Episode Summary
Shahrina Ankhi-Krol gives us great insight into the complicated world of social media and how it’s tied to Copyright and Trademark Laws. Listen in as she dispels myths, educates us and schools us on upcoming issues.
-the biggest mistake we make every day
-how the business of copywriting will impact your business
-the legal oxymorons of the most popular platforms and what this means for you.
Disclaimer: Everything presented is for informational purposes only and does not contain legal advice.
Shahrina Ankhi-Krol is the owner of Ankhi-Krol Law (ankhikrollaw.com), a boutique law firm in New York City, that works exclusively with entrepreneurs and small business owners in the following areas of law: business, contract, trademark, and copyright. While she works with all types of small businesses, she has a niche practice in the following industries: Fashion, Beauty, Creative, Pet. Shahrina started Ankhi-Krol Law at the age of twenty-seven and has received numerous awards and recognitions for her dedication to the field of law.
Notably, she has been elected Rising Star Super Lawyer, a recognition given to no more than 2.5% of attorneys in each state, each year – for six (6) consecutive years. She has given countless talks and presentations at business conferences, expositions, and world-renowned educational institutions, such as New York University, the Fashion Institute of Technology, and the City University of New York. She has also appeared on Fox, radio shows, numerous podcasts, magazines and newspapers.
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Check out the Outsourcing Playbook For Busy Entrepreneurs here: https://winthehourwintheday.com/outsourcing-playbook
Shahrina Ankhi-Krol Podcast Transcription
[00:07:49] Kris Ward: Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win the hour, Win the day podcast I am your host Kris Ward. And today we have a really unique
[00:07:57] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: guest. She weaseled
[00:07:59] Kris Ward: her way in here because at first I was like, nah, I don’t think so because she’s a lawyer, but hear me out, hear me out. Not that I have anything against lawyers, I just thought it would be one of these situations where they kind of scare you like, okay, this is all the things you should be doing.
[00:08:13] And how is that? Helpful and moving us to our next win, but we talked and she’s got all kinds of pearls of wisdom that really are going to enlighten and educate us and really just move us forward. Not scare us in any way. So welcome to the show. Uh, and I’m, I’m stumbling cause her name is so beautiful. I don’t want to butcher it.
[00:08:31] Sharina and Crow. Welcome Sharina.
[00:08:34] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Thank you so much for having me. And you didn’t say my name correctly, you said for that. And, um, you know, if you have warrior, Joseph’s totally okay. Probably all of them by now. I’m
[00:08:44] Kris Ward: sure you have, I’m sure they teach you that in school. So she’s, uh, Sharina. You’re a fabulous lawyer and you’re out of New York city and we’re thrille
d to have you here.
[00:08:52] And as I said to you, when we chatted earlier, I said, Oh my gosh, you give your industry a good name. It was really. Uh, purposeful and enlightening conversation that we had. And I wanted to unpack some of it here today. So again, what I’m all about with this show is that you guys get to have things that you take away and do something today versus like just theory or concepts or things you should be doing that doesn’t inspire.
[00:09:14] Anybody just wears you down and stresses you out. So Sharina says we can do that today. We’re going to move forward on that. So Oho, this is my first legal disclaimer. I’ve never had to do this before, so you can help me Sharina. This is for what is it? What’s the language here?
[00:09:32] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Informational purposes, only information purposes,
[00:09:36] Kris Ward: information purposes, only not legal advice.
[00:09:39] I feel like I’m, you know, doing a sponsor episode for some NBC show here. Okay. So this is infotainment. This is not legal advice. I’ve never had to say that in my life before. Okay. Sharina, where do you want to.
[00:09:53] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Um, you can ask me any question you want. I would be more than happy to dive in any way you feel your
[00:09:59] Kris Ward: okay.
[00:10:00] She’s good. She’s politely given the court back to me. All right. So let’s talk about social media. We were talking about that a little bit, so, okay. Let’s back the truck up for, even before that. So when we have a company, right. And we have a brand because if you have a company you’re entrepreneur, you have a brand.
[00:10:18] So what are some things that we probably don’t even know? We don’t know, like what, where do we start with that lack of knowledge?
[00:10:25] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Sure. So, um, just to back up a tiny bit, I work exclusively with startups and small businesses in Los. So you’ll know why, why it is that you invited me. Yes, yes. Yes. I work in business contract trademark and copyright laws and trademark and copyright are usually the big factors that go into protecting your brand.
[00:10:45] Um, and Chris and I have been talking and, you know, everyone is on social media. Now, myself included, I, you know, started to be on Instagram a lot more than I used to be because people are finding me through Instagram, which is fantastic. And I never thought that that as an attorney, I would be able to put anything of value on Instagram because of the amount of restrictions we have on and cannot post.
[00:11:09] Kris Ward: We can
[00:11:10] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: legal advice unless you are in clients. So, you know, a lot of those things can probably be needed to really be fun and informative. So, um, what I wanted to talk about today is, you know, how, how do protect your brand and B be aware of what’s going on on social media. So, um, Chris, if you, if you want to ask any specific questions, feel free to do that.
[00:11:31] But I noticed a lot of people, um, by a lot, I mean about 90% of people with small businesses and startups, they’re still excited about a new product or a new service or a new business, any time that they just start putting the name out there, they got their hand handles, which is a great idea to get your handle before.
[00:11:50] You start your business, but they put their handles out there. They start advertising, they start marketing, they spent thousands of dollars on all of those things, you know, not just to get their name out there, but to also get recognition, they start sponsoring people, but they forget, or just completely decided to overlook the fact that they haven’t protected their business name, their business logos, um, you know, or their slogans.
[00:12:16] And I guess I thought too,
[00:12:17] Kris Ward: for me, I thought kind of once you own the.com who like, if I’ve got whatever abc.com then, well, nobody else can take that.com cause I’ve bought it. So I think we all thought there was a sense of ownership there.
[00:12:32] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: So, what you’re talking about is really, um, I, by the way, I know you’re in Canada, I’m in, I’m in the U S U S law.
[00:12:41] Um, so once you own the domain name, that domain name is yours.
[00:12:45] Kris Ward: However,
[00:12:46] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: if you’re not already automatically have a trademark protection name, and that is a miss, uh, miss, uh, conception that a lot of people have. And sometimes there’s a flip side to that. If you go and register your business at the County clerk’s office, A lot of times people think that also protects them throughout the us, um, to trademark, which is not true.
[00:13:09] Kris Ward: I guess what I thought is I didn’t necessarily certainly thought it protected me, but I thought if somebody else hasn’t taken abc.com, they’re not going to have a business ABC and not have.com. Right. That’s what I was thinking. So I thought, Oh, okay, well there obviously isn’t another company name out there like that because, uh, because I own the.com.
[00:13:26] So it wasn’t that I thought it protected it. But I thought it was sort of a little bit like squatter’s rights. Like they’re not going to buy it. They’re not going to buy everything else if they can’t get the.com. So there we are. So that’s misinformation. So now you did mention you’re in the yes. And we’ve got listeners around the world, Australia, Italy, Canada, all that stuff.
[00:13:43] So when they’re looking for someone to check this out for them, a lawyer. What are we asking for? And approximately what kind of investment are we looking at? Like what, what does this, what do we even ask for
[00:13:58] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: sure. So when I’m wherever you are, you know, your country will have its country-specific rules and regulations and intellectual property.
[00:14:06] So what you want to ask a lawyer such as myself who handles this type of law is how do I protect my brands, how to protect my business? How do I protect my logo? Are there different ways to go by doing that? Because here in the U S we, if there’s a logo, I recommend not only registering the trademark of it, but also registering the copyright of the artists to have a complete protection that, um, of that logo.
[00:14:32] However, on the flip side, I could, it’s just the business whose name you are looking to, uh, to protect. It’s just a trademark. There is no copyright to the business name. So these are intricate details. You may not. Really? No, unless you’re speaking to someone that’s handling it all the time.
[00:14:47] Kris Ward: Those are good points.
[00:14:48] Cause somehow I don’t think I ever really gave, I knew the word copyright and trademark, and I don’t think I really thought about them being different. Like, I don’t know if I thought one was a higher in the ranking or I just never gave it any thought. I just knew they were both sort of important words, but I never thought about asking the details of both.
[00:15:04] Right. And so I know you can’t quote as prices and stuff, but are we looking at. Like, you know, tens of thousands. Are we looking at a couple of thousand? Like, what are we looking at?
[00:15:14] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: You know, based on my experience and what I, what I charge, um, about. So for a startup package that would include, you know, starting up an LLC, for example, a limited liability company.
[00:15:26] I trademark. And let’s say one contract of, you know, a generic store, um, that would be around the range of 5,000. That’s a lot. And you know, what really shocks me is that people would invest about five to $10,000 in a business coach to get their mindset out there. However, yes, your mindset is important, but mindset’s not going to protect you.
[00:15:50] If you know, someone’s coming after you to take all your money after you made the money with your mindset, you have to be, you know, aware of that. Um, and I, I hope I’m not scary because no, no, I
[00:16:03] Kris Ward: think you’re making a very good point. I think we just don’t know. And I think you put your head down and you’re lucky to be it and you think, Oh my gosh, if I can survive the first year and all of a sudden you look at it’s been five years.
[00:16:14] Yeah. And you’re right. Then we never thought about the legalities of this because certainly the first six months you weren’t thinking I should protect this logo because you know, you’re just on a hot mess. Anyhow. So no, you’re not scaring us. These are valid points. So you mentioned social media, but when you’re putting stuff out there, um, and again, I, I apologize people.
[00:16:31] I don’t even know. I don’t even know what I don’t know. So I’m asking these broad questions. You mentioned that, what is it you were going to tap into there because I don’t even know.
[00:16:40] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: What social media. Okay. So for example, there is a new client of mine. Obviously, I can’t say the name or etiology reasons, but she, um, she just started, um, a beauty business, right?
[00:16:52] So it’s cosmetics. She has her own cosmetics line. So she’s putting out all the colors of the lipsticks of the eye shadows. Um, even before the manufacturing is complete just to create
[00:17:03] Kris Ward: the buzz, which is
[00:17:05] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: perfect because you want to build that base. And, you know, have that credibility for when you’re pregnancy ready to hit the market.
[00:17:12] But what she didn’t do is protect the name before she started blasting it on Instagram. And she has a really good following when ready, um, our, by them, honestly. I mean, they look fantastic. So she’s doing a great job with the marketing. However, what she didn’t think about was, Hey, it’s a great name. If I put it out there, someone else who you know, is looking around for an aid potentially could.
[00:17:36] Steal it, and then I will be out of luck. That’s exactly what’s happening. So
[00:17:41] Kris Ward: are these, hold on one sec. So is it the name of the company or the name of her new
[00:17:44] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: products? Name of the company.
[00:17:46] Kris Ward: Okay. So she started a new company for cosmetics. She gave it a name and she, she did. Did she buy the.com.
[00:17:53] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: She bought the, she bought the website.
[00:17:55] You are only, she does the.com. However,
[00:17:59] Kris Ward: however,
[00:18:00] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: protect your trademark to the name that she is using for the company that’s now in jeopardy, because someone else is trying to register it for the same thing.
[00:18:10] Kris Ward: Oh, okay. And so how did she even find out they’re trying to register? Did they reach out to her? Is there conflict, confusion
[00:18:16] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: from her saying that she infringed on their rights?
[00:18:20] Kris Ward: So now
[00:18:22] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: everything that she has done with the great marketing that she was doing great advertising, she has to either, you know, pay them to go away, which is probably not going to happen on his knee. Um, or she needs to start from scratch. So everything she spent on marketing and advertising is for your child, right?
[00:18:39] Because she renamed the company.
[00:18:42] Kris Ward: So it’s like those Vista print cards, uh, business cards, uh, there’s a commercial for Vista print business cards. And it makes me crazy. Cause they’ll say. You could spend $50 and get this business card and then you could start a business and it will change your life. You can call your own schedule.
[00:18:57] You can make more money. Now, those things can be true. Yes. You can get those cards. Yes. You can start your own business and yes, you can have that lifestyle. Those things are not directly correlated and in this small period of time,
[00:19:08] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: so. So getting, so I think
[00:19:11] Kris Ward: that’s it, like people run out and say, Oh, I’m gonna start a business.
[00:19:13] Here’s my business card. We’re off to the races. I’ve got a name. And you never think about checking that out. Okay. So, all right. So we need to look into that. All right. Um, and then what else about sharing on social? Well, let, let me take a sideway lane here for a second, because I’m very interested in someone like you where you’re right.
[00:19:34] What the heck are you doing on social media? Like on Instagram, if you’re a lawyer, right. How, what can you, what do you do with, for that? Cause sometimes we’re all stuck with, well, my job is very on the computer. So I thought at first, well, this is hard. It’s not like I get to show you a room, a designed or cookies I baked or whatever.
[00:19:51] And my job I think is interesting, but to watch me work can be kind of boring. So I was struggling with that for a bit. Right.
[00:19:59] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: But what
[00:20:00] Kris Ward: do you do? What is it you’re talking about to get a following on Instagram? Tell me your secrets, because this sounds dry on paper, right?
[00:20:07] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Yeah. Oh, it’s absolutely
[00:20:08] Kris Ward: dry at, in
[00:20:09] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: fact, when I started my Instagram page, uh, several years back, I didn’t know what to put because we can’t put anything about our clients.
[00:20:16] So we can possibly be showing pictures of us working on anything. I mean, how many pictures of myself typing could you possibly? Um, but recently I started gaining a lot more followers because I started posting pictures of myself. Um, and I started writing about topics that are of interest to my clients.
[00:20:36] So for entrepreneurs. Okay. So, you know, they look at the pictures first because obviously Instagram is all visuals.
[00:20:43] Kris Ward: And,
[00:20:44] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: um, you know, then they read the caption. So if the caption can capture their imagination or their attention, then they’re going to read further. So I started putting, putting a lot more substance in there to it.
[00:20:54] I do a lot of encouragement and women empowerment, inspiration, success, you know, So those things that are universal, not just for lawyers, but they speak to my potential clients. So that’s how they got hooked. And also recently I started doing reels, which is a lot of fun for some, you know, some industry as boring as mine.
[00:21:16] Um, I just found a creative outlet. So the reels are a lot of fun for me. I’ve done four so far and I’m hoping to do more because these are just, you know, a creative outlet and then it connects to my, my audience really well.
[00:21:29] Kris Ward: That’s a really good lesson because we do all, a lot of us have computer generated jobs and you’re right.
[00:21:36] Like you you’re, you you’ve heard all the lawyer jokes. Nobody wants to hear about the law. All it is is something that sounds scary. Like I want no part of it. I don’t want it. I don’t want to need a lawyer. Right. So then how do you make that sound, you know, colorful and bubbly and all that stuff on Instagram.
[00:21:53] So that’s a really. You know, a really good service sidebar lesson that I think we could all get a lot of takeaways from that. Awesome. Okay. So what are some other things that you see out there you think they just don’t know? They don’t even know. They don’t know this is, you know, that kind of stuff.
[00:22:08] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: So, you know, what’s really interesting is that I talked so much about Instagram already, but a lot of.
[00:22:14] Clients started coming to me regarding their pictures being stolen from Instagram or that they’re being sued because they took someone else’s photo from Instagram or any other, you know, online platform. And they didn’t realize that you can just copy and paste and use it as your own material. Right. So, um, that’s been a really big and booming area and, um, because I’m so visible on Instagram, people tend to find me.
[00:22:42] To handle Instagram matters, which has fantastic.
[00:22:45] Kris Ward: Oh my gosh. So you’re like, you could be an Instagram lawyer.
[00:22:49] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Yeah. I mean, you know, to, to get something off of Instagram through the legal process is, is very hard it’s so let’s say something of yours got stolen.
[00:22:59] Kris Ward: Right.
[00:23:00] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: It’s going to be really hard to get that off of someone else’s feed.
[00:23:05] So just be careful if you, if you are in, let’s say the photography business, right. And you have, that is your business to take beautiful pictures before you put it on for the world to see and admire and fall in love with you want to protect that picture. So in case someone does steal it. You have a recourse by saying, Hey, this is my registration number.
[00:23:26] You need to take that down now. And at that point, you know, Instagram has to take it down. That becomes, you know, something you can prove and not just, he said, she said, Oh, I owned it first. No, you owned it first.
[00:23:38] Kris Ward: That’s
[00:23:39] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: like to get into.
[00:23:40] Kris Ward: Hold on. I’m a little confused.
[00:23:42] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: So now
[00:23:43] Kris Ward: this might be specific if you’re like a photographer.
[00:23:45] So if there’s just a picture of me, whatever, getting in a car to go to work today, that’s not a big deal, but if you’re putting something out with a high quality image and now somebody else is taking it, saints their work, um, what is it you do with the registration number? You attach it to the picture or what.
[00:24:02] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: So, um, so you own a copyright, at least in the U S to, um, any original work of authorship that includes pictures. Like let’s stay with the same, same example for now simple. So if I were to find someone that stole my picture and use it elsewhere, I would obviously send them a cease and desist letter to take it down.
[00:24:23] Now what happens in, in my, you know, nearly a decade of running my own practice is that I would like, let’s say my client receives a cease and desist letter saying, Hey, you stole my picture. The first thing I would ask that person’s attorney or that person is to give me a registration number for the copyright.
[00:24:42] Uh, if they don’t, if they can’t produce that, my assumption is that it’s not really yours or it didn’t really matter, matter that much for you to protect it. And in the U S unless you have a registration number, you cannot Sue on it for copyright,
[00:24:58] Kris Ward: and that copyright would cover everything in my, all the visuals in my business.
[00:25:03] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Um, as long as they’re all protected.
[00:25:05] Kris Ward: Okay. Gotcha.
[00:25:06] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Protecting one, one, protect everything else. But I will say does it gets very tedious. No person in their right mind will be copywriting. Every single picture that they’re posting online. So my advice is, you know,
[00:25:19] Kris Ward: think about
[00:25:20] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: what you’re putting up there.
[00:25:21] Are you going to be okay if someone copies it? And doesn’t take it down for whatever reason, for either your lack of ability to go after them or they’re just,
[00:25:31] Kris Ward: you know, okay. So then it’s not realistic to be cooperating at copyrighting every picture which I thought was, I mean,
[00:25:38] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: honestly speaking, I don’t know anyone that would do that.
[00:25:41] Kris Ward: Right, but let’s say I’m a photographer and I got an opportunity to take the, I dunno, whatever. I met a wedding and Obama and Oprah are there and I get a picture of that. I might want to copyright that, you know, the big deal. Right. So be selective there. Okay. Perfect. All right. All right. Okay. Awesome. So.
[00:26:01] Here we are
[00:26:02] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: going off. Uh, I guess I’m trying to
[00:26:06] Kris Ward: navigate through this total ignorance that I have. Okay, perfect. I’m still stuck on the fact that you could be Instagram lawyer. I bet you, when you went to law school, you didn’t think Whoa. One day I could be an Instagram
[00:26:16] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: exist back then.
[00:26:19] Kris Ward: That is crazy. Okay.
[00:26:21] So, but when we grab images off, Google, like I see something and I’m trying to give a, an example and I got whatever, a kid eating a bowl of cereal. And I’m, I’m doing a post about, are you working through breakfast? If it’s just an image, like, you know, a cartoon image or it’s just a random stuff on Google, I can use those.
[00:26:39] Correct.
[00:26:40] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Um, no, you shouldn’t use anything. That’s not yours that is ruled who should not. And then rule number two, if you must use something, make sure it’s in the public domain or you’re actually paying for it or what is known as a license. So the person that created it or owns the word, they give you a license.
[00:26:58] To use the product. They’ll say an image for whatever amount you’re paying them. However, just because it’s on a website and you like it, or it appears on Google images doesn’t mean you can take it. In fact, you shouldn’t.
[00:27:11] Kris Ward: Um,
[00:27:12] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: and I’ll just give you an example of someone that today. Okay. So this individual called me actually three times today and he’s having, uh, a little harder time because Louis Vuitton is coming after him.
[00:27:24] Um, for. Using their logo on hats. Um t-shirts and now masks. So he’s been selling these things and I asked him, how did you, how did you start selling them? First of all, then he said, you know, I sell them online and, you know, I have my Instagram page, my Facebook page. So he’s hashtag and I made it, made it that much easier for Louie Baton to find it right.
[00:27:50] So for the same reasons that you may be using certain hashtags or keywords, I mean, I’m going to make those things that much easier to be found by someone that’s looking for it.
[00:28:01] Kris Ward: Okay. So there’s some good points in there. Like you want somebody to follow you, so you use the hashtag and then hashtag means you could also be found.
[00:28:08] Cause you’re looking for followers. You just might not be liking who found you, but, and I don’t want to speak obviously disrespectful by your clients, but that was, that example is a little bit reckless.
[00:28:19] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: It is absolutely. But you know, I’m trying to just drive the point across.
[00:28:23] Kris Ward: Yeah, no, you’re, you know, reckless or not that I can see two things to hell of I’d want to be fighting with Louis Vuitton.
[00:28:30] Secondly, I, I think you could maybe think that in this big world, they would never notice you like gum on their shoe. Like what are they going to notice? Right. So I think what you’re saying is if. So whatever, even if it’s a random cartoon X, like, Oh, don’t do this. And it’s on Google images, we should be buying stuff off.
[00:28:48] I stock, or other platforms that if we log into that platform, even if it’s free image, if we log into that platform and we grab the, grab the image from there, then it’s been given to us and it’s now their responsibility to tell how it was sourced. Exactly. Okay.
[00:29:05] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: So don’t copy and paste that as a horrible idea.
[00:29:09] Okay.
[00:29:09] Kris Ward: Uh, everybody didn’t notice that she said I have horrible idea.
[00:29:16] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: No, no, no. I’m
[00:29:18] Kris Ward: just teasing,
[00:29:19] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: but
[00:29:19] Kris Ward: you know what? And I had heard that, yeah, threat for years don’t do this and whatever. And I just thought that it was one of these inflated things, because, because what I was saying is I wouldn’t take a picture of. Whatever Jennifer Aniston off Google images and then put it on my website for, you know, for whatever, even a background image, you know, never say never mind saying that I worked with her or something silly.
[00:29:42] So I always just thought if you weren’t reckless with it and weren’t silly about it. It didn’t matter if you took a picture of a cat wearing whatever, a cat sitting in front of a bowling ball. If you were talking about bowling in your email, just grab the image off Google images. You’re good to go. But you’re saying it’s just still a dangerous game.
[00:30:02] Don’t do that.
[00:30:03] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: That’s absolutely bad. Even if it’s a really mundane subject that you’re taking a picture of like a cat that you mentioned. Um, it’s not your image. You didn’t spend time taking it. You didn’t create that. So it’s, it’s not yours. So what you have to remember for the word copyright, I like to splice it in all my talks is that as the right for you to copy your own work.
[00:30:24] So if it’s not your own work, you don’t have the right to copy. K a copy, right?
[00:30:29] Kris Ward: Right. Okay. You know what? I’m just getting this down. This been my brain, my cables have just connected. You know what I think I now get is when we put stuff up and let’s say we write an article or we talk about the podcast or my book when the hour, when the day, and we put an image up.
[00:30:43] So here’s the image with me and say Kevin Harrington from shark tank. Cause he was on my show then now I do know you all too. Image, you know, you, you add all texts to that image. So it’s going to come up in Google images, whatever. And so now it’s out there and that’s my image and it’s in Google images cause it’s been tagged what I, and the rest of people, I think we’re honestly thinking was somehow these Google images that were up there were just sort of like leftover pictures in the bottom of a drawer that nobody owned.
[00:31:13] And that’s how I saw them. I would never take from somebody else. Right. But now when I key in my name or the podcast, and I see all these images come up, they are my images. And so somebody else could be taking them and I didn’t get the ownership before. I just thought they were sort of in cyberspace floating around like stars.
[00:31:30] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: And it’s easy to think that you know, that because nothing flashes that you’re saying, you know, don’t use it. It’s not, yeah.
[00:31:38] Kris Ward: These are real pictures. Cause I kind of just thought their junk stuff. Right,
[00:31:42] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: right, right. But there, you know, anything you see, as long as you know, it’s not Morris. You should not be using it today.
[00:31:49] Kris Ward: Okay. We have been, this is a public service announcement. Everybody. I have, I have been awakened. I didn’t get it. I did not get it at all. I’m here to tell you, I
[00:32:01] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: hope after this, you, you will think of me know anytime that stuff comes up.
[00:32:05] Kris Ward: Yeah, no, you’re right. I mean, for the sake of just logging in and now I just didn’t see how it was connected.
[00:32:10] Like I said, I just thought they were random, extra pictures of Google. It’s no big deal. Right. But my pictures are up there. I’ve put all the images in it and they’re going to show up in somebody else’s search and I don’t want them using it. So now I totally understand. And plus I have no interest in the world in getting nasty letters in language.
[00:32:26] I don’t understand what she was legal ease. I don’t need that. Right. It’s,
[00:32:31] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: it’s become really easy to find pictures. Um, You know, it’s not really fun. So you can track Pinterest to see which ones have been downloaded with. You have some things like that. So copyright issues are doing really well. It’s alive and well because of platforms, you know, the sharing platforms, it’s just, it’s, it’s going crazy.
[00:32:51] The next big thing that we’re looking at in the us anyway for, um, you know, to change, uh, in the copyright law is, is the Pinterest issue. Every time you copy it. Every time you share it, you technically committing infringement of copyright, but our laws haven’t caught up to that yet. So that’s currently being developed.
[00:33:14] Like, are you, you know, what are your rights when you share something? Because now there’s sharing button, you know, on Facebook, obviously pending their business. You pin it every time you pin it, you are committing technically speaking, copyright infringement of wherever it’s coming from. So we’re now in the process of developing that area of law within our copyright.
[00:33:37] So
[00:33:38] Kris Ward: also I think that the story behind the story here, we forget that is you are a lawyer and you said the copyright industry is alive and well, so that’s a business for you. So it really
[00:33:50] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: is.
[00:33:51] Kris Ward: Right. So it’s in your best interest for these things to be pursued because it’s a business for you. So it’s not even like, Oh, unless I do something crazy, crazy.
[00:33:59] And, you know, say that I invented this and. And, you know, buy a $50 phone and then slap Apple logo on it with a picture like, unless they do something it’s not about that land, just behavior. It’s about the technicalities of the law generate business for you. And, and as we move forward in this day and age, with all this sharing and craziness going on and social media exploding, exploding, exploding, that’s going to generate offsets for other industries like yourself.
[00:34:25] Absolutely. And, you know,
[00:34:27] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: I like to be more proactive in my practice. I’d rather help my clients to protect their work before someone else comes and sues them, or they have to see someone else because that becomes a lot more time consuming and obviously a lot more expensive. So I like proactive coaching possibly.
[00:34:46] Kris Ward: All right. Well, I’ve got nothing left to say people I’m just you’re
[00:34:49] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: going. Oh, I didn’t
[00:34:50] Kris Ward: understand. I didn’t understand. Okay. And that’s a really interesting thing that I still value your time here today because the problem with, of course, we all know ignorance is no excuse for the law, but you don’t know what you don’t know.
[00:35:02] And then the problem with, as I said to you, and really nicely, you give your industry a great name because the problem with talking to a lawyer is of course, you’re going to tell me all these scary, legal stories. I don’t need that energy. I don’t need to be hearing all this. You sued McDonald’s cause their coffee’s too hot.
[00:35:15] I don’t need all that. So, but then there’s common sense or there’s best practices. And because we, we go way over here. We don’t want to hear the scary stories and we don’t hear any of them. Right. Okay. So, okay. I get it. I get it. All right. My dear friend, Sherry, why don’t you tell us where people can find everyone check her on Instagram.
[00:35:34] We’re going to see how she’s doing this so Instagram and where else can we find you?
[00:35:39] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Sure. So actually on my screen here is my Wednesday
[00:35:43] Kris Ward: audio. They’re going to see it on YouTube a little bit, but they’re going to hear it on iTunes. So we’ll put it in the show notes. So we’ll put it in there. Show notes.
[00:35:50] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Awesome. So, you know, if you just type in anti Crow law, it’s a N K H I K R O L L a w.com. Information’s guy come up. So you can email me, call me, connect with me on social media, whichever the case is. Um, and I’d be happy to connect.
[00:36:08] Kris Ward: Okay, so we will make sure that’s in the show notes. Cause she’s got a beautiful name, but we want to make sure we get those constants in the right order.
[00:36:15] And uh, thank you for your brilliance brilliance. We totally, I can’t even talk straight anymore. Now I’m thinking about all of these images, so thank you for your time. You were fabulous and everyone else till the next episode, we’ll see you then.
[00:36:28] Shahrina Ankhi-Krol: Thank you.