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How To Brand So You Have Less Work To Do! with Robby Fowler
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You can find Robby Fowler at:
Website: https://robbyf.com/
Email: robby@robbyf.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rfowler/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/rfowler?_rdc=1&_rdr
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robbyfowler/
Win The Hour Win The Day
Robby Fowler Podcast Transcription
START[00:09:23]Kris Ward: Hey, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day, and I am your host, Kris Ward, and today in the house, we have Robby Fowler. He is a brand strategist, and we’re going to dive into a whole sorta different side, nothing general branding stuff. We’re going to really sort of expose some problems so we can deal with them right away. Right, Robbie?
[00:09:46]Robby Fowler: That’s right. Absolutely.
[00:09:48]Kris Ward: Okay. We’re all about, you know, let’s get to it here. So what is the Cardinal sin? What are the problems you see out there day in, day out that you think, if they only knew?
[00:09:59]Robby Fowler: One of the biggest is if they only knew the difference between branding and marketing, that is huge.
Branding takes a back seat. And one of the assumptions is, well, the reason it takes a backseat is this is not going to make me money. It’s not going to generate revenue. And the reality is it is responsible for tons of revenue. If you know what it is and you know how to use it. So that’s one of the biggest mistakes.
[00:10:28] And the second mistake that goes with that is assuming, oh, when you say brand, you mean. And about the only thing that comes to people’s mind usually is like my logo, the way things look around my business, that’s my brand. Correct. And unfortunately there’s way more to it than that. And there’s way more power to it.
[00:10:46] And what I tell clients that I work with is if branding can generate revenue, but you don’t know how to use it, right. You’re leaving money on the table. So if you’ll go with me there, that way, you mean a brand can generate revenue and I can give you example after example of not marketing where the brand generates the revenue.
[00:11:09]Kris Ward: Okay. Give us an example.
[00:11:11]Robby Fowler: An example would be, the iPad. That I have right here. Right? One of those very expensive apple iPads. It came out. I purchased one for whatever dollar amount that was, that was not an insignificant purchase. I did not see,
[00:11:32] I did not see one single marketing ad from apple. So why did I buy an iPad from apple because of the strength of their brand. Okay. Right. So branding, the way I try to help people distinguish, begin to kind of get some really simple categories. The role of marketing is to attract, right. It’s to increase awareness is to make more people know that your podcast is out there, that you’re consulting business is out there, that your restaurant is out there.
[00:12:02] That’s the role, it’s meant to attract. And what branding does is, so I say, Marketing’s about awareness. Branding is about fondness, F O N D N E S S. Right? Marketing’s about going wide. I want more and more and more and more people to know about me. Branding’s about going deep. I want them to fall in love.
[00:12:25]Kris Ward: Okay. Okay. That’s interesting. It kind of reminds you of my niece who was giving me the what’s up on the modern child in the school yard and with all the technology they have, she was still explaining to me that her friend went over and asked his friend and I was like, oh, okay. He said nothing’s changed. So it’s kind of like the marketing is, Hey, we’re going to do some outreach here.
And then when you get the messaging, you look over and go, yeah, I’ll take a spin at that. Okay. Yeah.
Robby Fowler: The stronger the brand is that means they’ll at times, the less marketing you have to do. So Apple got my money and they didn’t need to run an ad to me. Right. Because of the strength of the brand.
[00:13:03]Kris Ward: Okay. That makes sense. And I think too, You know, one of my… you guys know I’m all about tangible takeaways so that when you listen to the show and one of the big praise is I get all the time and you can go try it right away. So when people want to talk about branding, I say, okay, great. But you have to show up with something because to say, you have to be authentic, you have to do all these things.
[00:13:21] That’s great. But I argue that people wouldn’t be trying to be inauthentic, you’re out there doing your best until you’re told otherwise. Right. But I would argue too, that when you’re new in business, if you’re not careful. You look to the left of the right and you say, oh, I want to look like a grownup business.
[00:13:38] You know, I know in the beginning it was like I was wearing business jackets that I wasn’t comfortable in. It’s like, oh, but that’s my professional armor. I’m supposed to show up and look this certain way. This is the outfit you wear. And it wasn’t necessarily my personality or my brand, but it was me trying to, you know, being a grownup and a professional.
So not falling into what you think here is the status quo or the formula. For a brand for your, in your industry. So being, you know, how can that whole thing, how can you stand out if you’re trying to fit in?
[00:14:09]Robby Fowler: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. So you’ve got to know that in order to put it out there.
[00:14:13]Kris Ward: Okay. All right. So establishing that, we got to know that then where do we go from there?
[00:14:19]Robby Fowler: So once… the next place to go is you’re not going to get anywhere without knowing your customer. And this seems like common sense. Again, I just see the second biggest mistake I see is we just blow right past the customer. And it’s understandable as entrepreneurs because if you’re an entrepreneur, chances are you’ve gone out on a limb to start this thing.
[00:14:45] You’ve invested time, money, resources, you’ve taken risks that other people aren’t willing to take. That’s why they’re not entrepreneurs. That’s just part of the game. And so with that, At that much that you’ve put into it. You will run immediately too. You’ve got something inside of you that is driving that desire to go start this thing, to grow this thing, to build this thing.
[00:15:09] And what happens is understandably, we will talk all day long about customers, but we immediately get pulled back to here’s what I’m trying to do in my business. Here’s my first quarter goal, or here’s our sales goal for the year or here’s this product I want to launch, here’s this course I want.
[00:15:27] And then without thinking about it, we begin to frame our marketing and our messaging is framed out of that internal business desire. I want to get this course launched by May. The problem is your customer does not care if you launch your course by May. That’s not on their agenda today. They did not wake up this morning going, man.
[00:15:49] I heard, I sure hope Robbie’s a little bit closer to getting that course launched in May. Okay. But that flavors the… I see it again and again, that flavors the marketing, Hey, coming out in May, I’m going to release blah, blah, blah course. Well, again, that’s framed for me, the entrepreneur that’s been working my tail off to get this course launched May 1.
[00:16:08]Kris Ward: We have to have goals. So what’s your concern about that?
[00:16:10]Robby Fowler: Absolutely. The concern is what I always tell people is have all that… write it all down. Now, when it comes to marketing, you literally take that. I have them write it on a piece of paper and I, this is practical. Right? Write it down. What is the goal? Well, I want to get the course launched by May 1st.
[00:16:25] Great. Write that down. We’ll unpack that a little more about why that’s important and revenue and get them fired up. Right? Okay. Take that piece of paper slide out across the desk. That one’s done. Okay. Now your customer, who doesn’t care about any of those things, it’s not that they’re not important.
[00:16:41] Absolutely. You want to go, but your customer doesn’t care. Out of, I call it radical empathy. Out of radical empathy for your customer. Okay. Now the minute we walk out that door out in the real world, now you’ve got to rethink and you’ve got to translate. Why does this matter to them? Why is it important to them.
[00:17:05] And there may be something that’s important to them about it coming out in May, but you’ve got to reframe it for them not out of your internal business goats. I‘m super excited to launch this course in May. Well, good for you.
[00:17:17]Kris Ward: Okay. So maybe it’s along the lines of, what we help entrepreneurs stop working so hard and it’s all about so many times people think, well, once I get past this next thing you want to get past this next day, or I call it like a Christmas time.
[00:17:28] I call it the Christmas crawl. You’re crawling to Christmas and you think, oh, everybody’s going to be closed for two weeks. So like, I don’t even have to have guilt if I take a day off because I just got to crawl to Christmas and they think, you know, something will magically happen when they come in January, but they’re way, way worse off.
[00:17:44] Right. What you could be talking about then is in my messaging. Listen here, this course is coming out in November, but the reason you need this is because January is going to be a sober slap in the face for you. You think you just have to get to Christmas, you know, kind of like when you’re a child, you just got to get to June and you think school and never come back again in September because the summer is going to last forever.
[00:18:09] Right? So I could, what you’re saying is highlight that in the marketing. Yeah, it’s coming out now, but the reason we’re having to come out now is to serve you in January.
[00:18:20]Robby Fowler: Absolutely. Here’s why it’s important that it comes out for you in January for you, the customer, not me, that I’ve been working on this for six months.
[00:18:29]Kris Ward: Okay. Okay. So, all right, I get it now. What you’re saying is that in our ambition and our focus, and we get a tunnel vision, which is okay, we’ve got to get, so we’ve got to get so that, we then don’t mark it or celebrate or highlight why the timing is serving you and it’s divine versus even if it is our own agenda, that can’t be our reason to inviting you to the party.
[00:18:51] Like, again, it’s like inviting somebody to your house. It’s not saying, would you like to come to my house our night for dinner, Robby? It’s your birthday and here’s what I’m going to do for you versus Hey Saturday is the only day I’m not working. And, you know, I don’t like to be alone all day. Do you want to come over for dinner?
[00:19:07] And I got it. I got to get rid of this meat. I gotta get rid of this meat. That’s going to go bad on Sunday. Right? So those are two different stories. So you’re saying everyone just saying, look, here’s my agenda. I got to get rid of this meat though. Go back on Sunday. Telling you why it’s going to be a good plan.
[00:19:20]Robby Fowler: It sounds so simple. I see it over and over again. It flavors it like a seasoning, like if you eat something, you go, wait, does this like my wife and I, we don’t like the time, the seasoning time I can spot it. Right. And it’s like, oh, this would have been so good. But you put time on it. That’s what I see over and over again.
[00:19:38] It’s like, this is a great product. This is a bright thing that you’re offering. However, when you get, when you step outside your front door and start communicating it and picking up the flavor that this is important to you, you haven’t convinced me why it’s important to me yet. Good for you on launching a course.
[00:19:55]Kris Ward: I didn’t get it at first, but I got it now. You’re right. Whatever the season, whatever the reason you should be highlighting, this is no accident. This is not my agenda. This is to serve you at this time because of what’s coming next for you. Okay. All right. Okay. I wasn’t sure about it, but you won me over there. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead.
[00:20:21]Robby Fowler: So I’ll give you an example of that. We had a client that we were doing work with and they were going to go approach a large store that had, I dunno, 60 stores. And they were going to go pitch that, Hey, we can help you go sell this thing because we already have it in our warehouse and you won’t even have to store it, stock it, anything.
[00:20:43] You can sell it, we’ll ship it. We’ll take all of that off of your plate. And so we had talked about this. This was a big pitch that this guy was going to get to go make for his business. When he sent us the sample email, it was all framed out of…. here’s the most practical thing you can do.
[00:21:05] Find and replace the word “I” with “You”. In fact, like this is what I’ll do when somebody says, Hey, can you take a look at my website? The first sneaky thing I’ll do. Don’t tell them yet. Right? It’s, I’ll hit command F on my Mac and I’ll just do a search for the word YOU. And that tells me instantly how good of a job they are doing at framing this out of empathy for the customer instead of that kind of internal ambition.
[00:21:32]Kris Ward: Yeah. Then you know what, once you make this switch, it almost seems like, oh, I don’t like, in my head, I’m thinking. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody knows that now. Why are you instead of I, everybody knows. Yeah. Yeah. But then. I do remember having to be told that so many times, because you get seduced into, like, I need you to understand why I’m the solution to your problem, because I know I have competitors.
[00:21:52] And so what that turns is I’ve done this and I’ve done that, which is not about fixing you and here’s where you are in the journey. And then I do hear people say to me all the time, like I had this one guy sent me a LinkedIn message. He’s like, Kris, I just put my kids to bed. It’s eight o’clock at night.
[00:22:08] I’m back at my computer. I have listened to you. I’ve heard you. And other shows, I need your help because you said when you do this and when you do that, so then they start thinking, oh, she’s in my head. I like that we’re connected. She gets me. Right. Versus if I’m telling you, Hey, I used to do this and this is how I help people. Right. Okay. Got it.
[00:22:25]Robby Fowler: We’ve got 15 years of experience and good for you.
[00:22:30]Kris Ward: Yeah, it doesn’t mean any of it. I was good at, but that’s fine. Okay. So make a mental note, everyone actually doesn’t make a mental note, write this down. Everything is Y O U versus I, and I can see how you get into that trap. Excellent. All right. Continue with your wise words, Robby.
[00:22:46]Robby Fowler: Yes. So now the next thing that tends to happen, I do get a lot of people that approached me about websites, right? So at some point you have, or need a website. Most everyone. Not everyone. Most everyone is a little embarrassed by their current website to anywhere from a little bit embarrassed to really just point are frustrated with it.
[00:23:11] Right. There’s very few that you run into that go, man. I’m proud of that. I love it. It’s great. It’s great for my business. And when people ask me about websites, because almost everybody says, man, I could use one. I could use a new one. Right. I could use a new one. I will ask them this question. Okay. Well, what do you want it to do for your business?
[00:23:31] And they do not know. Right, as well it’s just outdated. It’s okay. That’s great. That’s not what I asked though. I asked what do you want it to do for your business? I want you to think about your website like you’re hiring a new employee. What’s the job description and make sure that job description is primarily one thing.
[00:23:50] I want it to go sell this course. I want it to double my leads. I want it to go like give it a job and aim it at that thing. The beauty about a website is you can change it next year. It’s not printing 10,000 catalogs or something like that, or brochures that you’re like, oh, we can’t use those anymore.
[00:24:08] So most people don’t think of their site, like aim it like a laser. What you wanted to do for your business and think of it like an employee that’s out there 365 days a year. It does not take Christmas break off, right? It doesn’t hit the Christmas crawl. It’s talking to all kinds of people about your business, many of whom you’ll never meet face to face.
[00:24:31]Kris Ward: I think, I know when dinosaurs are roaming the earth and I started my business cause now like even 10 years ago in the world of tech seems like crazy, right? Yeah. So this was almost, oh my gosh. It was like 14 years ago. And I know there was this false sense of you getting your website up and it’s almost like, you know, even being on TV, like now it’s up.
[00:24:50] Like let the gate open. Right. And even being on TV is no big thing anymore. I’ve had PR clients that like, yeah, you get some of the, even on the today show, that’s great, but they have to have all the infrastructure and systems so that they can leverage that appearance. Right. So you get this false sense of when you see somebody else doing something or whatever, that’s going to be, your one hit or, you know, your claim to fame and all of a sudden, whatever your viral situation.
[00:25:15] And so I think you’re right. Everybody looks at that is that maybe the bat signal in the sky, when it stopped looking at it like a really gorgeous brochure, that’s going to somehow Swoon and sway people. But something that is a machine, a mechanical machine, because I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but there I’ve worked with all kinds of unbelievably, financially successful people that have, websites that in back of the day, I would have been like, Mine that’s nicer than theirs, but yes, they’re making 5 million more dollars a year, but I am. Right. So then the shine of it can seduce you.
[00:25:50]Robby Fowler: Yes, absolutely. That’s why you gotta say, is the job I want for my website just to look great or don’t want it to bring drive revenue. Okay. I want it to drive. Well, how are you doing that now? What’s the primary way you want to do that? And you’re going to aim your website at that because people will get distracted by the shiny object of like social media and top of funnel marketing.
[00:26:13] And I always ask them, that’s great. When that works, where do warm leads go? Yeah, well, whatever you’re out there doing when that works, where they’re going to go to your website, your website will be at least a part of their decision about whether or not they’re going to do business with you. So if what you’re spending money on, on your marketing works, and it is attracting people there, they’re going to wind up at your website, make sure that you don’t shoot yourself in the foot there and wait, cause that’s just a waste of money.
[00:26:44] Hey, I brought a bunch of people over to the house and the house was in shambles. Well, they’re not going to come back. Yeah, you had your one shot. So I see people get that out of order all the time. Cause this has been factuation, what’s just attracting leads and forgetting all those leads showed up at your house and you weren’t ready for them.
[00:27:01]Kris Ward: Yeah. You had a big dinner party. You gave him the wrong night and you didn’t have food for them. Right. Okay. So we got to the website. And I think this may seem simple, but this is a mistake that people make for a lot of years when you’re new at business and it can be very painful. And even when you’re more seasoned, you just get seduced in that, especially when you look at somebody else’s oh, like they’re really successful.
[00:27:21] Look at their website. Well, the website is a result of… and is a brochure of their success. It wasn’t the creator of the success. So when we get to the website, what are some of the mechanical things that we tend to mess up?
[00:27:35]Robby Fowler: Yeah, the mechanical thing, number one that we tend to mess up is probably the most visible marketing piece that you have for your business.
[00:27:45] That that will be in front of what’s called them warm leads, right. Is the very top section of the homepage of your website, right. That will probably get more eyeballs from more actual potential customers or clients then literally anything else you have? So I’ll think I want you to think of the full breadth of your marketing material, that thing, the top part of your website, we’ll call that the hero, that very top section of the homepage, right?
[00:28:15] That’s what’s in your Instagram profile, your LinkedIn profile, all of these other places where you’re out in the world, that’s where they wind up. So guess what should be the best piece of marketing you have is the top of the homepage. It better tell me in one second again. What problem do you solve?
[00:28:38] What people do you solve that problem for? Right. So, Hey, we take care of making your grass green, but we do it for country clubs. Okay. Well, I’m a homeowner, so not me. Right? So that was my problem. So problem you solve, people you serve the people you saw that problem for. And sometimes I need to know just enough about the process that you use.
[00:29:03] Like we do that. So we do green lawns for busy homeowners, using natural ingredients. Safe for the kids and pets. Okay. That’s enough about the process. Oh, so you’re different than you’re not just going to come and spray a bunch of chemicals on the yard. Right. And then the picture behind that, and he used to literally be like the best picture you have.
Right. Cause that’s going to get more eyeballs of actual potential customers than anything else that you have.
[00:29:29]Kris Ward: I think so many of us, and I think it took me a long time to understand this because I understood this for other businesses, but of course you think your own is precious and dear and different, right? And you get this idea and I keep having to beat it into anyone’s head that will listen to me in my team or any of my clients or whatever.
[00:29:46] Because I started out, I am still a marketing strategist, Win The Hour, Win The Day is a result of that. But what happens is you get this false sense. It’s like a book and people are going to read page one to page 20. Like, oh, well, this is the top of the pages is bottom. And then I address that on page three.
[00:30:02] We don’t want that to be out of order. Cause they’re going to see that on page one. We’ll get them to page three. No, they’re not going to do this. Like I know myself. You can make like people, you could look for cars or big lots, you know, washer and dryer, and you’re just slipping really quickly here, there yonder looking for information. You’re not following the breadcrumbs in the order that they laid them out.
[00:30:23]Robby Fowler: No. So what I literally tell clients. So if you’re running a business, you have a website, sit down for a second, right? If you’re listening to podcasts, you’ve got to sit down for a second, take a breath. Here’s the harsh reality.
[00:30:36] And this one you gotta be sitting down for. Unfortunately, everybody that visits your website is just as busy as you are today. It’s just not with your business. It’s with their business. It’s not with your agenda. They treat your website, just like you treat. And I treat everybody else’s, which is, I mean, Google has done the research and the research shows that someone forms a first impression when they hit your site, literally faster than a bolt of lightning. Literally faster than the blink of an eye, that first impression gets formed.
[00:31:13]Kris Ward: I think you gave us a sobering perspective because we know that logically. Yet I know that I don’t have time for that. Oh, you know, you hop on a website, took too long, I’m out. Right. But that you think, oh, but what I do is so important cause I see the lives. I changed.
[00:31:31] And so then you think you’re going to get a… because the people that I… I know my clients, when they come here, they really need this information. They’re going to stay longer. So I think that’s a sobering example of they’re just as busy, if not busier than you are, is very painful. And then I also think too, it’s a really good reminder because I always say a website really is just to confirm
[00:31:52] the information, like if I suddenly say, oh, you know what? So I’ve had a very generous client say, Kris Ward changed my life. Like I was working insane hours, evenings, weekends, instantly my life has changed. Then people just go to the website, whether they read anything or not. It’s like, okay, I look polished.
I look put together. They don’t even read it. They’re just like, yeah, this looks like it might match the recommendation I just got on her.
[00:32:16]Robby Fowler: Yes. So that goes in the branding category. And what happens, what I tell folks is look, when that person hits Kris’s site, right? So they’ve got a fantastic recommendation.
[00:32:26] Like you said, it is very rare, even with a glowing recommendation for someone to go from recommendation to show up on your front door with the checkbook or the credit card, ready to write. That website is a part of that decision. Okay. And it will either do one of these two things. It’s going to build a bridge.
[00:32:43] Or burned a bridge. It does not stay in neutral. Okay. That’s why the top of that homepage better be the clearest simplest statement about your business. It better be the best picture that shows me like the happy ending of doing business with you. And then the other thing, like you just mentioned, I’ll remind folks is like, this is first date material.
[00:33:05] And all you’re trying to do on a good first date is do what? Good. You get a second date? Yeah, I’ve been married. Yeah. I’ve been married for 27 years. That, on that first date with my wife, I knew instantly, like, I want a second date. We didn’t talk about our politics, kids we want like good Lord. Right.
[00:33:23] Save that. That happens in relationship. So most of the stuff that we’re filling our websites with, they are important. They’re important. And once you actually have a relationship with the potential potential customer client that could be done through email and ongoing content marketing later.
[00:33:40]Kris Ward: It reminds me of a Seinfeld episode where Elaine was very much against abortion and Jerry said to her, what’s the new guy.
Yeah, right. And she said, well, I’m sure he’s against it. Why do you assume it? Because he’s cute. Right? Good looking. Yes. So good looking. He can’t possibly have politics me and I don’t want to know them right now. Perfect. Okay. Awesome. We just have a moment or two left. Time flies with you, Robby. Tell us one last thing that we really should be mindful of.
[00:34:10]Robby Fowler: Okay. So here’s another very simple thing. As you think about SEO, that’s a big term out there. Search engine optimization. Yeah. Unfortunately there is just massive amounts of confusion out there. There’s lots of people telling you that they do it.
[00:34:27] There’s lots of designers and firms telling you. Yes, we’re an extra fee. We’ll include that on your, and that’s usually not happening. So what can you do? Okay. Here’s one super simple, practical thing that you can do on your website. Make sure each page has one and only one H1 at the top. So H1 think of that, but you’re back in English class.
[00:34:51] You’re back in language class. If English wasn’t your first language and your teachers were teaching you how to write an outline. Roman numeral one. There’s only one of those on the page. Okay. That will immediately get your hands slapped. Now some of us are, SEO’s not a reality right now. In other words, we don’t get enough traffic.
[00:35:10] We don’t have enough information on our site. It’s not. We’re not updating it enough for us to really play in that game. However, at some point you might be ready to do that. So let’s say you fast forward three years, and now you’re going to release, you’re ready to write your first New York times bestselling book.
[00:35:26] And we’ve done this before. We’ve done this with our mutual friend, Mike Kim. When Mike was ready to launch his book, he had 6, 7, 8 years of blogs written and we stepped in to help with some SEO. That was a nightmare. Because of the untangling we had to do back there. So even if you’re not ready to play in the game yet you can set yourself up in your site up so that if, and when you are ready to play, there’s not as massive undoing.
[00:35:59]Kris Ward: Okay. So I’m still lost. So the H1, what is it we should, and shouldn’t be doing with that.
[00:36:04]Robby Fowler: You should be one of those pages.
[00:36:07]Kris Ward: One of those are what? It’s like our keywords one per page?
[00:36:12]Robby Fowler: So if you think about back to your homepage and I hit the very top of your homepage, and let’s say your big landscape company and your tagline is, “Greener yards for busy homeowners with no poison.”
[00:36:27] Okay. That’s your tag. That’s the big thing at the top. That’s an H1. Those are just heading level one. That’s the biggest one. There is, it works literally like an outline, right? Heading level two would go underneath that. That would be Roman Numeral 1a. Page two, under a, if you remember in the outline, you’d write your, what is it?
[00:36:49]Kris Ward: Sadly, do you know what? I’ve been doing all kinds of stuff. And just recently we worked on something, a website, and I said to someone on my team, well, we have to change the H1s, but honest to God, he came back two seconds later. He’s like, I did it, Kris. And I was thinking. I thought it was some big backdoor, techie, plugin thing to Google.
I couldn’t even understand to this day. I didn’t understand it. I was like, oh, he did that fast. I thought it was a whole gibberish CEO SEO thing.
[00:37:13]Robby Fowler: What you’ll find is your site, because you want it to look a certain way, like, Ooh. And I want this heading to be big and most like website builders or whatever, to get it big.
[00:37:22] Like the one at the top, you make it an H1. So we’re doing it for like the design appeal, like, Ooh. Yes. I love that headline to pop. The problem is Google is a bot, right? It’s just a search, it’s just crawling. And those Roman, those headlines are like Roman numerals. It needs to follow the argument of the page.
[00:37:40] This page is about Google wants to know. That H1 tells it what it’s about. If you’ve got five of those, you can’t write a thesis on five things. You write a thesis on one. Okay.
[00:37:50]Kris Ward:T hat’s where you’re given. That’s a really good example once I understood that the outline for your essay in grade five, the brown bear is, and then don’t talk about vegetation and make that an H1, because now we’re going two different directions.
[00:38:03]Robby Fowler: All those little headings should work. H1 is one per page. This is what the page is about. H2 would be like the second level of an outline. Right? Page three is a third level under a second level. It works exactly like that. Siri’s just talking to me.
[00:38:22]Kris Ward: She’s all like, yeah, he got that, right. Okay. Took a team of professionals to finally make me understand that after all this time I have not had before thought I understood and I didn’t. Okay, Robby, thank you so much. Where can people find more of your brilliance?
[00:38:37]Robby Fowler: They can find more of my brilliance, if it’s there at my website, robbyfowler.com.
That’s R O B B Y not I E. R O B B Y, F as in Frank, F as in fowler.com. And yeah, I’d love to connect with you there. If there’s something I can help you do. Like you, I you’ll notice on there. I talk a lot about being a life-giving brand. I am not in favor of people being successful and failing at life at the same time. Not a fan of that at all. And I’ve seen it a lot.
END[00:39:13]Kris Ward: Got the determining factor. Yeah. You can be skinny and rich and fall over with a heart attack and live a very unhappy life. So yes, yes. Awesome. All right, everyone else, we will see you in the next episode.[00:39:26]