How To Build Systems And Process For Your Business!

by | Jul 19, 2024 | Blog

    How to you run your business instead of your business running you?

    This is the age old question for every small business or entrepreneur.

    The E myth by Michael Gerber does a great job showing how working “in” your small business really stifles your success.

    Systems run the business and people run the systems – Michael Gerber

    In order to have a business that you can grow and scale you need to have systems in your business.

    Systems in your small business allow you to:

    1. Eliminate human error
    2. Relearn tasks and random projects
    3. Save brain power so you can stay in the creative mode
    4. Expediate your work
    5. Allow you to transfer responsibilities
    6. Easily replicate work.
    7. Eliminate you from being the bottleneck
    8. Make you more efficient building on your strengths.
    9. Evaluate your work and improve your efficiency.
    10. Easily test new ideas
    11. Free up your time and get your life back
    12. Make more money in less time.

    So how do you decide when you need systems in your small business?

    The bottom line is, anything you do once as a small business owner you should be able to do 50x easily!

    Systems in your small business allow you to:

    -easily repeat the task,

    -save time doing it,

    -take less time every time you need to do it

    To many small business run around with “everything” in their head.

    No aspect of your small business should be left to memory mostly because it doesn’t work!

    Successful businesses are not run on memory.

    Systems in your business can be created with these key steps

    It’s easier than you think to build systems and process.

    Here’s how to build systems and processes in your small business.

    1. Document the work you are doing or any small business idea with a video screen capture like Loom
    2. Have the steps by steps transcribed
    3. Use the transcription and create steps of the process.
    4. Store it in a project management so everyone can access your created business system.
    5. Use the systems and processes, make improvements as you use them.

    How To Build Systems And Process: Avoid these common mistakes

    1. Don’t try to write the systems in your business out all at once.

    Too many small business owners have fallen prey to getting it “done.”

    Rushing in on a Sunday and spending a whole day trying to write out the systems and processes.

    These will be heavily flawed because you’re doing them without actually doing the work as you create them.

    2. Don’t confuse systems in your business with a training manual.

    Training is something you need to do once when you’re starting new position or a new responsibility.

    Systems in your business fall short when irrelevant information is included.

    3. Understand that systems in your business are not a one and done.

    This mindset leaves you with policies and procedures that are very dry and static in nature.

    These are like the manuals we’ve all been forced to read with new jobs.

    We found them to be utterly useless when we actually started to work.

    You want to constantly be editing the systems in your business as you use them.

    The systems in your business will become more and more efficient building on your strengths.

    Automation isn’t the best business plan.

    It’s very easy in this world of technology to be seduced by the power of automation. Automation is helpful in many aspects but it does not replace systems and processes. You still need systems and processes to dictate the automation and evaluate it. Regardless how great any technology is it does require somebody to input and monitor the output.

    This is a mistake I see a lot of people making on a regular basis in their small business. Just throwing technology at a problem and thinking that it will replace outsources, and systems and processes.

    When there are issues with the automation (and there will be) no one is there to catch the mistake. Which means when the mistake is found usually there is a pile up of inactivity or problems that have cost the business a great amount of time and money

    Don’t Wait To Build Systems In Your Business!

    It’s absolutely vital that you don’t wait till to start creating systems and processes .

    You also don’t want to wait until you’ve mastered something and then think it’s time to build systems and processes. It is especially important to build systems and processes for something that is new to you and your small business

    Creating systems in your business for new adventures means you shorten the learning curve and build on your strengths. You will get your projects completed much faster than your competitors!

    When you build out a system and process for a new task it means you don’t have to relearn the new task every day. For example when I was first learning how to post on TikTok my systems and processes were exceptionally basic because I was new to that platform.

    Now we have become experienced and have eliminated some of the more basic steps. Building systems allowed us to move quicker than any of our counterparts.

    How To Build Systems And Process For Your Business!

    Your business model for your systems in your business!

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