The modern day entrepreneur is a busy person juggling multiple responsibilities.
It’s easy to get fatigued trying to do everything yourself.
But with outsourcing, you can save time and money making it easy to scale your small business.
Let’s look at how outsourcing benefits the average small business owner.
Benefits of Outsourcing For Small Business
SAVING TIME: Outsourcing is a huge time saver. It allows you to be working on higher level work while you outsource lower level responsibilities that support your bigger projects. In fact, 27% of small businesses state that saving time is one of their biggest benefits of outsourcing.
GROWING YOUR SMALL BUSINESS: Scaling your small business in any way, requires you to remove yourself as the choking point. Studies show that 19% of small businesses will outsource so they can scale their small business.
ENJOYING FLEXIBLE RESOURCES: 33% of small businesses outsource in order to access flexible resources. This means you can hire someone for a new project or specific task without any delays. It’s how to scale any business.
Why should small businesses outsource? The benefits of outsourcing include:
1. Outsourcing Is The Answer To Business Efficiency.
Every small business owner knows the frustration of trying to get to the “real work.” That work you do before the work you need to do. The problem you solve for your clients is what brings in the real money. It’s also why you started your business.
Administrative work is a distraction, a red herring.
“I didn’t realize how lost I was in my own work flow. There was so much I could actually hand off to someone else. I wish I had known that years ago.” Kim Speed
What so many small business owners are realizing is that outsourcing allows them to have a far more effective business model.
2. Outsourcing Is The Key To Scale Your Small Business
I speak to small business owners every day that say they want to have a bigger impact in their niche. Without putting in more hours (as they are already banking too many especially for their years of experience).
What they’re really asking is “how to scale your small business.”
Well, outsourcing is step one to scaling your business. It also allows you to operate as a business instead of a self employed sufferpreneur. There’s a really effective scaling strategy here using outsourcers.
When all work is created by you and has to pass your inspection, it’s very limiting and frankly you’ve bought yourself an expensive job. Even unloading some basic administrative tasks to a virtual assistant outsourcing can provide you with an unbelievable amount of relief so you can avoid the symptoms of burnout!
With a team of outsourcers, every time you take a day off… everything stops. This also means any sick day or life’s interruptions that pop into all our lives without consequences to your business. It’s here where you got stuck in the day to day of your small business losing sight of the big picture.
3. Outsourcing Gives You A Variety Of Resources To Grow Your Business
The modern day small business owners are constantly playing catch up with social media, new tech resources among other things. Outsourcing allows you to focus on what you are truly being paid for by your clients and outsource the rest. It truly is a game changer and levels the playing field so you can compete with anyone whether they are small companies or have years of experience.
Outsourcing also allows you to take on new assignments in your niche that may require an extra skill. Where as in the past, you would have a painful learning curve or a financial hit due to your learning curve, now you can outsource within 24 hour
Something as simple as needing your social media videos edited could eat up your time. It’s easy to get distracted, and start trying to learn something new before you even get to the real work, these days. Frankly, outsourcing really helps you avoid burnout among other things.
The modern day business owner is always trying to catch up with new technology, social media, and other resources. Outsourcing allows him or her to concentrate on what he or she is being paid to do.
Outsourcing allows them to take on new jobs in his or her niche that may require an extra skill he or she does not have. In the past, a business owner would have had a difficult time learning a new skill and would have suffered financially. Now, they can outsource that task to another company in less than 24 hours.
12 Reasons Why You Need To Outsource
When you’re running on all cylinders racing the clock, you starting looking for time management or productivity solutions. But, don’t you think that just sounds like hacks to make you rush even more!
To go at an even faster rate!!!
How about something that finally going to help you get stuff done!!
The question is….
How do you crawl out of the chaos and into a really relaxing world of efficiency.
Where do you start?
Well you do what every single successful business owner has done throughout history.
You build a team!
You don’t have the time to train a team?
You can’t afford to hire anyone?
Before you stress about that…
It’s the strategy not the number of outsourcers you have that make a team.
Well, let me tell you this. If you can’t afford to hire someone…
then that means you definitely need to hire someone.
And outsourcing is definitely the way to go!
Honestly, it’s a magical time to be in business. Outsourcing has made building a team unbelievably affordable allowing you to scale your small busienss. In fact, outsourcing will save you money!
Even starting with a virtual assistant will make an impact on your bottom line. Now, you won’t be buried in the web of administrative tasks when you should be increasing your revenue with income generating activities. But bigger than that is how much time you waste trying to learn something yourself.
If you need something outside your skill set done, you can literally hire someone for to work for less than a fancy coffee at Starbucks. They can work three hours this week with no commitment to any future projects. It is shockingly easy to outsource and scale your business.
And it really levels the playing field between you and bigger companies. In the past, small companies were really at a disadvantage. In the past opportunities would be out of your reach because you didn’t’ have the staff or departments needed to acquire such business. Now, small companies can really get stuff done!
You really only need an idea and a desire. Often people think they need a real structured training process in place before they can hire their first outsourcer. But nothing could be further from the truth.
Let’s look at the cost of delaying.
Without your outsourcing team…
1 Your new revenue generating projects take longer to get to the marketplace.
2. You miss opportunities and that can be costly, because of the lifetime value of your clients.
3. Missed opportunities leads to other missed opportunities and negatively impacts scaling your business.
4. If you have any personal distractions or life happens in any way, your work flow slows way down or stops.
(I known a business that crashed because someone slipped on ice and broke their arm)
5. Your work hours continue to grow as you get new clients, making you increasingly less effective
6. You tend to multi task to keep up which decreases your productivity by 40%. (This is where the symptoms of burnout start to kick in.)
7. You’re not successfully scaling your business. Nor are you getting as much experience as your counterparts with outsourcing teams, so you can’t justify raising your rates.
Think about where you are in your business. Without a outsourcing and building your team, you will likely be in the exact same spot next year (if you’re lucky) but way more tired. Chances are though, you’ll be further behind. Want to build a business, then you need to build a team!
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