Episode Summary

This week’s episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day Podcast is sponsored by Win The Hour, Win The Day’s Signature Coaching Program the Winners Circle. Kris Ward who helps entrepreneurs to stop working so hard interviews, Deanna Portes.


Deanna Portes gives us the inside scoop on the modern-day outsourcer. Deanna explains the difference in effective team management, what outsourcing includes, and how to execute high-level business functions.

-How to get more work done, in less time without mistakes.
-Why building trust is a key outcome in systems and processes.
-How team collaboration saves you and your small business money!
And MUCH more!



Win The Hour Win The Day

Deanna Portes Podcast Transcription

START[00:10:15]Kris Ward: Hey everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win the Hour. Win the Day, and I am your host, Kris Ward, and today we have a super special show. We truly do. I’m really excited about this. We have Deanna Portes in the house. Now, Deanna is gonna talk to us about how to have a super crazy productive outsourcer on your team. Is that correct, Deanna? 

[00:10:39]Deanna Portes: Yeah. So I’m really excited for this podcast, Kris.

[00:10:43]Kris Ward: Okay. Awesome. All right, so we’re using the word outsourcer here because that’s a term that is a key word. Everyone’s asking about it. But with you working with me, I call it having a team member. And in fact, I call having it a W.I.N team, A what is next team.

So that you can get to what is next and what is next. So that’s the premise of what we’re gonna be talking about here today, is how can you have an amazing team? Really, frankly, works independently and not only, does their own work, but to some point manages you. Deanna, welcome to the show.

[00:11:19]Deanna Portes: Yes. Thank you so much. I’m so excited to talk about what it’s like being on your team, Kris. 

[00:11:26]Kris Ward: Yes. Okay. So there we did. She gave away the goodies. Okay. Here it is. Deanna is part of my team and we are bringing her on here to talk about what I would say is the three most important things from Deanna’s perspective.

These are her notes, her three most important things to having a crazy productive outsourcer slash team. And Deana, you highlight these as leadership skills, systems and processes and communication. And then there’s a bonus one we’ll talk about at the end. Very super important, one, very unique that no one else does.

So let’s talk about that. Deanna, tell us a little bit about, what maybe it was like working other places or what you noticed as far as the difference in working with our team, cuz you really did talk a lot about leadership in the pre-interview. So tell me what that means to you. What does leadership skills and stuff like that mean to you?

[00:12:15]Deanna Portes: Yeah basically, Kris I’m just going to give a little background just so they know. I was an outsourcer for more than two years, and this is actually the first time that I have worked with a team just like yours. So it’s pretty different from what I’ve experienced, especially us, a lot of people, a lot of ethnicities say this that a lot of Filipinos are like too polite.

So usually we are submissive to our boss. You can say that. We don’t want to talk back or if we have some opinions, we just keep it to ourselves because we don’t have that kind of relationship with them. But it’s different with us because you really empower us to give ideas and then no idea is wrong.

No. So that is a really great team to be a part of. And I’ve also experienced I had this one experience where I know I have a better idea than my boss, but I just wouldn’t say it because some people are not open. It’s just like you are their employee. You don’t have to say anything like add something. So it’s really different where in this team we can really collaborate and then share ideas. 

[00:13:53]Kris Ward: Cause you know, let me jump in here. Something I say all the time is I am quite enthusiastic about being the dumbest person in the room. I do feel I have an amazing team and I want you here because you are gonna have great ideas.

And I really push that in the beginning saying, “Look, you’re not here.” This is not like a teacher-student thing. I’m not here for you to just do as I tell you. That’s not of any interest to me or any of the clients that we work with in the Winners Circle. What we want is a strong team. And we all know a team is only as good as its weakest link.

And you bring up some really good points, Deanna talk about being fearful of showing up your boss, which is a word I never use. I don’t think you’ve ever heard me say that, right? Yes. I don’t use that word. Talking back and being Filipino, and you’re known for being polite and submissive.

But I would also argue too, I don’t think, I think that your culture is particularly known for that, although in Canada we’re known for being pretty nice too. But also what I would say is when you’re working with a small business, I did back in the day where I’d be working in a small office and it’s three or four of us and the whole office, it was like that.

Boss was your parent and when they were in a good mood, the office was a good day. And so you did have this submissive kind of always a barometer what kind of mood they’re in and they really did dictate you, you’re right. You find out too late that, Oh, I thought I was helping and I had a great idea, and somehow I annoyed them or embarrassed them.

So I think it’s not just the Filipino culture. I think sometimes when you get small groups of people, the ego can be a problem, but who cares? Let’s get more stuff done and have more fun doing it. That’s my whole thing about that. So I think you’re right. I think, you know too, where I am always talking about leadership opportunities and how you speak with confidence and own your ideas. And even in the beginning when you

had ideas, you’d be like, “Yeah, I think I have a… Kris, I think I have an idea of this.” I’d be like “What’s that? Just tell me what your idea is. Don’t soften your voice.”

And I would say to you, that’s not a great leadership example. So if you have an idea say, “Kris, I think I have an idea. How about we try it this way and then people will buy into your idea of you’ve got confidence,” but if you sound unsure and you weren’t unsure of your idea, but you were unsure presenting it. So I beat that outta you pretty quick, didn’t I? 

[00:16:23]Deanna Portes: Yes. And also there was one time where I was saying that it was a small win and that I was pretty shy about it. And then you were saying, no, that’s not a small win. That’s act actually huge. Because I think it’s part of being submissive and also shy

because mostly work workspace where you’re not really encouraged to have your own ideas to enjoy and then celebrate your small wins. So having wins was I was almost ashamed. There was a kind of feeling like, Oh, should I be happy about it? Should we celebrate?

It was like it wasn’t a great feeling, especially you really worked hard for it. And I think it’s also part of there’s not really much recognition. You’re just like, literally an employee. You’re paid to do your job. Nothing else. So just in the corner work.

[00:17:22]Kris Ward: I think too, Deanna, it’s almost like a task monkey. Like it’s almost like you’re over there and this is a work you have and so get it done. And it’s sometimes it’s repetitive, it’s data entry and it’s very boring. And I have no interest in that. Not only for myself, but for you guys. And so we’re always making things more and more efficient so we can go on and do the next thing, right?

So I think that’s a big difference here is I’m not just handing you a pile of work and then you keep on top of it. We. We wanna always be moving forward. There’s always something we wanna do bigger and better. So it is, I’m so passionate and interested in having a collaborative team. And if I don’t, if I had to, I push a little bit and I teach you these things in the beginning, but seriously, that’s a reason why I would get some rid of somebody is

Look, if you can’t step up and you’re just going to do, as I tell you all the time, and put your head down and just do exactly as I tell you, and only what I tell you.

Then what are you here for? We’re looking for people with ideas, with brains, with thoughts, with interests. I always hire personality over skill set. Absolutely. Okay. So you think that the learning how to have leadership skills, even in your own position, that’s a big deal.

And then we talk a lot about super toolkits, which are systems and processes. We created a really efficient sort of systems and processes on steroids. So tell me what it’s like working with those parameters in your position. 

[00:18:56]Deanna Portes: So actually when I first started with you and Kasel was training me and then mentioning me the word Super Toolkit, I was confused like, what is Super Toolkit?

And then what’s that? She was always like, Oh, just follow the Super Toolkit. We have that. And I was really confused What? Why are we training? Shouldn’t you train me? Shouldn’t I like write what I’m supposed to do? Because she was always saying, “Don’t remember this.” Because I was like, what?

Why don’t I have to remember this? She said, she was always mentioning the Super Toolkit, so I was like really confused. Like what? Because this is the first time that I have ever encountered a Super toolkit. So actually when it was like my first two to three weeks, I actually was just looking at the Super toolkit, but I was still remembering my tasks.

Basically it’s still using up my brain power in the beginning. I wasn’t sure like what is it. I really didn’t know what the Super Toolkit is and then the process.

[00:20:06]Kris Ward: Okay, hold on. Let’s unpack for a minute. Cause it sounds like we didn’t train you. Two things. Yeah, two things, something you just said that I didn’t think about at all right now just hit me like ton of bricks is you’re saying..

 Okay, I’m starting new jobs, so I’m taking my own notes and I’m trying to figure out how to do this. So then the person training you. Their approach of doing it. Now you’re taking your own notes and you’re interpreting a new position and a new job, and you’re making notes.

So they’re not even gonna be great notes because they’re new, and so there’s no formula that’s consistent. There’s no recipe that’s duplicated. It’s every person’s gonna come in and take their own notes and then hand off a version of those notes so it gets watered down. And because we have these systems and processes and super toolkit that have been developed and are efficient and have been proven, and we keep editing them, we keep CUEing them. Do you wanna tell what everyone, tell everyone what CUEing is? 

[00:20:56]Deanna Portes: Yes. So CUEing them is create, use and edit. So yes, that’s for our super toolkits for our systems and process.

[00:21:06]Kris Ward: Perfect. So we’re always CUEing them, we’re always improving them. So by the time you came on, which was really interesting, and then a lot of our work had grown and we started doing TikTok and our social media was growing, so we had to split a position we had and we had to say, “Okay, we’re really gonna expand on this and have someone that just does the social media.”

And so Kasel, who was leaving to go off to school and her position was two positions. Now we split it and we gave you the social media. We were just new at TikTok when you start like barely I knew how to log in. I’m no expert at it now, but I do nothing. It was like typing with my elbows and because you started with super toolkit that Kasel had created, we didn’t have to relearn that.

And then you took us to the next level, like in weeks, because we’re like, this is what we know. Here’s a super toolkit, and then you kept adding to it, which is what a super toolkit’s for. We’re always creating, using, editing it. Yes. So we were like really off to the races so quickly, and that happens all the time when we do things because the super toolkit, you just keep creating, using it, editing it.

So then it gets proven like, yeah, this works, this doesn’t, especially when you’re learning something. I think in the beginning, every time she would show you a super toolkit or you’d ask her new questions, she’d say, “Yeah, we have a super toolkit for that.” You thought, Oh, you did getting these pieces of content and showing you how to do something, but you didn’t understand the umbrella language of a super toolkit. You didn’t understand that there’d be a super toolkit for everything. 

[00:22:23]Deanna Portes: Yes, for everything. You said a really good point, Kris, because I also thought of it just now because like for like regular workspaces, for example, somebody will resign. It will be it. You mentioned that it’ll be watered down, which is correct because usually when you pass something to another person, they will just do a shortcut or do what they know which is not supposed to be that. It’s supposed to be like what is the correct steps so you don’t miss anything and then the quality does not change. Yeah. So that’s a really good point and then also when Kasel was training me,  it was really efficient because I didn’t have to learn everything at once.

She didn’t have to quit. Did I forget something? It wasn’t her remembering that, Oh, did I taught you this? Did I taught you this step? Because everything is laid out. She was just like showing me. 

[00:23:42]Kris Ward: That’s a really good point. Cause then she’s gonna leave the position. Or worse, lots of times people are hired cuz somebody has already left and then you’re like, that person left with that knowledge.

But you’re saying like, Kasel’s not running around going, oh, what else is there? Oh yeah. And then there’s this, and she throws you random pieces of information that don’t all fit in one bucket, but she’s”Hey, here’s a super toolkit for this. Oh, now we’re gonna, boom, try this. It’s all very clear, right?”

[00:24:08]Deanna Portes: Because usually what happens is, for example, somebody already left. So you have to ask your boss, “Oh, is this the correct step? Blah, blah, blah.” And usually they don’t, “Oh, we don’t know because they’re the ones who did it.” But we have the super toolkit and so everything is laid out. You don’t forget anything.

Everything is you. Edit and then start from where they stop. You don’t have to start all over again, which is like no relearning. 

[00:24:38]Kris Ward: You’re not relearning from their mistakes, but also as you move forward in the position, you’re not constantly relearning things either, cuz you’re building on your own strengths.

[00:23:47]Deanna Portes:Yes. So you just have to like what you mentioned on TikTok, the basics are laid out so we can just like edit, “Oh, we can try this.” So is that like really work dumping more work. It’s like steps. You’re taking step, is that like a cycle where, “oh, I forgot this. Or should we do this again?” Yeah, something like that.

[00:25:11]Kris Ward: And so I think too, you made a really good point when we were chatting earlier. You’re talking about something I say all the time is. You felt that it gave you some confidence because then if there is a problem, Deanna, what do we do? What do we look at first?

[00:25:29]Deanna Portes: If when we encounter a problem, we look at our super toolkit. “Oh, there’s something wrong. Why is it like that?” Because of that, before I had like really bad anxiety even if it’s not my fault “Oh my God, something happened.” Even if it’s not my job, or if it’s not my fault, I usually get anxiety because they’re always blaming the one who did it. They’re blaming the employee saying what did you do? What why did you forget it? Why did you like, skip this? 

[00:26:03]Kris Ward: So you’re on the defensive, so somebody’s gonna be blamed even if I didn’t do it or drop the ball. I could be the target and what do you do? And then if they, “No, I didn’t do it. Do you blame your coworker?” So it’s there’s gonna be, stuff’s gonna hit the fan here, who’s in trouble? But with us, if we look at something and we go, “Oh, there’s a problem. The first thing we look at is a super toolkit and say clearly there’s this step, a step missing here, or we wouldn’t have made that mistake.” So then we improve the super toolkit. 

[00:26:35]Deanna Portes: Yes. We improve the super toolkit and not blame the person because we always say that there’s a fault. If something goes wrong, there’s a fault in the system, not the one who’s working on it. Yeah, that’s actually, that’s a really great feeling because it’s not like you’re worried like, “Oh, am I gonna lose my job because of this?”

You’re not. It’s it’s not that you’re, What do you call this? It has like a feeling of you’re not always worried because you know that you’re doing your job, you’re following the super toolkit, you’re following the correct steps. So if something goes wrong, you can just fix it because you know that, Oh, we have the steps for that, so we can just improve on the steps that you’re following.

[00:27:20]Kris Ward: Yeah, it’s coming from a position of strength. And I think also too, you make a really good point, Deanna, like if you’re worried about getting in trouble and worried about work tomorrow and worried about your boss being mad at you, that’s not going to create more good work. Like you going into work and now you’re afraid to make a mistake is just gonna say there’s no risk taking. There’s no new ideas, and you’re preoccupied and nervous. So then you can’t be delivering your best work. So really then creates more problems, I think. 

[00:27:53]Deanna Portes: Yes. Because usually before, with my experience, instead of thinking about the work, I was thinking about, oh my God, am I gonna get in trouble the day? Or is he gonna shout at me? Is he gonna call for? 

[00:28:07]Kris Ward: Oh, dear God. So to get you, I would imagine shouting at somebody. Oh my God, I don’t understand that. Yelling at people. Hello. You’re not, I don’t think you should yell at your own children and just say, Don’t listen to you. Not that. That I’m that evolved of a person.

But nobody hears you when you’re yelling. But I certainly would never yell at somebody at work cuz you’re not related to me. Go yell at your family if you think that’s how you communicate. But, all so let’s talk about communication. So communication was another thing that you highlighted here. So to you, what does that mean? 

[00:28:37]Deanna Portes: For communication it means for me that, for example, I’m not running around like it also ties up with the systems and processes because everything is communicated in like our basecamp. Yeah. So for example, oh I have like for example, I have a question, how do I do this?

So instead of going back and forth with like my teammates, I first look at our super toolkits if it’s there so I can figure it out myself. And then if for example, I’m still confused. It’s really easy for us to like, ask questions because even if we have a flexible working schedule, we alway we have a time where, oh, I know she’s here because this is like a certain time that we’re supposed to be here just so we can collaborate.

[00:29:32]Kris Ward: Okay, so hold on. You’re bringing up two really good points. So one is we have scrums every day. They’re just quick little meetings and they’re not to go over work or for me to check your work. Therefore, we hop on if we try, especially me, I’m like, Okay, Deanna, this is what I wanna do. How, where do I start?

Like on TikTok or something like that. So it’s a place for us to collaborate, brainstorm, and have quick information is to move us forward on projects. So there’s scrums. That’s one thing that’s super important. And then the other thing is when you’re talking about communicating, Okay, I’m gonna stop stalling. What was the other point you just made? I drifted. Sorry. Hold on. We’re talking about scrums.

[00:30:11]Deanna Portes: It also ties up with systems and processes because we have the super toolkits and then we don’t go back and forth like, how do you do this? How do you do that? And also you taught us to use Loom, which is very efficient.

[00:30:26]Kris Ward: Okay. I did really stellar point and I do not know what it was, but I’ll come back to it. I haven’t done that before. Usually I write down the words as we’re talking. But anyhow, I got so wrapped up in something you said, so we were talking. So it is really important that we do have the scrums and that also that the thing is, if you have questions, you know what?

You just bring them to Scrum. We move forward, we create new super toolkit. It’s all good. Okay, so then we also wanna talk about job bio. This is something that is really clear now. Let’s see, cuz it’s still new to you. Can you describe what a job bio is? 

[00:31:03]Deanna Portes: A job bio is something that is laid out like your daily tasks. So you don’t have to delegate every single thing to us. So for example, every Monday we do this, every Tuesday this is our task. And in the bottom we also have the monthly. 

So we don’t have to ask you every day like, Oh, Kris, what should I supposed to do for this day? Kris, what are my tasks? So I think that’s a very great use of job bio, because before I would just sit around and then, oh my God, what are my tasks today? And also because of job bio, we don’t have to interrupt anyone. Oh, do you know if Kris asked me to do.

[00:32:52]Kris Ward: Okay, hold on. I remember my earlier point and now I get wrote down the two. Cause you brought up a couple really good points. The other one you talked about was hours and being flexible.

And that’s something that a lot of people do with outsourcers. They’ll have them work the overnight shift, which I think is crazy cuz you don’t get any good work out of anyone at five o’clock in the morning. So if your night shift is my day shift, I also think that I’m not doing my work well If I need you around all day long, then that’s a problem.

So we have a overlap that you work to around my lunchtime. So if we’re gonna have scrums or we check in the morning, that’s fine, but then the other four hours you can be working when I’m sleeping, which is great cuz then I get up and more work is done. So I think you had touched on flexible hours and I think that’s a really key point because so many people don’t know how to utilize that.

And we always talk to our clients in the Winners Circle about, “Hey, have your team or your outsourcer around in the morning your time and they can check out 11-12 o’clock. That might be 11/12 o’clock. At night for them. But then, you know what, that’s fine. It’s better than working to five o’clock in the morning.

So I think that’s really important point. So the other thing too is I think what the job bio is, which people sometimes confuse with the job description. Cause when you start a new job, they give you this job description, which by the way, at the end of it, they just say, and any other responsibilities we assign to you?

So what the heck? Like they’re just saying, and anything else we ask you to do. So when we’re doing work, let’s say whatever I’m asking you to do something for, you’re doing some follow up on a show that I was on as a guest in a podcast, right? So now it’s “Oh, I was on this show.”

And then there’s a systems and process. There’s a super toolkit for once I’m on a show. What do we do with that afterwards when we get the file and you follow that? That has a deadline because I was on a show and action happened. We created work, we followed the super toolkit and it was created and there’s a deadline.

But the point with the job bio, which you bring up, is there’s things that you have to do every week that no one kind of tells you to do. It’s just something you should be doing. Like on Mondays, you are going to be gathering me information about other shows I could potentially be on. So you what We do our guest inspiration list.

So you do research on that every Monday. That way it’s not like once every six weeks they go, “Oh, I haven’t been on shows lately. Go get me a whole bunch.” And then we leave it for three months and forget, Oh, I had that list, but we use the list now we need to make a new list. Yeah. So the job bio is just a list of responsibilities that you have to do all the time that are not created by somebody else’s work.

So it’s just like you just in the old, in another job. You just have to remember to do it. Oh, I just do this. Which is fine, except when you leave or you’re on vacation or you’re ill that day, somebody else can go look at your job bio and say, “Oh, we have to, our blog goes up on Thursday. This is what we have to do.”

Cuz she’s not in today. So the job bio makes sure that everything’s covered. So that’s super important. So you find the job bio helpful? 

[00:34:53]Deanna Portes: Yes. And also in the job bio, there’s a link to the super toolkit. So for example, I’m not there. They don’t have to, Oh, she has to do it. But how do we do it? So everything is laid out for you.

Oh so Deanne is supposed to do the guest inspiration list. Oh, let’s click this, and, Oh, there you go. That’s the step. So it’s really easy for anyone to do it. If you’re not around, which is really helpful, like you’re not scrambling, nobody’s running around Oh my God, you have to do this. Or but we don’t know how. It’s just really stressful. 

[00:35:30]Kris Ward: Yeah. But who needs that? So I think here in your notes, you talked about not being overworked, not being bored, not being stressful. It sounds like fun. Cause I think business should be fun. It should be fun, right? And it should support your life, not consume it.

And I don’t want you running around thinking about this. That’s another thing too, I think I talked to more about this on the show too, is another thing you notice really quickly, like you log in, you log out. And I say to you, “Do not be checking your emails after hours thinking,” Oh, is it I’m new at my job and if she has a question, excuse me, I better make sure I answer cuz blah, blah, blah.

No. This is not one of those situations. This is a real, we’ve got a real setup here with a beginning and end to your shift so that you don’t have all these things floating around your brain stressing you out. 

[00:36:14]Deanna Portes: Actually that’s really also a good point because before, like when I was working like maybe two weeks, there was this time that I was, I think I was about to go dinner.

I was about to eat my dinner and then I forgot too, so like I didn’t put I was away for 30 minutes and then you messaged me and then are you around? And then I panicked. Oh my God, she’s looking for me. So I had to drop my dinner and then, and Oh God, yes that was like really stressful, but you taught us, like for example, just because I messaged you, it doesn’t mean that, for example, you have to log in, you can just say, 

“Oh, Kris, I just came back because I ate lunch” because usually before I really had this like panic and anxiety Oh my she’s looking for me. Oh my God, am I in trouble? So right now it’s not like that. 

[00:37:16]Kris Ward: Yes. No, it’s not like that. So a couple things. What we do is if you’re away from the computer, you say, “Hey, I’ll be back in an hour. I’m having dinner.” No problem.

 Not a big deal. And then sometimes too, like I think in that particular day I was in between, I was on a bunch of podcasts that day and I had a quick question for you and I didn’t have time to check my email where you log out and I was like, “Hey, are you still around?” And you’re like, Oh, I was on a break cuz I went to have dinner and then when you came back, I said to you, listen.

I just didn’t have time to check if you had logged in out. That’s on me. But I was just saying I have a quick question cuz it was something about the podcast. If you had logged out and you’re away having dinner, then when me looking for you, that’s on me. It doesn’t matter. I’m like, Oh, I didn’t, I’m thank you.

No problem. I didn’t see you away. My mistake, whatever. And I said to you, don’t ever panic when I’m looking for you. I know you log in and out and if you didn’t, then I would say to you in the beginning I said, “Listen, you can go have dinner. You just have to have tell us, have dinner with your family.”

You just have to tell me that you’re gone for a half hour. So I know I’m not looking for you. But if I was looking for you really quickly, cuz I had two seconds and forgot something. And that doesn’t happen very often cuz we’re all Yes. Really leaning in our systems and processes. But if I did, that’s the thing because we have everything so set up effectively, it’s, you’ll never be in a panic.

Because my behaviors won’t be erratic because we’re following the calendar, we’re following the super toolkit. So it’s not this mayhem of, “Oh no, where most people have rotating set of emergencies, which really impacts our mood.” We don’t go through that.

[00:38:49]Deanna Portes: Yes. And then also I remember like with the job bio that we have.

I think this happened like a couple of weeks ago. We were able to interchange task easily without having to train for a few days. It’s just like on the spot “Oh we will transfer this task to you because we already have the super toolkit.” And it was pretty easy because if like it’s from a different business, you have to have like maybe that week you will be having the calls and then training, and then you have to ask all the questions because it’s not laid out for you. What we have. What’s happened with Criz? 

[00:39:31]Kris Ward: Yes, I think with Criz what happens is because the super toolkits are so well laid out is it really allows me to see who has different strengths in different areas.

Cuz you’re not running around doing busy work. So Criz was doing the slide shows for my coaching in the Winners Circle and she was doing them like I would do them. They were very structured, they all had a formula. But I’m like, I think she’s doing them because I asked her to do them, but she doesn’t love doing them.

And when I asked her about that, she goes, “Yeah, I’m not very creative.” I’ll put it out. Laid out, but you seem to be really creative. So I said why don’t we see if Criz wants to give those to Deanna, you love them. You did a much better job. She was relieved, which again, there was no blame, no whatever, because everybody’s fallen super toolkits.

We’re like, okay, just give that to her. She was happy and you and I got much better slides and she got relief. But it took, like we just said, here’s the super tool kit for it. And you did it like it was no.. You didn’t spend even a half hour with her. You just got the super toolkit and you followed it.

So that brings really good points. Yeah. We could, Oh, I could talk to you all day, Deanna, as we do alright, everyone else, I hope you learned something here from our brilliant Deanna. This is, I brought her here. At first she gasped a little bit, but she came on the show.

She did a spectacular job. But I have to say, you guys have no idea. I don’t know. I’m sure her brilliance, some of it came out in this interview, but if you knew. If you knew how amazing she was and how much work she provides for me and oh boy. Oh boy. Boy, oh boy. Anyhow, I clearly buy a long shot and I am the dumbest person in the room when my team is here.

So Deanna, I thank you for your time and your energy and everyone else. I will see you in the next episode. END[00:41:16]