How to Fix 3 Common Small Business Challenges

by | Oct 11, 2024 | Blog, Scaling Your Business, Systems and Processes

    3 Challenges Holding Back Small Business Owners (And How to Fix Them)


    I was talking to an entrepreneur who said, “Oh my gosh, if I just had a week or month to take off and get all my SOPs done, things would be different.” No, they wouldn’t. Those SOPs wouldn’t work perfectly right from the start. Your business should support your life, not consume it. Follow me for more tips. #BusinessBalance #SOPs #WorkLifeIntegration #EntrepreneurTips

    ♬ Chill Music Aesthetic – Megacreate

    Running a small business often feels like…

    trying to keep a hundred plates spinning…

    eventually, something falls.

    It’s time slipping through your fingers…

    or feeling stuck when you’re supposed to be scaling up.

    Oh, and don’t forget trying to get your brand…

    noticed in a world full of noise.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    The truth is, with the right systems and processes in place…

    you can get those plates spinning smoothly…

    and stop the endless scramble.

    Let’s dive into how to fix these common struggles…

    and keep your business running like a well-oiled machine.

    1.Struggle in Time Management

    It’s not just a matter of being busy—

    it’s the constant feeling of being overwhelmed…

    while watching the important stuff…

    slip through the cracks.

    Wearing every hat in the business:

    marketing, sales, operations—

    you name it, you’re doing it.

    Never getting to those big projects…

    that actually grows your business.


    Who has time for that when emails keep piling up?

    Here’s How I Do It Differently:

    You can’t just hope your day will get better—

    plan for it.

    I swear by using Google Calendar.

    I break down projects…

    based on priority and schedule time…

    for the real work first thing.

    Your Google Calendar becomes a map for the day…

    not just a list of things to maybe get to.

    This is what sets a productive…

    business day apart from a chaotic one.

    Block time for strategic work when your energy is highest.

    Block time when your energy is highest!
    Now, if you’re ready to stop…

    drowning in busywork…

    you’ve got to use your Google Calendar right now.

    2. Scaling Your Business Without Burnout

    For small business owners…

    the idea of scaling often…

    gets confused with simply growing.

    More clients, more work, more stress—

    it’s all part of growth, right?


    Scaling isn’t about throwing more hours at the wall!

    Scaling isn’t about throwing…

    more hours at the wall;

    it’s about creating a streamlined system…

    that actually supports your business…

    without leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed.

    Expanding operations feels like herding cats.

    Everything gets more complicated…

    when you don’t have the right systems.

    Here’s How I Do It Differently:

    Forget the traditional boring texts and academic SOPs…

    that feel like they were written…

    by robots for robots.

    My systems and processes are where it’s at.

    Think of them like a playbook for your business—

    but they’re flexible, easy to use…

    and built to scale.

    They’re designed to grow with you…

    not bog you down with unnecessary steps.

    I’ve seen businesses try to use old…

    stiff SOPs, and it’s like trying to fit…

    into your high school jeans:

    uncomfortable and downright impossible.

    My systems, on the other hand…

    give you the freedom to adapt…

    as your business evolves.

    Scaling a business doesn’t have to feel…

    like running a marathon with no finish line.

    With the right systems…

    you can scale efficiently without the stress.

    Check out my resources on systems and processes

    for a stress-free scaling strategy.

    3. Brand Awareness and Marketing Struggles

    Let’s be honest—

    building your brand while…

    running your business is like…

    trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle.

    One wrong move…

    and everything feels like it’s about to crash.

    Small business owners want to stand out online…

    but there’s just never enough time…

    or expertise to do it all.

    How do you stand out online?!?

    It feels impossible to stand out…

    when everyone else is screaming for attention too.

    Marketing strategies like SEO and social media…

    seem like a full-time job…

    and you’ve already got one of those—

    running your business.

    Here’s How I Do It Differently:

    You don’t have to be a marketing expert.

    Instead of trying to master SEO…

    social media, and content creation…

    hire a virtual assistant who specializes in these areas.

    Trust me, a virtual assistant with a flair…

    for digital marketing can be your best-kept secret…

    (okay, maybe not a secret, but still!).

    They’ll handle all the stuff that usually…

    leaves you banging your head against the wall—

    keyword research, content writing…

    social media scheduling—

    while you focus on steering the ship.

    Don’t let marketing overwhelm you.

    With the right virtual assistant…

    you’ll stay competitive and keep your sanity.

    Want to know how to set this up?

    I’ve got the guide ready below—

    let’s make it happen.

    Check out my guide on How To Hire The Perfect VA!

    Solving the Struggles with the Right Systems

    Let’s face it—

    being a small business owner…

    feels like you’re trying to fix…

    a leaking boat with duct tape.

    Small business owners can remove some struggles with the right systems!

    But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    From managing your time (or lack of it)…

    to scaling without burning out…

    to finally getting a grip on your marketing…

    it all boils down to using the right…

    systems and processes.

    You don’t need to drown in these struggles.

    With the right systems, processes…

    and tools, you’ll not only survive but thrive.

    Start getting your business working for you…

    not the other way around.

    Real Results: Hear It Straight from Our Clients

    Don’t just take my word for it.

    Listen to this amazing story from one of our clients who used my Super Tool Kits and saw their business transform.

    Hit play and get ready to be inspired:

    All the Stuff You’re Wondering About Systems and Processes, Answered!

    What is the difference between a system and a process?

    A system is the big picture, and a process is a piece of that puzzle.

    Think of a system as your game plan for winning a soccer match.

    It’s the overall strategy, from offense to defense. A process is like a single play you execute, like a corner kick. You need both to win the game.

    In business, your system is your overall approach to your client’s pain points, while a process is the steps your team takes to provide a solution to your clients.

    Why are systems and processes important for scaling a business?

    They’re your blueprint for growth.

    Imagine building a skyscraper without a blueprint. Sounds unbelievable, right?

    That’s what you’re doing if you try to scale your business without systems and processes.

    They give you a roadmap to follow, making sure everyone on your team knows what to do and when to do it.

    That way, you can grow without the wheels coming off.

    How can systems and processes improve team management and workflow?

    They make your team a well-oiled machine.

    Ever seen a relay race where the baton gets dropped? That’s what happens when you don’t have good systems and processes.

    They make sure everyone knows what they’re doing and how to pass tasks along smoothly.

    This keeps your team in sync and your workflow humming along like a well-oiled machine.

    Can systems and processes prevent creativity?

    Not if done right. Some people think systems and processes are rigid and kill creativity.

    But when done right, they give you the freedom to be more creative by taking care of the routine stuff with your virtual assistant.

    Can I set up systems and processes myself?

    Yes, but it’s better with a team.

    Sure, you can set up systems and processes on your own, but it’s like trying to play a game of basketball solo.

    You’ll get more done and avoid blind spots if you involve your team. They can offer insights you might not have thought of.

    Do I need different systems for different departments?

    Yes, but they can be used by different people. Each part of your work needs its own plan. But guess what?

    These plans are easy to use by anyone on your team.

    So if your virtual assistant who usually does your social media is away, someone else can do it.

    And if you get a new person to help with social media, they can learn fast because there’s already a good plan to follow.

    This makes everyone’s job easier and better.

    What tools can I use for better systems and processes?

    There’s a tool for everything. From project management software like Basecamp to content planning in Notion, there’s a tool for every part of your business.

    The key is to pick the ones that fit your needs and actually use them.

    How often should I update my systems and processes?

    Keep ’em fresh. Think of your systems and processes like a garden.

    If you don’t tend to them, weeds grow. regularly review and update them to keep your business growing strong.

    What's the first step in setting up a system?

    Identify why you need it.

    Before you build a system, know why you need it and what you’re trying to solve.

    Is it a new process on creating content using ChatGPT? Creating a podcast?

    Pinpoint the need, then build your system to have a blueprint for it.

    How do I know if my processes are working?

    Track the results or let your virtual assistant track it with you.

    Use my CUE mode (create, use and edit) If you’re not keeping score, you’re just practicing.

    Use metrics to measure how well your processes are doing.

    If something’s not working, tweak it until it does.

    How can I make my processes more efficient?

    Cut the fat and use my OLAC framework. Look at each step in your process.

    Is it necessary? If not, chop it. the leaner your processes, the faster you’ll move.

    How do I get my team on board with new systems?

    Make ’em part of the process. People are more likely to buy into something they helped create.

    Involve your team in setting up new systems and they’ll be more likely to use them.

    What if my systems and processes fail?

    Learn and adapt. Mistakes are not the end of the world; it’s a learning opportunity.

    Figure out what went wrong, fix it, and come back stronger.

    That is why I know my systems and processes in CUE (create, use and edit) mode are working!

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    Know your entrepreneur personality and I’ll take it from there!

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