Episode Summary
This week’s episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day Podcast interviews, Alicia Henderson.
Are you ready to make video marketing simple and powerful? Join Alicia Henderson as she breaks down how to use video to connect with your audience, build trust, and grow your business.
In this must-listen episode, you’ll discover:
-Why video is a must for every business, no exceptions.
-The simple way to repurpose videos and save time.
-How to create videos that attract the right clients to you.
-Why likes and comments don’t matter as much as you think.
-How to use LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram to boost your visibility.
Don’t miss this chance to learn practical tips that will take the stress out of video marketing!
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You can find Alicia Henderson at:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciahendersonbiz/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliciahendersonbiz/
Win The Hour Win The Day
Alicia Henderson Podcast Transcription
[00:00:00] Kris Ward: Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day, and I am your host, Kris Ward. And today in the house, we have Alicia Henderson, and she is a video strategist. So let’s just get right into it. Welcome to the show. Alicia.
[00:00:14] Alicia Henderson: Thanks for having me. I’m super excited to be here to talk about video.
[00:00:18] Kris Ward: Okay. So when we’re talking about video, where do you want to start?
[00:00:21] Alicia Henderson: The biggest mistake is people not doing video guys?
[00:00:25] Kris Ward: Okay, so I’m not going to give that any time or attention because I don’t understand that. It is just not an option. It’s like trying to run a business without a computer at this point.
[00:00:37] That’s what I think. I don’t know if you have to be out there with the work you do convincing people they have to do video, but I don’t get how that’s even part of the dialogue anymore because it’s just not an option. You people have to see your face. They have to hear your voice. They have to know you exist.
[00:00:52] So are we in agreement on that?
[00:00:55] Alicia Henderson: We are in agreement. And I feel that if you’re not doing video, are you stuck in 1990? Because why wouldn’t you not be doing video? People, they want to see you. They want to hear your voice. It doesn’t matter if you’re building a personal brand or if you are a company, you have to be doing video.
[00:01:13] People want to know we’re not doing, business with a logo or a robot. No. And people are, they’re reading less, unfortunately, they’re reading less. They’re skimming. I skim when I read, skim for like keywords, people want to know you and they do want to be entertained. Yeah. Regardless of whatever you think it is, like you don’t have to be dancing and jumping around and pointing at stuff, but they want to see you.
[00:01:38] They want to hear you. They want to know whether or not they’re going to like you and do business with you. So you have to be up there talking or someone in your company.
[00:01:46] Kris Ward: It’s a non negotiable.
[00:01:48] Let’s just call it that. It’s a non negotiable. Okay. So it’s a non negotiable. What’s the next thing we need to know?
[00:01:54] Alicia Henderson: The next thing you need to know about a video is that you, like I said, need to be doing it. You need to be consistent with video. Okay. And when consistent with video, I’m not talking about you need to be coming out with a video every single day. Okay. Once or twice a week, and you can be mixing it up.
[00:02:15] Okay. My thing is I’m giving you a little bit of secret of what I like to do now. I’ve been doing this for a while.
[00:02:23] Kris Ward: So everybody lean in. She’s given us secrets. Okay. Slow the car down. If you’re driving, we’re getting secrets. Okay, go ahead.
[00:02:29] Alicia Henderson: So I like to do a little bit of extra stuff. So like maybe I’ll do a live video.
[00:02:34] So I’ll do a live video. That’s 30 minutes long. I don’t suggest doing anything longer than that, especially if you’re doing like an interview. So maybe. And if it doesn’t last maybe 45 minutes, but if it’s a solo dolo 30 minutes, you get in, you talk about what you need to talk about. You’re not doing something where it’s, hey, girl, hey, or you’re saying hello for 10 minutes, your content, you do maybe an intro that is two or three minutes long.
[00:02:59] And then you get in, you say what you got to say. Maybe do a Q and A if there’s nobody there. Don’t
[00:03:05] Kris Ward: hold on. Hold on. We went from, you might be scaring people. You went from this and you grow up, you need to do video. And then we went to a 30 minute video. That’s live. Where the heck are we doing this 30 minute live video?
[00:03:17] Alicia Henderson: Oh, okay. Hold on. Cause I’m gonna get there.
[00:03:18] Kris Ward: Oh, okay. Sorry. All right.
[00:03:20] Alicia Henderson: So in your, if you’re on LinkedIn, which you should be, we’re on LinkedIn, do it there. But if you are not on LinkedIn, that’s okay.
[00:03:29] Kris Ward: We’re going to assume you’re on LinkedIn. On LinkedIn. Stop listening to the show and shows your close your business.
[00:03:34] Okay.
[00:03:34] Alicia Henderson: But if you’re not on LinkedIn, that’s completely fine because Facebook and Instagram, they also have a live videos as well as YouTube. But as a backstory, I have built my business off of live video. I have over 400 live videos. I’m not new to this. I’m true to this. Okay. So if anybody wants to check my resume, you can go ahead and check it.
[00:03:54] I have over 400 live videos. So I’m saying something that I know works. A little bit of mixture of my my style is a little live video, or you can do a, what I call a remixed reel. So I’ll do a little reel and then I’ll do another short video. That is 60 seconds. That gives a little bit of content that is a nurture video.
[00:04:16] Or a video that I call as a conversion video. So I’ll say, Hey, and I’ll talk about something that is relatable to my ideal client that takes them from where they are and shows them where they could be in the future. I don’t do a lot of attraction marketing because I feel like we can’t always talk about where our ideal clients are in their problem, but the problem to their solution.
[00:04:37] So we’re going to do two videos. And you put it out there and then you mix it up with your current existing marketing strategy. So that’s why I suggest two videos a week. If you want to be ambitious, you can do more. I’m not one of those video strategists that pushes you to do video every single day, because I just feel like you’re overwhelming your audience when you do that.
[00:04:57] So consistent videos. If you want to start off with one, hey, one video a week, two is always great. Sometimes strive for three. Now, if you want to say, Hey, Alicia, I like the idea of having a conversation with a live video. Hey, go for one live video once a month. That is completely fine.
[00:05:20] Kris Ward: Okay. Okay. So let’s break this down.
[00:05:22] So This is interesting to me because you’re right, so many of us, I have been, falling prey to the subscription that volume. Like more things I throw out there or keep testing or whatever you need variety or keep feeding the beast of the algorithm. I was definitely looking at Monday to Friday at least one video per day.
[00:05:42] What you’re saying is oh, we can do a live once a month and then we can do one or two a week. Yeah. And also, I guess I know you had mentioned earlier too, prior to the show that it’s really about quality, like it’s better to do two good videos than five rushed videos.
[00:05:58] Alicia Henderson: Yes, exactly. So quality means we want to have content within the video that is impactful.
[00:06:05] Now it doesn’t need to be what we’re giving the whole farm away where it’s all these tips for all this. Our whole blueprint or our whole, whatever it is that we have, our whole strategy within the video, what you could do is you could have, say, for instance, if you have this formula or this blueprint, and there’s 10 steps to your formula, instead of doing this long winded, 10 minute video that gives the whole blueprint of what you do, why don’t you just break it down and have, 10, 60 second videos, and you’ve two to three of those a week.
[00:06:42] Now you have two to three weeks of content of your formula that you can make. And in fact, you don’t even have to give that in order either. So now
[00:06:53] Kris Ward: you’re right. And you said earlier, though, as much as you mentioned that you, I think something else you said was don’t fall prey to be constantly think you have to do the how tos.
[00:07:02] Alicia Henderson: Okay. So now you’ve given the blueprint, but you’re not even saying this is a how you’re saying You’re not saying how to do it. You’re talking about what you do for your clients.
[00:07:16] Okay.
[00:07:16] Kris Ward: Got you. Okay. That’s it. That’s interesting distinction. Hold on. That is the interesting distinction because I was thinking it before I, you’re a smart person.
[00:07:24] I follow you. I like your stuff. And I thought, okay. Ooh, I’m going to ask her a question. It’s going to contradict what she just told me, but I’m sure she’ll figure her way out. But no, I was getting the two confused and I think I can’t be the only one. So I think the blueprint for what we do and the how to, I think for me, I was throwing them under one umbrella.
[00:07:44] Alicia Henderson: No. Okay. This is what you’re doing for your client, but this is, you’re explaining your strategy, but this is what you do for your client. So you’re not explaining this, the how to, you’re explaining like when we work together.
[00:07:59] Kris Ward: Okay. Let me give you an example. So one of the things that we do is we have a 12 point hiring process with a 90 percent retention rate for finding virtual assistants.
[00:08:08] We find, hire, and onboard them. We’re not an agency, meaning that I do that as a bonus for my clients. We pair you up. You pay them directly. If you leave from working with me, you keep them. There’s none of the, all this other conditions on it. So that’s part of my blueprint. I don’t tell how I do it in the process of hiring it and all the work that goes into it, because there are a lot of steps and it’d be monotonous and what do you care?
[00:08:29] And it just gets too much, right? So you’re right. That’s the blueprint, not the how to. Okay.
[00:08:35] Alicia Henderson: When we work together, what we do, so you’re always spinning it to when, to the point where this is where you’ll be, you’re always taking them for where you are right now. So this is what it looks like when on the other side.
[00:08:51] Okay. How to, because when you’re always explaining the how to, you take yourself out of the expert positioning. As a consultant, as a service provider, you’ve been doing this for a long time, but when you keep sharing this how to, why would they need you? You’re taking them out of the, out of paying you.
[00:09:10] You’re always going to be attracting do it yourself clients. You’re doing, what you want to be attracting is done for you clients. People who want to swipe the card, who say, where can you send I need you to send the invoice.
[00:09:25] Kris Ward: More than that’s really good point the do it for you do it yourself or done for you.
[00:09:29] Not only that is Most of the times you’re giving them overwhelm, right? Now they’re overwhelmed and then I’m gonna explain to you why my process is so efficient compared to somebody else’s So I have to explain why that works and then you just get them like, okay The more information, somebody said to me once, you’re not teaching them and you’re transforming them because the more information you give them, the more they think, okay, I got to collect all those notes and go through it on Sunday and try to work my way through the steps.
[00:09:56] You all know this. It’s something as simple as you come home with this desk or whatever you have to assemble. You’re like, shut off the TV, get the glasses. You got to figure this out, right? This is a science project. So you’re paralyzing them. You’re not helping them anyhow.
[00:10:09] Alicia Henderson: And you’re putting them in overwhelm, and it’s another language.
[00:10:11] It’s a foreign language to them, so you don’t even have to share your even your blueprint. You don’t even have to share all of it. You can even share, take bits and pieces of your strategy or bits and pieces of your formula. You don’t have to give the whole thing away. Just take the key parts of what they need to know, and then give them that.
[00:10:29] Kris Ward: This is fascinating to me because people are often pressuring me. I’m under the category of productivity, even though it’s really the only, I understand why I’m in that category. It’s just really not what we do. But for simplicity’s sake, fine. So sometimes people are looking for hacks, which I often think is ridiculous because it’s like, there’s no fitness hacks.
[00:10:47] If you’re, if somebody is overweight, they want a fitness hack. If somebody is fit, they’re not looking for hacks. They’re looking for improved processes. So something simple, like the first thing I do every morning, when I come in and look at my calendar and I look at my appointments for the day, and then I set a timer 10 minutes before that, so that.
[00:11:02] I’m not constantly like deep in work and then looking, Oh my gosh, what time is it? Dividing your energy and all that stuff. I could give that little how to, but I find that even that having to explain it and pre qualify it and then it’s it’s a hack. But what I would say is you still don’t have your streamlined processes.
[00:11:19] You’re still going to be reacting all day. It’s really not going to solve anything, but people are always on me about, be really engaging if you had more how tos, right?
[00:11:27] Alicia Henderson: Oh no. Okay. No, and then you could even put it under the guise of five things that I do to start my day like five things that I could do, or five things that I do to start my day in a productive way, or, fix that up, giving it as a. How to, but the how to, so
[00:11:48] Kris Ward: reframe people. Alicia’s giving us, I got you.
[00:11:50] Alicia Henderson: Okay. So some of those things that we say as a how but they come across as a how to, you just reframe it, change the, like the name of it. But we don’t, we need to get out of the mindset of always I come across as an expert when I give how to.
[00:12:05] I think it really irks me. In my soul and I
[00:12:09] Kris Ward (2): saw
[00:12:10] Alicia Henderson: in my soul and I see other video strategists saying this, but it like another, I have a friend who’s a video strategist. She teaches YouTube and she and I cannot stand it. How to do not. They do not. I cannot stress this enough. Do not establish you as an expert whatsoever.
[00:12:25] It really, it takes you out of expert and you just become a teacher and something. Why would someone want to purchase anything from you? And especially as something that is high in demand or something that would be considered In a four figure or five or six figure setting or service, if you’re providing something that is in how to, that’s really under a thousand or really under a hundred dollar value, no one’s going to want to purchase that.
[00:12:55] Kris Ward: Let me jump in here. Cause I think you’re bringing up a really important conversation that we’ve not had before. And when I think of what you just said, it’s yeah, we all jump on YouTube for a quick, how to like, Hey, how to whatever it could be, how to toaster. It could be anything. We go to how to. And there’s been times where people said to me okay, we use Notion in a unique way, or I use Kris.
[00:13:14] Cause then you go on, if I get stuck on something, I Kiki and how to something on Notion on YouTube. And then you’ll look and this video might have 80, 000 views. And now I’m looking for that one thing, or how to turn your iPhone off or something silly. So you look and they got 90, 000 views and you think, oh my gosh, I Maybe I should be doing how to videos, but I hopped on, I got my answer, I left, for 100 I couldn’t tell you who that person was or find my way back to them.
[00:13:42] And nowhere am I in their funnel or their buying cycle. So you’re right, we get seduced by the volume of people who see the how to, but that’s not the game I’m in.
[00:13:55] Alicia Henderson: And we have to, this is another segue that I would probably take in another tangent or going off somewhere. But I want to say this, if you are someone that gets in your mind, because you see likes and comments, and you think that equates to success.
[00:14:12] When it comes to someone’s post or a video and that’s why you don’t do them or you don’t post often or you don’t post a video or you don’t do record any videos. Please get that out of your mind and have that mindset that I don’t do videos because I don’t get a lot of likes or a lot of views. Yeah. Let me tell you something right now.
[00:14:30] I have been on LinkedIn since 2009. I have had several businesses on LinkedIn because of 2000 because. All of my business has come from the DMs because I have posted and been consistent on LinkedIn and they have seen me. I don’t pay attention to likes and comments. People lurk. You have to keep going.
[00:14:56] They are watching. They are waiting. Likes and comments, they don’t care. I would not give a dang about likes and a comment.
[00:15:05] Kris Ward: Okay? I think we all went to high school and that has never changed. Come out of her psyche. But I think to your point, I know just a half hour ago, somebody said something like 67 percent of people on LinkedIn are lurkers.
[00:15:15] They don’t post and they don’t comment. And I know like even tomorrow I have a sales call with someone and he said, I have been following you on LinkedIn and here’s the four podcasts I heard you on. And I read your book. My gosh, he sounds like he might’ve been at Thanksgiving dinner with us. Like he knows everything.
[00:15:32] And I had never heard this person. He’s never commented, never liked. I checked his profile. I don’t even know if we’re connected. And so you’re right. We do. Cause you do get seduced and you think, Oh, this other person’s doing really well. And I, nobody liked mine. So you just think it’s not likable. And I am, I have no friends. I have
[00:15:50] Alicia Henderson: no business. Yeah, you have to, especially if you’re building a personal brand. I don’t care if you’re building a personal brand or a company brand, you have to keep going and you cannot get seduced by the likes and the comments or the algorithm or whatever. You have to keep going.
[00:16:04] People will verbatim tell you when they’re on the phone, on a sales conversation with you, what you said because of your videos, because they are memorable. They were memorable. You are talking about things that are impactful and you are talking about where their problem is. And you are saying this is where you are.
[00:16:20] This is where you will be when you work with me. And if you are speaking to where they are, but you are also saying this is a transformation to have to talk about for one things that they are struggling with. Things that they know that they need to get solved as of last year, but they never been that they keep, pushing down the road.
[00:16:38] And when, where, you could take them, so keep, don’t care about likes. Don’t care.
[00:16:42] Kris Ward: They do show up. I know I have too. Where I show up and feel like I already know you I already started this relationship because I have been watching your videos Right and then you know, I’m like, oh that’s funny Like you don’t seem to know me as well as I know you we have all these memories together so there is that psychological aspect that somebody see, you know sees when you laugh or no here’s your voice and as they’ve been watching you over time and we all do that.
[00:17:09] We hear that You Oh my gosh, that’s why you watch sometimes one movie or another you’ve seen this person in interviews and stuff and you think you know them or you watch them in the whatever episode they were in for several years in your house. You’re like, you think you know them. Until Bill Cosby’s in the news saying, news, thank you very much.
[00:17:26] Alicia Henderson: That’s right. We were wrong, Bill. We were wrong. Yeah. And that’s why video is so important because you again, like you just said, that’s one of my things about building that personal brand is that people, again, no lack in trust. It’s very important. They see your mannerisms. They hear you laugh.
[00:17:43] They see like the quirky thing. If there’s a quirky thing. They can say, I like you. I don’t like you. And that’s okay because you want people to make that decision about you because you want to repel folks. A lot of people are so busy wondering, wanting people to like them. I don’t want you to like me. I don’t care.
[00:18:01] If you don’t like me, that makes me, that’s great. Because if you become a client of mine and you don’t like me, then that means you’re not going to pay me on time. Yeah. Yeah. You’re not going to do the work that I need you to do. You’re not going to give me the paperwork that I need you to give me on time.
[00:18:13] Yeah. Then you’re going to be, taking your time and whining all the time and complaining. And then you and I have a conversation and I’m going to drop you as a client and we’re going to go to court or something. And I am going to, you and I going to have some choice words.
[00:18:29] Kris Ward: Yeah. No, you’re right.
[00:18:30] And you’re not for everybody. Cause I remember having to learn that where I would show up on LinkedIn and think I had to be shoulders back, be more professional. I subdued my personality and then I had this division of clients where, people find me direct and refreshing and no nonsense and I just get to it.
[00:18:45] And then I, there’s other people. Yeah. That would find me abrupt. And so then I was changing my personality for these two people. And what was happening, I was like softening things and making it take a longer to say stuff. And then the people who were my people say, Kris, I don’t understand. We are usually very clear.
[00:19:00] Why are you dancing around this subject? I’m like, Oh, cause I just had a call with so and so an hour ago and they’re just wearing me like they’re making me crazy. They’re making me doubt myself. And where these are my people, these are not. So if I, in the beginning had just been me. Now I get a lot of compliments.
[00:19:15] People say, Oh, I like your energy. And at first I thought that was juvenile. It’s Oh, I got to tone this down, but then you’re not with your people. So the video is a way to enter a lot of rooms without you having to drive there. Really?
[00:19:29] Alicia Henderson: Exactly. It’s exhausting for you to have to, what we say, Switch code.
[00:19:34] Yeah. Yeah. Switch code. When you’re on video, you can be yourself and you will be attracting those people who are your ideal clients. And plus the people who will say, okay, like you said, you enter rooms ahead of time when you have are yourself. You’re entering those rooms ahead of time because people can say, okay, she or he, this is how they are already.
[00:19:56] I think this person would be a great person to be on your stage or to come in and speak to your company about this and that. That video has already entered in with that person is referring you. So that’s why you definitely want to show up. And again, as I mentioned before, when I was talking about live video videos, a conversation.
[00:20:13] So just like you Are talking to right now on this podcast, when you’re on video, you’re having that conversation with your ideal clients or with whoever is watching the video. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be where you’re saying, again, a five point presentation where we’re talking about all this things.
[00:20:31] Kris Ward: It’s just. Hey, I literally, I had to learn that too, that you’re not presenting, you’re conversing, right? And we get this sense of like, when you’re on stage, even when you’re on stage, if it’s done well, you’re conversing, not presenting. And that was a big deal for me as well, because here we’re talking over each other.
[00:20:47] I’m, I personally am flubbing words. It just is what it is. But what I get a lot of people complimenting me on that is like, Oh my gosh, Kris, I feel like I’m. I’m there at the table when they, when I listen to your podcast, I feel like, Oh, I got, I’m just in the room and I just happened not to say anything like they compliment me on that.
[00:21:04] It’s it sounds conversational. Cause a, it is. And B because it’s not, it’s so far removed from perfect. It’s not funny.
[00:21:10] Alicia Henderson: We’re talking it like we’re friends and that’s how I always tell like all my clients, I tell my audience, talk like you’re talking to a friend. Don’t talk like you’re talking.
[00:21:18] Even if you were talking to someone who’s a CEO of his fortune 500 company, you’re still speaking to them so they can understand you. And even if you were using legal jargon or medical jargon, you still speak as if you’re talking to someone. So you want them to understand you or not. Even if you had a, quote unquote, dumb down the words, you’re still making it to where you’re saying.
[00:21:37] They had a, a heart problem or something you make it.
[00:21:40] Kris Ward: That’s the example I always give. I always give that example. I say. Those are my exact words. I say to people, you have to simplify it because think about, you’re dealing with a doctor who’s going to operate on your dad and the doctor went to, I don’t know, eight years of medical school and then maybe four more years as a intern for heart surgery.
[00:21:56] And he’s sitting in the waiting room with you going, picture your father’s heart like a sponge. And you’re about to make the most important decision there is. And he’s talking to you like, okay, here’s the sponge and here’s your dad’s heart. And that’s exactly it. Simplify it because then people understand it.
[00:22:12] Alicia Henderson: Yes. Yes. And so it’s just like having a conversation. I always say, have a conversation with someone like it’s just your friend. Yeah. As your friends, you’re having a conversation, easy flow. If you do happen to flub over your words, if you talk too fast, that’s okay. I talk really fast. So what I do is I just take a breath.
[00:22:34] I slow down. And the best thing about video is that
[00:22:37] you can edit, either it’s you doing the editing or somebody can do the editing for you, but that’s the best thing about video. videos that you can edit. Take your time. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Look, imperfect, like all these little flubs that you’re doing.
[00:22:52] Sometimes I’ll leave the flubs up in there. Sometimes I leave all that stuff because I find that people want to see that. And one thing I’m going to do is I’m going to come up with this video with all the flubs because sometimes there might even be like, A cuss word to, come up in there cause I’ll have Amazon package that gets, the doorbell rings.
[00:23:13] I’m like, why the heck did you do that? You see the sign there where the dog is barking or one of my kids comes in and I’m like, wait, you saw me doing this. Yeah,
[00:23:21] Kris Ward: I’ve seen that where even when somebody’s in presenting something powerful and all of a sudden the cat walks across the computer looking at stuff, right?
[00:23:28] Okay, on that note though, another thing that you say that I think really would help people a lot is talking about repurposing. And we hear this all the time, repurpose, repurpose, but I think for so many people that becomes a system and clunky and like mechanical and you’re trying to squeeze all the lemon out of this juice, but you’re, you talk about, and I thought this was really very simple, but very wise.
[00:23:51] Listen, people are asking you questions, take those questions, answer them in video. And they’re really essentially the same questions all the time, so you can just re show them. Yes. Yes.
[00:24:02] Alicia Henderson: It’s like you said, it’s really that simple. People are asking you questions over and over and over again.
[00:24:09] Record those questions that they’re asking you, whether they ask you online, they’re asking you in a sales conversation, whether they’re sending you an inquiry to your website. Take those questions and record a video of them and then what you can do is repost that video Every 90 days.
[00:24:27] Kris Ward: Yeah
[00:24:29] Alicia Henderson: If someone is checking for you and I’ll come back to this someone’s checking for you that you reposted that video 90 days ago first of all, they need to get a life because Why are they so concerned about you reposting a video?
[00:24:41] Kris Ward: They wouldn’t be able to track it if you paid them to I yeah in our heads
[00:24:45] Alicia Henderson: Who cares? They saw that 90 days ago. I don’t care. So I guess
[00:24:50] Kris Ward: I thought for me, I thought again, back to your original point, I would be thinking maybe I need to say this differently because I didn’t get as much traction on the first video. So I was trying to redo the same thing.
[00:25:00] Alicia Henderson: No, People need to hear it again and again, post the video. It’s okay. If you feel really in the need to record it in a different way, fine.
[00:25:11] Do it that way. If you want to waste your time and do it.
[00:25:14] Kris Ward: You’re right. You’re right.
[00:25:16] Alicia Henderson: Let me add to that.
[00:25:17] Kris Ward: I got to jump in here. One thing we do, here’s the little thing we do, because we’re all about processes. So like when I’m on a sales call, my, we call my action manager, we have a super toolkit.
[00:25:26] One of the steps are they always get a strategy call, sales call, they get the transcription and cause course in a sales call. There’s questions. So we go through the transcription. We grab all the questions. We put them in our question bank. It’s just a lot of questions in different categories. So I can always go to that content.
[00:25:42] I can always go there for a video and say, Oh, what are the questions? Cause often I feel we step over the basic questions that because we’re up here going, I don’t even understand how that’s a question. That’s like a new step over it for more advanced questions. Cause you’re been doing this a long time, but people are down here and just some very basic questions.
[00:26:00] Like you’re giving us basic insights and I’ve been shooting video for a very long time now. And yet I’m like Oh. So that’s the thing is you would think, why are we still having this discussion all these years later? But that would be in your question bank. And so you have to remember, ah, this is a basic question. I’m going to answer it again.
[00:26:15] Alicia Henderson: So just take those same questions and repurpose them. Yeah. Oh, and then what I like to do also with those questions, repurpose them. But there’s other videos that you have done in the past, repurpose those videos too. Now, if you’re recording new content and say you have something from Instagram or Tiktok, you can take those Tiktoks and Instagrams and those rails rather and put them on.
[00:26:41] Say for instance, if you’re on Instagram and you did a reel, put it over on LinkedIn. I don’t care what, whatever some uptight person says over on LinkedIn. Cause you happen to see them. I see them all the time too. And I really think it’s because they just don’t know how to use Tik Tok or Instagram at all.
[00:26:56] That’s truly what I believe what it is. They don’t know how to navigate. They’re uptight and then
[00:27:03] Kris Ward: she’s got some video sass.
[00:27:04] Alicia Henderson: Okay. They don’t know what they’re doing.
[00:27:06] Kris Ward: Are they criticizing because it’s a reel?
[00:27:08] Alicia Henderson: Yes. They’re criticizing it is because it’s a reel or in a TikTok and they want to keep the platform separate.
[00:27:14] They want to keep the platform separate. So what they’ll say is, I don’t think that TikTok and Instagram reels belong in LinkedIn. First of all, calm it down and be quiet. If you know how to use LinkedIn, if you know how to use Instagram and TikTok, you wouldn’t be saying that. So be quiet and hush it up.
[00:27:30] Okay. You were, if you had the mindset, you would use it over here too. But if you guys haven’t noticed LinkedIn, and hopefully if they have any common sense, they’ll keep the video tab. Over on the app because people are watching the videos, and they started this since 2020 pandemic, but giving us more video access.
[00:27:51] So TikToks and the Instagram reels that you’re creating and repurpose them over on LinkedIn. So when you do that, now you’re providing edutainment, like I got you. So you don’t have to be dancing again. You don’t have to be singing and all that stuff, but take those videos and repurpose them over there and see what your audience likes.
[00:28:12] Now some people’s audience like it, depending on what your audience, what they, if they do. Maybe they don’t, I don’t know, but try it out, repurpose all of that stuff, and there you go. Now you have some more videos that you don’t have to, if they’re old, good. Now you don’t have to record new videos. Now you have strategy now, so you can take some time recording videos.
[00:28:34] Kris Ward: Okay. Lisa. There. We could talk to you all day, friend. Okay. All right. Alicia, where can people find more of your brilliance?
[00:28:43] Alicia Henderson: Connect with me on LinkedIn, obviously just look me up, Alicia Henderson, or you can just go enter in Alicia Henderson biz on LinkedIn over there. I spend more time there than any platform, or if you want to look at some of my videos on Instagram, same thing, Alicia Henderson biz.
[00:28:58] Kris Ward: Okay. And we’ll make sure to have it in the show notes. Please hand this show over to a business buddy. Don’t let them flanging around by themselves. And Alicia, thank you so very much and everyone else, we will see you in the next episode.