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How To Harness The Entrepreneurial Power! With Heather Havenwood
Episode Summary
Heather Havenwood is an accomplished entrepreneur by anyone’s standards. Her successes are many. However, Heather doesn’t dwell on that. Heather dives into the raw version of her entrepreneurial journey. Listen in as she opens up and gives real stories with great takeaways!
-her biggest lessons that impact her business today!
-why we need to stop comparing ourselves to online success stories.
-the full power that being an entrepreneur gives you!
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NYB Guest – Transcription_Heather Havenwood
Kris: (13:27)
Hey everyone, it is now your business and this is Kris Ward. I am super excited. We have another amazing guest this week. We have the Heather N Haven wood and award winning world class speaker award winning medal mogul. She has been crowned miss Texas elite 2020 woman of achievement is the creator and founder of influencer growth formula talk Amazon bookseller from her book, sexy boss, nationally syndicated radio host show of like a boss. I was lucky enough to be on it and insights with influencers named by Huffington post as top female entrepreneur to watch founder of female business association and now is the cheap sexy boss. She helps brands, businesses and influencers on best strategies to dominate their industry by being omnipresent online through strategic content marketing and high ticket sales strategies to close the right clients anytime they want. She is regarded as a top authority on podcast marketing influence your messaging and high ticket sales. Chloe closing and leveraging linkedIn. Welcome to the show! That is a mouthful Heather.
Heather: (14:49)
I always say, who the heck are you talking about? Thank you so much cause I always like when you hear your own bio, Kris, you go like who are they talking about? I do. I do that all the time. Like, Oh, that sounds like a cool person.
Kris: (15:02)
I want to be here when I grow up. And I am.
Heather: (15:04)
And that is me. That’s weird.
Kris: (15:08)
Okay, so you have a very fully loaded resume.
Heather: (15:11)
Kris: (15:12)
So what I’m gonna ask you to do is give our viewers, you know, a boiled down version of, Hey, what was your, now where did you make the turning point to have all these wonderful achievements? Like tell us a little bit, we like to hear the bumps in the lumps so that we know we’re on the right path and it doesn’t all show up on day one.
Heather: (15:31)
Okay. So usually I tell a particular story about how I was in corporate America and, and, and what not, but I’m not gonna tell that story today. I usually tell that story and it’s very relevant, but I’m gonna share another story that I don’t usually normally share in other shows. Um,
Kris: (15:46)
What would they call like a exclusive right?
Heather: (15:48)
It is, yeah, you’re good. Yeah. It was one of these stories that’s really important, but I don’t talk about it because I never thought it was important. Does that make sense?
Kris: (15:58)
Total sense. Awesome.
Heather: (16:00)
And so recently I was like, Oh yeah, well that happened to me, you know, so here’s what happened. I was always taught that I want to be employee. Like that was it. There’s nothing more exciting than that. You go get a job period and the conversation, um, you are for corporate America. That’s how that goes. Yeah, that was pretty much my, my upbringing. Okay. Or really my upbringing. If you got a little deeper, it was like, go get a job until you get married.
Kris: (16:26)
Yeah, it is good job until you get a good husband. Okay.
Heather: (16:29)
Right. Exactly. Southern bell, that’s what I was taught. Nothing more extravagant than that. No career planning beyond that. So I went and got a job and I usually tell the whole story about how I actually ended up living in Orlando. But I’m going to jump over because I’m in Orlando. I’m now working for the largest seminar company in the country. I’m traveling the country. I’m around. Motivational speakers is kind of where I skipped my start, but I don’t tell this one piece. I’m traveling the country doing motivational, working with motivational speakers. This is where I met Dan Kennedy and John Carlton and Joe Sugarman and all these like amazing John Marshall silver Robert Allen Institute. This is all back in like 99, 2000 2001 to 2006 and I’m traveling now. What the difference is, what I usually tell the story is that I was working for a company, so I was working for the largest seminar company in the country. So even though I was around all these amazing motivational speakers and entrepreneurs and really cool stuff, I was still an employee. You know what I mean? It just was kind of cool to be around a bunch of sleds, you know? I’m don’t really talk about this part. So I was an employee, um, learning the business of direct response and speaking and whatever that was. Again, my family didn’t grow me into that, so it was super cool. And around these like mini celebrities and authors and cool stuff like that. So here’s what happened. Here’s actually the transition. And I seriously don’t talk about this ever. So I was an employee and I was traveling and I traveled every week. Now let me explain what this look like. I was literally every week, 50 weeks out of the year, Sunday through Wednesday, got on a plane, went to a city, we did the presentation six times, got back on a plane, went home, crashed, did laundry, got back, boom, boom, boom, boom. And it was all over the country and I traveled with all men. So we had a speaker who was the guy always. And then like the crew, which was me and like usually two to three guys. And when, I mean we traveled together, I’m talking like, you know, in the minivan, breakfast, lunch, dinner, everything minus sleeping in the same room. Like it was pretty much around them, farting all of it. Okay. They did not care. These were four brothers I never think, I never wanted.
Kris: (18:42)
Heather: (18:43)
So at the time I was young, I didn’t understand the dynamics and I didn’t have any brothers. And so I, I got hit on, which called it that by my, well not my boss, right. My, the speaker that I was, you know, working for, but he wasn’t my boss. So he hits on me and I say no, but at the time I didn’t know how to say no in a way that didn’t upset them, I guess. So I did what I thought was do is a good employee. Okay. And I went to HR cause that’s what you’re told to do when I work for my company.
Kris: (19:20)
Heather: (19:21)
Right and I thought I was being the good little girl and I’d be done. Well a week later I get called into the HR office and I’m giving, if you’re not, if you’re listening to audio, I’m, I’m doing the like quotes,
Kris: (19:31)
Air quotes people in sir air quotes in your mind.
Heather: (19:34)
Yeah. Just think air quotes. The HR people and they were told you are no longer an employee, you’re now a contractor. And I was like, what does that mean? Am I fired? They’re like, no, you’re called a 10 99 I’m like, Whoa. Well why? Oh well we just feel it’s best. Okay. Well what they were doing was covering their butt that I can’t see them. I’m young, I don’t know. And so I figured everyone’s having this, all my colleagues, they’re like, Oh man, you’re talking about, and so then they try to play it up that like, Oh, well, you know, this is great. You can, you know, have a LLC. And I’m like, what’s that? And you know, you can have do your own taxes. I’m like, what do you mean? And like, you know, I’m so confused, right? I called my dad and.
Kris: (20:20)
none of that sounds like fun.
Heather: (20:22)
It sounds cool, right? But I called my dad, I’m like, I don’t understand. And he’s like, well, they’re covering their butts. I’m like, well, why? And you know, I’m young. That’s actually how I moved into entrepreneurship. That’s actually how I learned what 10 91 one was and how I learned to LLCs and how you start your own company and there’s this thing called consulting. You can take your knowledge and you actually sell to the people. Like that is how I was thrown into it.
Kris: (20:44)
Heather: (20:46)
And it, at the time I was literally freaked because I felt like I was being demoted.
Kris: (20:52)
Heather: (20:53)
Now they didn’t change my pay. Right. They didn’t change my schedule. It was very illegal because they still force me to go at certain dates and times. And that’s, that’s the definition of employee. Right.
Kris: (21:02)
Heather: (21:03)
But, and they were just using it so that I couldn’t Sue and all whatever the, you know, this is way for me to movement. Okay. So I didn’t understand that. But people look at it like I just made this big leap that I like one day it was like I want to be an entrepreneur. No it was, yes we still want you to work for us and same pay, but we’re gonna force you into this thing called 10 99 and have fun and now you have no benefits. You have nothing. And I didn’t even notice law entrepreneur was, I had no idea what a contractor was or freelancer was. My whole life I’d worked for companies like big companies like fortune 500 companies. What do you mean I have benefits and where’s my 401k and how does this thing work? And what’s a w Warren w nine 10 it’s kind of like gear
Kris: (21:51)
cut loose. Like now the kite is flying in the sky with the anchor. Yeah.
Heather: (21:55)
Yeah. And so then people are like, Oh, this is great. You’re a 10 99 I’m like, well what does that mean? That go, well, you can take your knowledge that you are literally, you know, learning from the largest seminar company in the country and you now can your for hire, you’re available for hire. And I’m like, I don’t know what that means. And they’re like, well, I’m going to give you $2,000 to tell me what you guys are doing. And I’m like, can I do that? And they’re like, well yeah, you’re tonight at nine you actually have no legal obligation to them. I’m like, so I can like tell other speakers what we’re doing that don’t work for the company and they can’t, like I can do that. And they’re like, yeah, so, and here’s my point. My point is, is like I never, sometimes I talk to people and they had this like desire to be an entrepreneur. I didn’t have that.
Kris: (22:40)
Oh yeah,
Heather: (22:41)
I was just, you are now and entrepreneur.
Kris: (22:45)
Oh yeah,I was just, you are now and entrepreneur.
Kris: (22:59)
I want to thank you for your sinceritiness and, and your rawness. It’s about it. Because too often you see these stories and you hear all these stories. Oh, I left corporate America and I was making all this money and I made this choice in a, I’m brave. And I jumped in and look where I am now. And, and then you don’t hear that well, it really kind of wasn’t my choice.
Heather: (23:20)
I’m kinda push off the boat.
Kris: (23:23)
Yeah. And after choking and swallowing some water, I started to learn how to swim rather quickly. So I do really appreciate it. And that’s why I want this podcast because there’s too many times where you hear these glorified examples of success that are, are sort of watered down. And so what you’re seeing is you had this job, you, yes, you were in corporate America and the rules of engagement had changed and then you started to find out, Oh, okay, so now with these new rules go, all right, can I wiggle in here? Can I wiggle in there? And that’s how it started.
Heather: (23:55)
Yeah, it really is. And I have a big belly. It really is. And even with the situation with, and then, and then I had to deal with things like when I got back to the quote unquote group, you know, I was an oust. Talk about me too movement. Right? So I was [inaudible] outs by them and I didn’t know how to handle that. I didn’t know how to handle that. This guy that he was a 10 99 to the speaker, so he didn’t even think would work for the company. So how do you handle that? I was being oust by the group. Um, I was being thrown under the bus every five minutes. I was sexual harassed. I was, I’d be, I’d be in the middle of the van and they’d, all of them would just be like literally D not picking on me, like telling me I was a piece of shit and I didn’t know how to handle any of this. And I think people see me now, like yesterday as someone go ahead, you’re strong and you’re this and you’re that. I’m like, you have to get where I came from. You know who I was at one point in my life, it’s only, I’m fine. I’m strong now because I had been through fire and fire and fire and fire and fire and fire. And then I’m like, Oh, now with people, man, it doesn’t matter. I am toe to toe, don’t a note new, you know, and they don’t talk to me that way or they leave, you know? But that’s, they saw me in one instance yesterday and how I handled something and they’re like, Oh my God, so many people can’t do that. I’m like, I couldn’t either 20 years ago.
Kris: (25:15)
Heather: (25:15)
You know, I couldn’t handle a co, a consulting client like I do now. I couldn’t handle that. I had no clue what a consultant was 20 years ago. I didn’t want to be a consultant. I wanted to be a great employee, you know. So I think one of the challenges with our marketplace is that people have this, like I had a corporate America and I left corporate America because I jumped off in this beautiful world called coaching and consulting. And then from there I’m now the success. I call F, you know, horse, uh, whatever you want to call it, BS, whatever. Because it’s not true on many most cases, majority of the true, true entrepreneurs. And I am one of them, true entrepreneurs is that we are, if you look deep enough, we are usually people that are outcasted from corporate America or pushed off the rails or what not. Now, years later I went back to corporate America, tried, I call it, you know, um, I’m now 100% unemployable. Like beyond though. I went back and I lasted 90 days. And the guys who fired me, quote unquote, um, my boss and my boss’s boss, my boss, his boss, they literally brought me into the room and said like, we like you, like read, like you’re cool, you’re truly awesome. You’re actually making your numbers, but like, you’re unemployable. Like you just don’t follow the corporate worlds. I’m like, no. And they’re like, you got to go. You just got to go do something on own. And that was a compliment. That’s when you know you’re in the right place. That’s when you know you’re an entrepreneur, right?
Kris: (26:49)
Heather: (26:49)
When you try to go back into an old structure, it’s like going back to high school. Like we all have great times in high school but I’m not gonna go back, you know, so, or.
Kris: (26:58)
Go stay with your parents for a month and see how that works out.
Heather: (27:01)
Like it was great junior high but like, and I’m good now, you know, so yeah, you get it.
Kris: (27:06)
So let me jump in then here. And so what I want to hear, and I think that’s great. I do think it’s refreshing cause as I said, I hear that all the time and you’re like, Oh I think there’s more to that story. Cause I’m a big believer that it’s always a story behind the story behind the story.
Heather: (27:16)
Kris: (27:17)
And it’s never that fluid. And there’s always okay that didn’t really happen. Like I think we’re missing some details that would make this a little bit more less one-sided. So I do really appreciate you sharing that with everyone. So let’s talk about now we’re speaking to entrepreneurs, you know, at different levels. So you’ve given us some lessons that you learned, you know, what would be your top three lessons of, you know, maybe those first five years and where you can be helping other people as they’re sort of trying to find their way now.
Heather: (27:46)
Okay. Um, I huh. I failed a lot. Um, and I failed a lot by taking actions and taking a lot of actions and not knowing if the actions were right or not, and just making decisions and making choices and then making more decisions and making choices and tweaking. And it’s a question that I get asked a lot and it’s similar to like asking a, um, an Olympic medalist, you know, what was your path? And I think all of them have crazy paths. It is not a one way path. It’s not linear. It is a massively convoluted. Um, I think one of the biggest lessons I learned it, it’s a, it’s a more of a spiritual lesson. And I, I’ve read this in other autobiographies from other successful people in life, like, uh, Michael Jordan and what not, that who he thought he was is who he is as an athlete. Like that’s his embodiment. Like he embodies athlete. So it doesn’t matter if he’s on the basketball field or I think he went to baseball for a while feeling, you know, he’s still playing a game right now. He plays golf or whatever. It’s still a game. That’s the same thing for an entrepreneurship. When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s like an embodiment of it. And so it doesn’t matter what business you’re playing. You could be doing real estate investing, you could be doing consulting, consulting, you could be all of a sudden building a SAS software, but you’re being an entrepreneur as long as you’re playing the game. I mean that’s honestly the first piece. So what happens? I think the mistake, which I think is your question is the mistake is trying to put yourself in a box or anyone, not you, but specifically anyone. I’m a consultant, I’m a coach, I’m an investor, I’m a web developer, I’m a [inaudible]. It’s like no, you’re an entrepreneur.
Kris: (29:48)
Right? And you know, that’s a really great point cause I think of that all the time. Uh, we’re an, I do a lot of coaching with people about, you know, building a rockstar team and productivity and all that stuff. And the first thing I always hear from people is, Oh, well my business is different. And I’m like, it’s kind of like maybe your family’s different, but a family is a family is a family. You know, whether you have same sex parents, different from parents and uncles raising you, there’s fine family dynamics. And so I always find it entertaining when people tell me, well, you don’t understand, my business is different. And I’m like, okay, there are rules of a playbook and rules of engagement for being a business person or entrepreneur. And they’re not that different. You’re, you know, it’s like you said, it’s a sport but a different game. Right? So I think that’s a really valid point and one that people use sort of visit, you know, a crutch too often. So well said. Very good.
Heather: (30:37)
Kris: (30:37)
Would be number two.
Heather: (30:39)
That was like one and two. I think. Um, the, the big one of it does, uh, who you are is an entrepreneur who you’re, is a business owner. Um, and who you are is, is, is an athlete. That’s a really key piece. The next one I think it’d be is, um, be careful who you associate with. So, um, keep your friends close but your enemies closer kind of thing and know who your friends and enemies are. Who are the people in your life that are pulling you up and pulling you down. The way that I like to describe it visually and is I’m walking, this is just a visual, right? So imagine yourself that your on bourbon street in new Orleans, that’s fine. And you’re walking down bourbon street and if you’ve ever been to Bourbon or at least seeing pictures of it, you see that there’s all these balconies like outside.
Kris: (31:28)
Heather: (31:29)
It’s kind of a unique place. And then they’re these gutters, they have a lot of gutters there and it’s kind of disgusting. The gutters are gross, but they have a lot of gutters and they have all these balconies. So when you’re walking down bourbon street, people are either, you know, on the back of it or not. And this is what you do. You imagine yourself walking down bourbon street and everyone in your life is there, like all of it, you know, and you just kind of let them place themselves and they’ll either place themselves on the balcony cheering you on, right? Or they’re going to place themselves in the gutter, pulling at your heels,
Kris: (32:00)
Heather: (32:00)
And sometimes your closest people are pulling at your heels, the people that you want so badly to be in the balcony, they’re just not, you know,
Kris: (32:13)
That is, yeah, that’s really interesting to me. And I think I especially don’t talk about that enough because you know what? I have to say that I was been beyond blessed. Like I have cheerleaders upon cheerleaders and, and it’s just crazy. The right from the get go. I had this almost to a fault where my husband would be my biggest fan and I think he didn’t go. He thought I could do anything. So at sometimes you’d be like, I guess I better figure this out cause he thinks it’s going to be a success. So I was so lucky. But then I was out in the entrepreneurial world and I would hear people have these complaints where you know their spouses acting like, well you could go do it cause you’re home all day, you know, well no, I’m trying to work right. And so there was this whole, you don’t have a real job, you have more time than I do. And that they always came second in a ranking as far as, you know, you should step up and do this. So I do think that is a really important thing that I know, you know, I don’t talk about enough cause it was just not my reality. I was so super lucky. But it is a real pain point for a lot of entrepreneurs and you know
Heather: (33:15)
Oh yeah.
Kris: (33:16)
Where do you go with that? Right. So that’s a really good point.
Heather: (33:20)
One of my mine mini nagging. Nagging my heels is kinda is one of my i don’t talk to him my uncle. Um I don’t talk to him really and and it was early on this stage of my entrepreneurship and I get this call one day. This is the first in three years, okay. I get this call from my uncle so I don’t talk to him so one of those oh my god someone died. You know, my uncle’s calling me someone’s in the hospital,so i answer my phone in panic, my mom is okay she’s around and just like, Im just fine. your Mom says, what’s wrong it’s not christmas and he said well your mom call me, I’m like okay, what’s wrong? He said well, she told me your entrepreneur and I said yeah, okay well, women don’t do that.
Kris: (34:10)
Oh very good.
Heather: (34:12)
And I go, excuse me. He’s like, I don’t know what you’re doing, but your mom’s readout. Stop doing it. Go get a job. Wow. Why? Because I’m an entrepreneur. I go, by the way, uncle, aren’t you like one of the largest investors in Arkansas and a bit entrepreneur for 15 years. Yeah, but I’m a man.
Kris: (34:29)
Oh, somebody should, somebody should tell Chanel.
Heather: (34:32)
Kris: (34:33)
You know what that does you mind me though? I know when I was at this crossroads where I had a part time, uh, business and then a full time job and they were both starting to make, I was not doing either well at this point. So I had to make a choice and I always thought, well I can always come back and get a job, whatever. And when I was leaving my job, I don’t know how many people said to me, well why don’t you wait to retirement? Yeah, you would get such a pension. I’m like, retirement is 30 years away. I am supposed to sit on the sidelines for 30 years and then get all excited that I’m in the game. Like who? Like that’s not right. It’s not even like retirement was three years and I don’t even think you should wait three years if now you’re inspired. But I’m talking it was a good 35 years away. And I’m like, and I heard that a fair amount of times like from people out and about not close friends or family, but just people like making general conversation. Oh, I would really wait to retirement. Like, you know how many yet?
Heather: (35:33)
That’s ridiculous. You know, one thing I learned, here’s my one I’ll learned, and this is a, this is a little bit [inaudible] let me share this story as long as I can, but this is a really good ones when I don’t share either, but it’s so pertinent to what you just said. If you don’t mind if I share it.
Kris: (35:49)
Okay, go ahead
Heather: (35:49)
So I, um, and I share this around the time, not gonna go into the, I went through massive bankruptcy and I lost everything and I ended up, um, living in Marco Island. So if you want to hear, share that, hear that story, welcome to find that it’s a more, but I’m living in a Marco Island. I’m living on this guy’s couch and um, he was very anti maybe entrepreneur. He wanted me to go become a waitress as fast as possible. I’m, and all this stuff. He’s, he just anti what I did is thought it was stupid and ridiculous and see, look at you. You’re broken and nothing to do with that. It was 2008 and everyone was broke. Okay. So, um, I, here I am on, on Marco Island. Now what you need to get about him is he was government employee, worked for the FAA for like 25 years and he got his retirement and he left DC FAA and moved to Marco Island with his dream. You know, the whole thing they should bang and the 401k and the whole thing. And he gets on there and he puts all his money into this house is right on the intercostals gorgeous, right in Marco Island. And um, it was like $500,000. And so I move in around 2009 to, the market’s still going crazy, right? 2000 and 2010 and he’s making fun of me cause my house house went under and all that. Yeah, it’s now 2009 is now 2009 10. His house goes, flips and goes from like 500 to 250,000. He loses everything. And so he’s, you know, he finally kinda has this aha. And he says to me, you know, I don’t understand this whole entrepreneurial thing that you do, but the one thing that I can some have some respect for is that you don’t have to have a job to make money. You know, like there was something about that and he said, um, he was basically bet to drown and he said, I’m gonna give you a little bit of money. He’s the one, you get the heck out of Dodge one way ticket, you know, go West young man kind of thing and go to Austin and go like live your life. And I didn’t. I took the money that I, that he did. He goes, you really belonged to be an entrepreneur. He goes, I do not understand it. I do not get it. It makes zero sense to me. It’s ridiculous that you can make money online. I do not understand it. It fathomly but somehow you, you do so go and I, here’s a person that just is understand it. But it’s such a beautiful lesson to understand that when you have entrepreneurship under your belt, there is a sense of power that no matter what’s going on with the marketplace, no matter scorn on with the economy, you have the ability and the mindset to make money. You’re not relying on quote unquote jobs. Right
Kris: (38:27)
Heather: (38:28)
That’s a really key piece that.
Kris: (38:29)
I think that’s very profound. We can play that with a Rocky montage.
Heather: (38:33)
Yes. Yeah, yeah.
Kris: (38:36)
Okay. We don’t have a lot of time left because you’ve been so wonderful and those have been some really powerful stories with some deep lessons that I think are really going to resonate with me for quite some time. So I’m really glad that you shared them. Now we talked for just a second before we hopped on this call and I asked you something and I said, you know what? What’s the one thing you’d want to tell people? Cause you’ve got so much marketing experience and it’s going back a while and yet the world was like a mysterious place in 2008 as far as making magical money online. And you said to me, market what you got. Can you just tell me in a couple of minutes what that would look like? You know, for our audience, because I think that’s a really, I mean, that’s like got milk. I think that’s a powerful statement. Mark. You got good shirts, you should have t-shirts.
Heather: (39:21)
I think I will. Yeah, I think I will. Um, so the concept means it’s a knowledge based society in the knowledge base businesses they say between 200 to $250 billion. I, you know, who knows? And really what knowledge base business means is you’re taking your knowledge or information and you’re actually selling that. And now that could be in this construct called coaching consulting. It could be as a lawyer, you’re giving advice. It could be as an accountant and you’re giving services. Okay. But either way, it’s the knowledge base. And one of the challenges I think a lot of people come up against is they don’t know. They put themselves in that box again. And I’m like, just market what you have. You know, maybe your body’s rockin and you just freaking are an IFB pro NBC, NPC person. You want to do nutrition fine market what you have like market what you’re already doing, right versus trying to create some other weird thing that doesn’t make sense. Okay. So that honestly is the true essence of what I think by 20 years experience and business has been, which is market you and, and you’ve heard that before but then people go with it who buy it creates another question. Then it’s like market what you have. Yeah. Market what you have.
Kris: (40:42)
Yeah. I think that is quite powerful and I am shocked every day when I run into people with different skill sets that, you know like grandma selling, how to knit online and making all kinds of money with a little handheld video. And then I always, one of my jokes I always tell people is really kind of, you ha, you know when you’re learning something you have to implement it. Cause I used to always make this joke that you can’t learn how to swim on the internet until I found this lady, I spoke to a cuckoo a few weeks ago. He said, no, no, she’s building a course to teach people how to swim on the internet. So I don’t know how that’s going to work, but she seems pretty confident. So she must have a technique. So yeah, market where you got stair start where you’re at. Right? Absolutely. Well that is super profound and a really great place for us to unfortunately wrap up cause I must admit, I think we could talk to you for hours this, we could have this as like a one of those Netflix docu-series 10 parts. So I want to.
Heather: (41:35)
Thanks for having me thank you.
Kris: (41:36)
Oh no, it’s awesome. I could do this all day with you. So tell us where can people find you and your just massive wisdom and your really amazing presence.
Heather: (41:47)
So Heather Haven would.com and welcome to go there. I’m on all social media is under Heather Haven would, including Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn. I’m big on LinkedIn and of course Facebook and Amazon. So go to any of those applications as well as podcast, a Spotify, Roku, Pandora. Just type in Heather Haven one and you will find me. And that’s Heather Haven, like the Haven but with the H a V N and would even would.
Kris: (42:14)
Awesome. Okay, so you got it. The lady, the teaching us how to be online and have a omnipresent is online with the omnipresent. So just keep your name and you will find her wherever you are at. All right. Thank you again, have there, this has been amazing. I really do appreciate your, just your openness and your generosity with your stories and your information. And I think for, I know for myself, and I’m sure for my listeners this has been hugely profound. So we do appreciate you and we thank you very much.
Heather: (42:39)
Thank you. Thanks for having me.