask in the beginning and often those are the: What is this?

[00:11:01] How does this work? Why do people use this? Okay. That’s that information gathering. Then they move into that second phase where they’re kind of evaluating and now you get into a lot of: is X better than Y? What’s the difference between a life coach and a consultant? I mean, that’s a big one. And so, you know, really  it’s that kind of comparison and you’re gonna laugh.

[00:11:31] But I compare blog posts across every industry that I work in and I’ve been doing this a long time. If I look at all of my client’s websites, the very best blog posts, highest performing traffic month in month out, year in, year out are the what’s the difference between a Cannellini bean and a Navy?

[00:12:01] What’s the case between engineered hardwood and traditional hardwood? And so if you have in your sales process, those comparison questions, well, you’re offering me 30 sessions of X and these other coaches saying I can read a book. What’s the difference? Why is one better than the other? So the first kind of question that’s content-based is: I don’t know what, I don’t know.

The second area is I’ve started talking to people and now I know so much I don’t know what, I don’t know. 

[00:12:40]Kris Ward: Okay, let me jump in and give you two quick examples. And you’re really changing how I think. And, you know, as a marketing strategist, I have a marketing background, but you can’t operate on yourself and marketing such a big umbrella, right?

[00:12:51] So you just get lost in it. So one of them is I often get asked or it comes up. There’s a lot of places now that will provide virtual assistance for you. And they’re like an agency and they’re prepped and they can type quickly and stuff. But the problem with that is you’re new at hiring and you don’t have the infrastructure in play.

[00:13:07] They can’t come in and parent you, so you pay a premium for that, but this is why it falls short, and this is why it blows up. And so I have to explain that to people, but I never compared that in a blog. I could definitely do that because that’s a new industry. And then the second one is people will often say to me like: Well, how much time will this take?

[00:13:26] And it’s like, no, we’re not a coach that cheers you on, we’re strategists. When you show up, we get work done. We give you time for next week. You get extra time next week, you don’t have homework to do and come back and then I go, yay. It’s good. So the coach versus how and what we do with our strategies is very different and that really.. okay.

So now it sounds so naive, but we just have this information that we go around recycling and vomiting over people, but go with the questions, go with the comparisons and it will just change everything. 

[00:13:55]Lorraine Ball: Well, and the other thing is my guess is you get asked these questions and you send emails. I’m going to give you one of my favorites is we’ve been building websites for, I don’t know how many years and people would ask, well, why do I have to have.

[00:14:10] Why do I have to pay for hosting and web design and a domain name? Why can’t I just have one fee for everything? And I answered that question so many times and it boiled down to an analogy of, well, I want you to think about your website as a mobile home, and you can park that mobile home anywhere you want, but if you want it to be comfortable, you’ve got to have running water and electricity, and that is provided by your hosting company.

[00:14:37] We built a mobile home. They build, they provide the running water, electricity, and your domain name. Just make sure that your mail shows up wherever you move your trailer. Right. I said that so many times I finally wrote a blog post, and that blog post 15 years later still gets tracked. 

[00:14:59]Kris Ward: Well, at least now I feel good that you answered it so many times, and then you wrote a blog.

[00:15:03] So I’m not sitting here, you know, being foolish. You just.. it’s an oversight when you’re answering it. Right. Okay. Well, this is awesome. All right.

[00:15:23]Lorraine Ball: So the first content is: I don’t know what, I don’t know. The second is more the comparison. Now the third question, this really starts to narrow down to what I’m ready to buy. Sometimes it’s, you know, is there somebody near me, so some geographic stuff in certain industries, with your audience being a lot of coaches and consultants and being able to work virtually that’s less important, but the questions that really kind of seal the deal are what’s it like to work with you?

[00:15:45] How do I engage you? What can I expect in the process? What comes next? I have signed a contract. What should I do next? You know, it’s kind of taking action. And so now you create this content that kind of fits into those three buckets. And the beautiful thing is because you’re answering the questions that people have.

[00:16:15] That content will generate organic traffic. You will naturally include the words and the phrases that not that you think people should use, but that people actually do use. And that creates that great content that actually Google loves.

[00:16:37]Kris Ward: And I could hang up on you right now and just start writing content. Yes. 

[00:16:42]Lorraine Ball: I won’t take it personal

[00:16:44]Kris Ward:No, because I write content all the time and I was told I was good at it, but you, what happened is and I used to say this about websites. People think it’s like a book like they’re going to start on page one and they’re going to read it all the way to page six.

[00:16:56] And that is not how it happens. And so I know that, but when it’s you. You feel like, oh, I have to start with a general level. K. Your reason you’re burnt out is because of this. And then I start the next thing. So, I guess I think I’m taking them through the journey from A to Zed, but that’s not how it goes.

[00:17:11] You have to have questions and answers out there. So they cop in where they want. And I kind of know some of what you’re saying, but it got lost in the shuffle and I didn’t respect the simplicity of it and the profoundness of it.

[00:17:26]Lorraine Ball: You know? I used to tell.. people used to say, oh my God, Lorraine, you’re really smart.

[00:17:31] I’m like, no, I’m really lazy. What I always do is I look at the easiest way. I mean, I want to deliver value, but at the end of the day, I really want to find the easiest way to get the desired result. What I often recommend when people are trying to go, well, I don’t know what to write. Do you write emails to customers to answer their questions?

[00:17:57] And they’re like, well, yeah, great. Go through your email. Find those things you’ve already written and use those as the starting points for your content. And if you’re like me, I’m high audio, nothing makes sense till it comes out of my mouth. And then I can put it on paper. So pop up your iPhone. Answer the question. Create content that answers questions in multimedia form. 

[00:18:27]Kris Ward: Let me jump in here, Lorraine. That is a fabulous tip. And I’ll tell you why. First of all, you can be a good typer, a good typist. I’ve lost all my English today, but a good typist might be 50-60 words per minute. And on the average person, I don’t know, toxic 120 words per minute.

[00:18:43] I’d say  260 for me, but anyhow, but also what I find is when I do the audio stuff, when you sit down and shoulders back and you start to type, you start like therefore, and however, it’s just how we were taught. But when I talk, then it sounds engaging and conversational, which is what I then have to go back and edit my document and try to make it sound more interesting.

[00:19:05] So when you talk, it really does come out with the stuff you say to your clients. So it is sincere. It is real. It does have something you can sink your teeth into and there’s even a button now, guys on Google, you just up there and the tools and there’s dictation, he hit it read on and off. And I just talk into my computer and then it’s so much quicker, less typing.

[00:19:26] And it’s much easier to edit. Then you can have somebody on your team, turn it into proper grammar if you want, and then go back and look at it later. But it just flows out so much better than when you try to write. And you, look, you start from the beginning and trying to write something out on white piece of paper, doesn’t work.

[00:19:40]Lorraine Ball: Well, it’s funny because I have spent, I don’t know, the last 20 years earning a living writing, I am not a writer. I’m not, and so my fallback is all, has always been, you know, talk through it first and then write it. And when I started discovering good dictation and transcription tools, I spent $9 and 99 cents a month for Otter because Otter gets, yeah.

[00:20:08] Other than my name, it pretty much gets everything I say, and it really does a good job of transcribing it. And we’ve developed a relationship with this app. I know..

[00:20:18]Kris Ward:  Hold on. Let’s just spell that for everybody. Is it ‘Otter’ like the animal? 

[00:20:21]Lorraine Ball: O.T.T.E.R. Yes. And it might be ‘’,, but if you just search otter transcription.

[00:20:32] But we have a relationship and if I don’t talk too fast, Otter gets me. And so, you know, I’ve developed this habit. I put my phone in and I went for a walk. And I talked to myself and that is great, I used to do it in my car when I was driving more, thinking it through, okay. I just had that conversation and then they asked me this, how would I answer that succinctly?

[00:21:00]Kris Ward:  So there’s a good tip. We’re asked questions all day long. And so just have somewhere or something on your phone where you can just add those questions. Do you come back and then say here now I need to write some content. And here is my little file on my phone. Like in the iPhone, it might be your notes or whatever, and just keep adding to that question. And then you’ve got your content. 

[00:21:20]Lorraine Ball: Yes. And it’s authentic. It’s in your voice and it’s informative. And that is the best kind of content because you don’t find yourself doing what I call the chest thumping; me, me, me so good. But when you sit down to write, copy. Sometimes you slip into that.

[00:21:43]Kris Ward:  Yeah. A hundred percent. It’s very different from when you’re talking. Okay. Wow. Take us on this journey. What do we need to know next? 

[00:21:50]Lorraine Ball: Okay. So I’m going to switch gears because we’ve talked about this kind of content-based SEO, and that’s going to keep the search engines happy, but now. You actually want to get human beings to notice it.

[00:22:05] And that’s where as much time as you spend writing your piece, I want you to spend on your subject line or your headline. Title of the post, and then that little teaser maybe that you put on Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn or whatever your world is, because if you don’t capture my attention with the headline, I’m not coming.

[00:22:31]Kris Ward:  Right. I read a thing in a book once and it was really profound. I always remember it. And he was saying that when you’re on a train, a good headline is if you were going 60 kilometers an hour, 60 miles American here, 60 miles an hour, and you saw the bulletin board out of this corner of your eye, would you read it right?

[00:22:48] It has to be able to grab somebody like that. So. Where do we start with that? I know there’s things online where you can test your title and your hook, but sometimes I don’t know. I don’t buy into that. I think they’re a little formulated, but where do we start?

[00:23:03]Lorraine Ball: So I think the first thing is, there are categories, there are kinds of groups of subject lines, and you’re going to find your rhythm.

[00:23:13] You’re going to find what you like. One of the ones that everybody fell into for a while and they kind of work, but, every time I see them, I want to throw up. It’s five ways to do X, right? Because there is a rule that says numbers. If you’re going to do numbers, don’t make every headline about numbers because then it gets old, use them sparingly.

[00:23:41] But there are two rules about numbers: really small or really big. The reason it is really small is because people look at that and go, okay, dang. They’re going to give.. I can read three things really quickly. I’ll give them a minute of my time to do it, or 101 different tips.Okay. That’s a really long list, but there’s gotta be something on there.I can use. The 10 and 15 in the middle. I ain’t got time for that.

[00:24:05]Kris Ward:  And they should always be odd numbers.

[00:24:12]Lorraine Ball: Yeah. Yeah. Odd  number. But I actually prefer some of the other style tips. One is sort of  the hint of mystery where you kind of tell half the story and make me go what, and my favorite example is this is a New York post headline from back. I think in the 1960s, there was a gruesome murder in a bar on long island and they sent the writer out and back in the day, he had to get on the long island railroad and go out there and the whole way out there on the train, he’s like the body that they found didn’t have a head. Oh, sounds gross.

[00:24:56]Kris Ward: I hope this story. I don’t think it’s going to have a happy ending, but let’s go with it.

[00:25:02]Lorraine Ball: The whole way out there. He’s like, please let it be a strip club. Please let it be a strip club. Why? Because he’d already written the headline, headless body found in topless bar. Yeah. A little gruesome.

[00:25:15] That headline is one of the most famous headlines of all time, because when you saw it, you would go “What?” I actually wrote a blog post about headlines using that headline and people would be like, “huh?” And it made them stop. And they’re like, okay. I have no idea what this is about. I did another one that was again, kind of in that same category, a little bit shocking campaign marketing.

[00:25:46] It takes you more to get high. People know I’m not a drug dealer. No, I’m not talking about selling drugs. So they’re trying to wrestle together. Now the trick is if you’re going to go down that hint of mystery, shock and surprise, it’s got to fit with your brand. Not everybody can do it. And if it’s something that you look at and you’re like, I’m not comfortable with it, or I don’t think my audience will be, then don’t go there.

[00:26:18] I can do it because I have that little bit of ‘edgy’ as part of my brand. And so I’ll be out there, dialing that back a little bit. You can say something that seems outrageous for your industry, how to ruin your carpet in three easy steps from a carpet cleaning company, right. Unexpected, very unexpected. But not necessarily bordering on a little defense.

[00:26:47] Okay. You can also do, kind of that ‘fear and surprise’. Social media has created this, the “FMO fear of missing out.” So dive into that, dial into that, your competitors already know this. Something like that.  

[00:27:14]Kris Ward: I found, too, that when we do our weekly broadcast sometimes, like, what we’ve noticed is the shorter, like, you can’t use it every time, but sometimes really short, like this happened again.

[00:27:26] Or I said no, or just instead of the…you know, like you said, how to learn, how to hire effectively long, whatever. It was just they’re like, what did she no say no to right. 

[00:27:38]Lorraine Ball: That’s kind of a mystery where you’re kind of teasing them and they’re like, well, what is she talking about? Another style idea that works.

[00:27:45] If you really know your audience and you know their cultural references, it’s called illusions where you connect to something that you know your audience is going to remember. So for example, way back, this might’ve been in the eighties, Wendy’s had a television commercial with an actress by the name of Clara Pallor, and Clara was this little, tiny little old lady and she would drive up to the window at Wendy’s open up the hamburger bun and there’d be this tiny little hamburger in there and she would just cackle. Where’s the beef?

[00:28:32]Kris Ward: Oh yes. Yes. I listened to a podcast about that. And she did that for something like, I don’t know, like she made a whole lot of money off of it and did commercials for years and years.

[00:28:32] And it was like one of the most profound, impactful branding campaigns. I listen to a whole podcast about this little old lady saying where’s the beef. 

[00:28:40] Lorraine Ball: And so that phrase became synonymous with where’s the substance. What are you really talking about? The problem is that you go, anybody who’s of a certain age, we recognize the ‘where’s the beef’.

[00:28:55] Yeah, but that is a cultural reference that will have a diminishing return. Millennials, Gen Z. They don’t remember that commercial. So you say that and they’re like, okay, I think I know what you’re talking about, but they have no idea. What you’re referencing. So if you’re going to do a meme or you’re going to tie into a cultural reference, it’s gotta be something your audience will recognize.

[00:29:19]Kris Ward: Right. You have to make sure, kind of like a bad dad joke. You have to make sure everyone’s going to get your humor. Right. Which doesn’t always translate in copy. So you want to be, you want to be really purposeful about that. So, okay. So we got content now. And then we have to be mindful about the hook and the title, because it could be the best content in the world, but if they don’t open it, it’s a well kept secret.

[00:29:44] Lorraine Ball: Absolutely. Absolutely. And so you want to kind of play to that and then I think on the backend, you want to pay attention to your analytics because that’s going to tell you, and I think people kind of get caught up, looking at the big picture numbers and they don’t dive down and look post by post. page by page because there are some winners in there. And there are some dogs.

[00:30:16]Kris Ward: You’ll like this. We have a stats meeting every week and we break stuff down and we even take the same post and we’d switch titles to see, okay, this is the same post, which title did better. So we have two titles for anything we put out there and just to compare and see what happens.

[00:30:32] Lorraine Ball: Absolutely. And, so here’s the other thing, you never want to change your URL. Like you can change your title as much as you want. You don’t change that URL because that confuses Google. And we don’t want to confuse Google, but if you have a great post and it’s doing well, go and one of two things that post was a winner for six months, and then it fell off.

[00:31:00] Go back and update that post. Add a paragraph, add a new picture, add another link and then resubmit it through Google search console to reindex it. Create a new social share graphic and reshare it. 

[00:31:20]Kris Ward: Okay. So hold on. Before we get lost into techie stuff. So I get it. So put it back out as opposed, add a picture to all that stuff.

The Google index. Where do you want us to go with that? Does it not pick up just when you load it on, when you update it on your blog? 

[00:31:35] Lorraine Ball: It will eventually. So, Google search console, this used to be buried underneath Google analytics. They have spun off and there’s now a Google search console and Google analytics.

[00:31:48] You can access them both with your same Gmail address. You really should because the more fine tuning SEO is now done through the search console. Okay. You are going to need somebody who’s a little bit geeky to install the right code. But once they do that, you go in and you’re like, Hey, Google, check out this page.

So if it’s a page you’ve updated, you submit it. And Google will scan it. Kind of re-index it.. Search engines. We’ll get around to it sooner or later. 

[00:32:26]Kris Ward: Let’s speed it up. If we can. We got very little control over Google. If we can help out, we are here to help Google. Right? 

[00:32:33] Lorraine Ball: Absolutely. The other thing you can see in the search console is, you know, it’ll index your whole site and tell you which, where you have errors, where things don’t make Google happy, right? 

[00:32:44]Kris Ward: Yes, absolutely. Okay. Lorraine, you have been fabulous. We just have a few minutes left. What is one last thing you’d like to tell us? And then where can people find you to get more of your brilliance?

[00:32:57]Lorraine Ball: I think number one, the most important thing that you have to remember is that you are not going to outsmart Google.

[00:33:04] Anybody who tells you that this is the latest trick, the algorithm. Don’t do it. At the end of the day, if you create good, interesting, relevant information, Google will share the love and it’ll take care of itself. 

[00:33:24]Kris Ward:Okay. Google will love us back, people if we’re gentle with it. Alright, don’t be trying to cheat on it or get in the side door. Anything else. All right, Lorraine, I’m assuming we can Google you and information will come up about you.

[00:33:31] Lorraine Ball: Well, you can certainly Google me, but, the two places you can go to find out more. Number one is ‘’. It is filled with resources, presentations, webinars, workbooks, tools for small business owners of all types.

[00:33:55] Certainly your audience will find things in there that are helpful. And the other thing is just check out my podcast at “More than a few words.” Either ‘’ or wherever you listen to podcasts. 

[00:34:08]Kris Ward: Fabulous. We will check that out. We’ll put that all in the show notes for you guys. Lorraine. Thank you so much. It has been a real treat and everyone else we’ll see you in the next episode. END[00:34:17]…

[00:34:19] You did fabulous Lorraine. I hope you had some fun. Well, that was, that was very fun. That was very, very fun. Um, cool. So, um, as you mindful of, I just want to tell you for other shows about three quarters through you start moving around your desk and they’re like, it’s really echoes on the mic. You’re you’re tapping and it’s not just like that.

[00:34:37] We hear the tapping it’s I don’t know if you’re tapping the mic or what you’re doing. So when you see me start doing that face yeah. Which she banging. And I, I think you were hitting the desk, but you, you can, they’ll try to take it out in audio, but just be mindful of that. It was a yes. Thank you. Thank you.

[00:34:53] I, uh, um, yes, I start to get uncomfortable and it’s so funny because when I’m just doing audio, I don’t. But then, but when you’re doing video and you’re looking at yourself, I’m like, oh, that isn’t a good angle. I should move to that area. Let’s see now when you moved, you’re fine. I think you were hitting the desk.

[00:35:09] And so it sounded like, you know, when somebody taps himself on the mic and then, so you hear that banging noise, but it’s a different kind of banging noise. It didn’t just sound like echo. Cause you’re banging the desk. It sounded that muffled banging, like when you hit your mic. So I don’t know if you’re moving around and hitting your mic more.

[00:35:23] I don’t know. I don’t know. Well, thank you. I appreciate it. No worries. See right now you lean forward. It just made that noise again. So I think it’s a mic moving in. Yeah. That’s really weird. No, cause the mic is here. Oh, okay. Yeah. I don’t know. This is just headphones. Okay. Right. Okay then something’s happening?

[00:35:41] So just so you know, I’ll definitely, yeah. I’m going to have to check out some different headphones. I think I’m going to get, um, uh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I’m going to have to, and just keep them in the office. Cause if I don’t, I will lose them. But um, lean forward now maybe the mic is picking up. Is it coming back?

[00:35:59] No, I think the mic might be picking up. You banging your, your cord. Oh, okay. It sounds like something like when people wear a necklace, it doesn’t sound like you can hear if I drop a pen, it’s not like that. It’s that muffled, you know, when somebody in TV, bangs or Mike with their hand or their neck, So I think the mic might be picking up when you bang your thing around.

[00:36:19] Yeah. I definitely think I have to, I’m going to have to switch to wireless. Yeah. Cool. Um, and then when, whenever the episode is ready, send me a note. I will, um, we’ll certainly share it out everywhere, but then also I will. Uh, get you, uh, uh, do you want an email introduction or how do you like those?

[00:36:39] Whatever way you want to extend it? It’s all fine by me. Don’t worry. Whatever works for you. Awesome. I’m going to go through and, um, coaches and consultants. So I’m, I want to be a little selective. I mean, I can certainly introduce you to anybody. Who’s been a guest on the show, but some of them were definitely better than others.

[00:36:56] Yeah, we want a good guess. We’re asking you cause you were good guests and we want a good. And yes, we definitely give you notice of what happens. Usually on the Tuesday, the week of, in Arizona, Thursday on the Tuesday, we send you links and graphics and everything, and then we remind you on the Thursday.

[00:37:11] Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Yes, that that’ll be great. I will definitely share that out and we’ll go from there. Yeah, we’ll definitely keep in touch. And that was really helpful. It was really enjoyable. I’m really pleased. So, uh, that’s, you know, cellar content is all we hope to deliver. So you, you did that.

[00:37:27] And then some so. And what, and what I really love too is when something does really well. All right. Let’s talk about that. Um, you know, how much we kind of, we all think we know about that. And then you’re like, oh, I forgot. I knew that, or I wasn’t doing it this way. So that’s the best kind of episodes. I think personally is we had it at our fingertips and we just weren’t doing it as well as we could.

[00:37:48] I really liked the fact that you could take, um, the con the idea and then boil it down to a very real example. You know, your audience that they’re going to adjust really gravitate to. So that was. Fabulous. Well, please keep in touch and let us know if there’s anything we can help you with. We’re here to serve and we’ll talk soon.

[00:38:08] Sounds great. Talk to you soon. Thanks Lorraine. Thanks. Bye now. Bye.