How Our Leadership Program Transformed Our Virtual Assistants

by | Oct 18, 2024 | Blog, Outsourcing, Team Work, Virtual Assistant

    Developing Leadership Skills in Virtual Assistants Matters. Here’s Why.

    Leadership isn’t just for top executives anymore.
    Even your virtual assistants need it.

    When your VAs have leadership skills…
    they work smarter, solve problems faster…
    and free up more of your time to…
    focus on bigger goals.
    Building a leadership program in your…
    virtual assistant team isn’t optional—
    it’s essential if you want a…
    productive and growing business.

    You need them to lead…
    not follow every step you give.
    This shift means your virtual assistants…
    must step into roles where they can…
    make decisions, take ownership, and think strategically.

    That’s where my Leadership Program changes the game.
    It’s designed to transform your VAs…
    from task-doers to confident leaders.

    I’ve seen firsthand how training them…
    – builds stronger communication
    – sharpens decision-making, and;
    – boosts their confidence. 

    What do leadership program do?, Kris Ward

    Why Virtual Assistants Need Leadership Program

    When you ask most virtual assistants…
    to take charge, you see hesitation.
    It’s not because they can’t do it—
    it’s usually because no one has ever shown them how.

    Think about it.

    Many VAs have spent their careers…
    being told what to do, but never how to lead.

    So, when the moment comes to…
    make decisions or speak up, they freeze.

    It’s like tossing someone into…
    the deep end without floaties…
    and expecting them to swim.

    – Lack of confidence,
    – shaky communication, and;
    – fear of making mistakes

    all these challenges can hold a VA…
    back from stepping up and taking ownership.

    And when your VA hesitates…
    your business feels it.

    Projects slow down, errors creep in…
    and you end up doing more work than you need to.

    But here’s the good news.

    I’ve built my Leadership Program…
    to tackle exactly these issues.

    Every week, VAs get an action item…
    where they upload a video…
    answering specific questions.
    I know what you’re thinking—recording videos?

    Isn’t that a bit much? Maybe.

    But that’s what makes it powerful.

    communication is key, Kris Ward

    They learn to communicate clearly…
    practice getting their point across…
    and most importantly, build confidence week by week.

    The difference?

    Instead of hiding behind emails and spreadsheets…
    my VAs learn to express themselves…
    make decisions, and take the wheel when needed.

    I’ve had VAs go from shy and unsure…
    to confidently running meetings and leading projects.

    And all it took was giving them…
    the space to practice and a bit of guidance.

    It’s like upgrading from a tricycle…
    to a full-on mountain bike.
    They get the skills, they get the practice…
    and suddenly, they’re cruising.

    The Power of Weekly Action Items

    Let me tell you about Serena and her VA…
    Now, Serena is not your typical boss…
    sitting in one place.

    One week she was in Malaysia…
    the next she was in Germany…
    then somewhere else—it was chaotic.

    She needed someone who could keep up…
    and take charge without needing her constant input.

    I matched her with a VA who was bright but timid.
    She had the skills, but she lacked confidence.
    The kind of VA who might say,
    “My first job was in banking,”
    when no one asked.
    You know the type—nervous, unsure what to share…
    trying not to mess up.

    That’s when I knew it wasn’t just…
    about finding the right person;
    it was about bringing out the best in them.

    So, I coached her VA.

    We did mock interviews…
    went through her answers…
    tightened her storytelling skills, and…
    bit by bit, I saw the transformation.

    When Serena asked about spreadsheets…
    in the interview, her VA confidently brought up…
    her banking experience—this time…
    it was relevant, and it landed well.

    This is what the weekly video…
    action items are all about.
    It’s not just about answering questions;
    it’s practice that fast-tracks their growth. 
    What did you learn with Serena and her VA's story, Kris Ward

    Week after week, they record videos…
    and it pushes them out of their comfort zone.
    But more importantly, it builds their ability…
    to communicate effectively and think on their feet.

    I’ve watched timid VAs…
    become strong communicators…
    lead projects, and bring their ideas to the table—
    all because of these small, consistent actions.

    It’s kind of like learning to ride a bike.
    At first, it’s shaky, you’re unsure…
    and you’re scared of falling.

    But you keep practicing, and soon enough…
    you’re cruising down the street like it’s nothing.

    These weekly videos are the training wheels…
    and before long, the VAs are riding with confidence…
    helping not just themselves but the entire team…
    get to where they need to be.

    Real-Life Success Stories

    Aly’s journey is worth sharing.

    When Allie first joined the leadership program…
    I could see that she had potential…
    but was struggling to express it.

    Her first videos were filled with pauses…
    and she hesitated often…
    like many of us do when we’re unsure.

    But she kept at it, week after week. 

    Those weekly tasks weren’t just a routine—
    they became a practice ground…
    for her confidence, and I started seeing real growth.

    Today, Aly is a whole different presence.

    She’s direct, confident, and leads…
    with such authority that it’s hard to remember…
    her nervous beginnings.

    This kind of change isn’t just about one person;
    it’s a shift that affects how they interact…
    with their teams and team leaders…
    making everyone’s job easier and more efficient.

    The same goes for others…

    like Chris, who shared how she now speaks…
    in one take without feeling the need…
    to redo it a dozen times.

    The noise that used to hold her back…
    isn’t there anymore.

    And that’s the power of this program—
    it’s about getting rid of what’s in the way…
    so people can do their best work…
    feeling confident and fully capable.

    Systems and Processes Over NDAs

    When it comes to protecting your business…
    I don’t put much stock in NDAs.
    They’re just a fancy piece of paper that says…
    “Please don’t do bad things.”

    I mean, does anyone actually feel safer…
    with a signed NDA sitting in a drawer?

    Let’s be real—

    solid systems are what protect you…
    not some document.

    Systems-or-just-a-bunch-of-documents, kris ward

    My approach is straightforward.
    When a VA leaves, we handle it…
    with a practical and reliable system.

    Passwords get changed without delay…
    workflows are adjusted…
    and everything runs smoothly.

    It’s like changing the locks…
    when someone moves out—
    you make sure everything stays secure without drama.

    Having proper systems in place…
    means no one’s stuck wondering…
    “Wait, what happens now?”
    It’s clear, it’s actionable, and it keeps…
    the gears turning without missing a beat.

    And unlike an NDA, they actually work when it counts.

    The Transformation into an “Academy”

    I have to admit, the Leadership Program…
    has grown way beyond what I first imagined.
    It’s like one of those moments…
    when you start baking cookies…
    and end up with a full three-layer cake—
    completely unexpected, but way better.

    What started as a simple way to help…
    VAs improve their confidence…
    has turned into a full-blown academy.

    We’re not just giving VAs basic skills.
    We’re empowering them to…
    reach their highest potential.

    It’s been amazing to watch people transform…
    becoming leaders who aren’t just…
    handling projects but are also making…
    real decisions and contributing ideas.

    Everyone Wins, Kris Ward

    It’s no longer just a program;
    it’s an opportunity that challenges…
    them and helps them grow.

    And the best part?

    This kind of growth directly benefits businesses.

    When VAs are confident and capable…
    the whole team operates at a higher level.
    Business owners see improved performance…
    smoother workflows, and a real impact…
    on growth and success.

    Plus, it’s a lot more fun to work with people…
    who are excited and ready to take on more.

    Everyone wins.

    A Leadership Program That Transforms

    Our VAs aren’t just getting by—
    they’re stepping up, becoming strong leaders…
    who know how to create impact.

    And you know what’s amazing?

    This boost in VA confidence benefits everyone.
    When VAs excel, the whole team feels the difference.
    We’re talking about better communication…
    sharper problem-solving…
    and an energy that inspires the whole crew.

    If you’re a business owner…
    tired of seeing your team stuck in the same routines…
    it’s time to think about leadership growth.

    Imagine turning your virtual team into powerhouses—
    people who don’t just show up…
    but shine brightly, ready to take your business…
    to new heights.

    Real Results: Hear It Straight from Our Clients

    Don’t just take my word for it.

    Listen to this amazing story from one of our clients who used my Super Tool Kits and saw their business transform.

    Hit play and get ready to be inspired!

    All the Stuff You’re Wondering About Virtual Assistants, Answered!

    Can I afford a Virtual Assistant as a small business owner?

    You betcha! Think of a VA as a Swiss Army knife for your business.

    They can do a bunch of different things, which means you get to do more of what you love and less of what you don’t.

    So, in the long run, a VA is like a money-saving, time-giving genie.

    What kind of magic can a Virtual Assistant do?

    Oh, you’ll be amazed!

    They can run your social media like a pro.

    They can even help you manage projects.

    It’s like having a superhero sidekick, but for your business.

    How fast can I get this Virtual Assistant magic in my life?

    Well, how fast can you chug down that cup of joe you’re holding?

    Yeah, it’s that quick.

    Our personalized VA matching service is like speed dating for your business.

    You’ll be up and running before you can say “more free time, please!”

    Virtual Victory: Your Perfect VA Match Awaits - No Burnout, Just Triumph!

    Ready to level up?


    Be our next success story and find out

    how you can make 2024 your best year yet.


    Are You Ready For Your Next Big Win?

    Know your entrepreneur personality and I’ll take it from there!

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