Virtual Assistant Agency Fees’ Impact To Business Owners

by | Apr 5, 2024 | Blog, Virtual Assistant

    Let’s Talk About Virtual Assistant Agency Fees

    Getting started with virtual assistants is straightforward…

    But when agencies get involved…

    it can feel like they’re taking too much money…

    I stumbled upon this video on TikTok…

    that really got me thinking. 

    This guy was promoting virtual assistant services at $2/hr…

    and wow, the backlash was something else. 

    This guy was promoting virtual assistant services at $2/hr

    He’s out there selling courses…

    on running a virtual assistant agency, but the comments? 

    He's out there selling courses… on running a virtual assistant agency, but the comments

    People were not having it…

    calling out how ridiculously low that rate was. 

    It got me diving deep into what’s really going on… 

    with virtual assistant agency fees…

    and the whole virtual assistant hiring scene. 

    How it’s eating into what virtual assistants earn…

    and if there’s a simpler way to find help… 

    without those big fees.

    If you’re running a business and feel squeezed…

    by thinking that virtual assistants’ rates are high

    but it’s actually just virtual assistant agency fees…

    you’re in the right place. 

    Let’s talk about how to keep more money in your pocket…

    while still getting the help you need.

    Let’s get right into it!

    What Percentage Do Agencies Take from Virtual Assistant Rates?

    When it comes to what agencies charge…

    for virtual assistant rates…

    hold onto your hats. 

    Agencies aren’t shy about their fees – 

    we’re talking about them taking a serious slice of the pie. 

    Believe it or not, it’s common for more than 50%

    of what you pay to end up in the virtual assistant agency’s bank account…

    not the VA who’s doing all the legwork. 


    You’re dishing out $10 an hour…

    for some top-notch virtual assistant support…

    thinking you’re investing in quality help. 

    But in reality? Only about $2 or $3 of that…

    is making its way to the virtual assistant… 

    who is actually doing the work. 

    Yeah, that’s a hefty chunk missing…

    and it’s going right into the middleman’s pocket.

    How Do Agency Commissions Affect Virtual Assistant Pay?

    This big bite out of their paycheck…

    really knocks the wind out of virtual assistants. 

    Imagine working hard…

    only to see over half of what you should earn just vanish. 

    It’s more than just unfair; 

    it shakes up their whole financial world. 


    Thinking about a VA agency? Think again. Here’s why I’d never recommend one. 🚫 Locked into expensive, long-term contracts? Check. VAs getting paid below market value with a non-disclosure contract? Check. Hidden fees and lack of transparency? Check. I believe in empowering you to hire and pay VAs directly, ensuring fairness and transparency. If you want to learn more about effective VA hiring, comment below! 🌐💼 #EntrepreneurialPower #SoloEntrepreneur #ThriveAsOne #UnlockYourPotential #SuccessMindset #BusinessEmpowerment #EntrepreneurCommunity #OvercomeChallenges #MaximizeProductivity #SupportiveNetwork #BusinessSuccess #InspirationForEntrepreneurs #BuildYourDreams #TakeCharge #EmpoweredEntrepreneur #AchieveYourGoals #LeverageStrengths #BusinessGrowth #EntrepreneurialJourney #CollaborateAndThrive #leadershipskills #productive #productivityboost #worksmart #vaproductivity #worktips #worktip #quicktip #quicktips #advice #businessimpact #teamwork #businessadvice #businessmindset #entrepreneuralmindset #businesssupport #smallbusinessowner #smallbusiness #businessowner #businesslife #businesslifstyle #vahacks #vahack #meetings #productivity #entrepreneur #business #vahiring #virtualassistant #selfimprovement #businessimprovement #fyp #foryoupage

    ♬ Dancin(抖音DJ热搜) – 水冰月

    This setup doesn’t just mess with their wallet today; 

    it throws a big question mark…

    on the whole idea of getting paid what you’re worth…

    for the skills you bring to the table. 

    Think about it: if knowing you’re paid fairly… 

    for your work pumps up your motivation…

    and keeps your work quality high…

    What goes down when your earnings…

    get unfairly trimmed down?

    Are There Alternatives to Using Agencies for Hiring Virtual Assistants?

    Straight to the point, YES. 

    There’s definitely another road to take… 

    when it comes to teaming up with virtual assistants…

    one that avoids those hefty virtual assistant agency fees. 

    The globe is full of skilled virtual assistants… 

    ready to connect directly with you…

    no middleman needed.

    That’s part of the reason why…

    I onboard virtual assistants…

    as part of what I advocate.

    You don’t need a VA hiring agency. You need a working system!

    I hire virtual assistants for you…

    so you can just focus on what matters most.

    It means you and your virtual assistant… 

    deal straight with each other. 

    No extra fees or cuts coming out of their hard-earned pay. 

    This is just one piece of how I help out…

    focusing on growing your business together.

    This approach has led to a 95% retention rate… 

    for the virtual assistants I’ve worked with…

    mainly because the focus is on mutual growth and success…

    not just filling a position.

    My goal is to build a team for you that sticks around… 

    because they’re invested in your success as much as you are.

    Looking Closer at the Virtual Assistant Agency Fee Mess

    Agencies grabbing a big part of virtual assistants’ pay… 

    really shines a light on whether this whole setup is fair. 

    Is it right? Well, that’s up for debate.

    Does This Means for Virtual Assistants?

    We’re not just talking about the numbers in a paycheck.

    This is about the lives of those who back us up…

    from all corners of the world. 

    Fair pay shows we value and recognize their hard work.

    Will This Last?

    Is the virtual assistant world going to keep spinning… 

    with such an uneven balance? 

    For a thriving environment…

    fairness and balance are key…

    not taking advantage.

    The Ripple Effect on Quality

    Here’s the thing—if people feel short-changed…

    their drive starts to dip. 

    And that’s not just a problem for virtual assistants; 

    it’s a headache for anyone needing top-notch help.

    A Bigger Picture Problem

    This isn’t just a virtual assistant issue; 

    it’s a glimpse into the broader gig economy…

    where the fight for clear, fair pay is ongoing. 

    It’s a nudge for everyone involved to push for a change.

    The Push for Fairness 

    It’s pretty obvious that things need to shake up…

    towards more fair deals. 

    Recognizing and paying virtual assistants properly… 

    for their priceless input is significant.

    Virtual assistants are not disposable!

    It’s Time to Talk About Virtual Assistants 

    There’s a serious need for chat here—

    to come together and brainstorm…

    how to make sure virtual assistants…

    get a fair shake while still delivering great value.

    Finding a fair middle ground is the goal.

    As business owners and entrepreneurs…

    we’ve got a chance to champion a system…

    that truly supports and fairly pays the virtual assistants… 

    What Others Are Saying

    Nothing speaks more about the effectiveness of my onboarding process… 

    than the success stories of entrepreneurs.

    Here is one of the testimonials from satisfied business owners:

    All the Stuff You’re Wondering About Virtual Assistants, Answered!

    Can I afford a Virtual Assistant as a small business owner?

    You betcha! Think of a VA as a Swiss Army knife for your business.

    They can do a bunch of different things, which means you get to do more of what you love and less of what you don’t.

    So, in the long run, a VA is like a money-saving, time-giving genie.

    What kind of magic can a Virtual Assistant do?

    Oh, you’ll be amazed!

    They can run your social media like a pro.

    They can even help you manage projects.

    It’s like having a superhero sidekick, but for your business.

    How fast can I get this Virtual Assistant magic in my life?

    Well, how fast can you chug down that cup of joe you’re holding?

    Yeah, it’s that quick.

    Our personalized VA matching service is like speed dating for your business.

    You’ll be up and running before you can say “more free time, please!”

    Virtual Victory: Your Perfect VA Match Awaits - No Burnout, Just Triumph!

    Ready to level up?


    Be our next success story and find out

    how you can make 2025 your best year yet.


    Are You Ready For Your Next Big Win?

    Know your entrepreneur personality and I’ll take it from there!

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