Episode Summary
This week’s episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day Podcast is sponsored by Win The Hour, Win The Day’s Signature Coaching Program the Winners Circle. Kris Ward who helps entrepreneurs to stop working so hard interviews, Richard Moore.
Are you tired of people “liking” your posts but not getting any real sales? In this chat with Richard Moore, you’ll learn how to turn LinkedIn followers into paying clients.
In this exciting talk, you’ll find out:
-Why having many followers doesn’t always mean money in your pocket.
-How to understand the problems your customers need help with.
-Easy ways to move people from followers to clients.
Richard gives simple ways to make big changes in your business using his Doctor Method.
Get ready for game-changing tips that will help you earn more! Don’t miss this chance to turn your followers into loyal clients.
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Win The Hour Win The Day
Richard Moore Podcast Transcription
[00:00:00] Kris Ward: Okay, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win The Hour Win The Day, I am your host, Kris Ward. And today in the house, we’ve got Richard Moore. Now he is a conversion specialist. Hold on. I know that might sound a little bit dry, but it’s super exciting. We’re going to talk about the tool being LinkedIn or whatever you want it to be.
[00:00:18] In this case, it’s going to be LinkedIn. So Listen, you want people to follow you on LinkedIn, you want to get engagement, you want to do all these things, but how do you convert? It’s not about being popular. It’s about conversions. So let’s talk about that. Welcome to the show, Richard.
[00:00:34] Richard Moore: Thank you so much.
[00:00:34] Wonderful to be here. And that’s a lovely introduction. I’m very primed to attack this subject. I’m really pleased to be able to talk about it.
[00:00:42] Kris Ward: Okay. All right. So where do we start? What do you feel that we’re missing the boat on when we talk about, in this case, it’s going to be LinkedIn, but it could be anything. What is it we’re missing the boat on?
[00:00:52] Richard Moore: I think if we keep it online, for instance, a really important thing to recognize is that the world and its mainstream narrative these days is success and inverted cobbers doing well online means lots of followers, lots of attention and let’s not worry about the deals part, because I’m sure that works out.
[00:01:13] So say the coaches trying to sell you something. And I hang up with that and I can speak with authority on it. Is someone like myself who gets millions and millions of impressions and who has 85, 000 followers on LinkedIn rather than just stars? It’s crucial to understand that people like me don’t make any money unless they do conversion as well.
[00:01:37] And what is worrying is that people feel that if only they got more views or if only they got more followers, things would be okay, but they probably have their next five customers right under their nose. And they don’t know what to do in terms of conversion strategy. As with a background as ultimately a sales director in the city in London, it’s always about, and you hopefully will like this kind of thing.
[00:01:59] What are the activities we’re putting in place each day to give this maximum impact for our business in terms of client acquisition, rather than mucking around on social media. And calling it risk, important work because it’s ultimately a lot of wasted time being spent trying to be popular like you said.
[00:02:19] Kris Ward: Okay. I want to pack that for a minute because that’s really what it’s made me think of. This is really profound is I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the show, the profit, he goes around and he helps businesses. And what’s really interesting to me, he talks about people process and product, right?
[00:02:33] Which is very similar to what we do. Teams, time and toolkit. And what happens is you’ll be watching a show and it might be like a five million dollar company, but they don’t have systems in play. So they’re bleeding out. They don’t understand which piece of their inventory is making most of the money.
[00:02:49] And you think it’s a 5 million company. And yet there’s something like 1. 2 million in debt because the money’s coming in, but they just don’t have the infrastructure set up to, to manage it. And they’re bleeding out. And so that’s really reminds me of what you’re saying is look, we just assume we assume like when you say, Oh my gosh, how many followers do you have again? Sorry.
[00:03:10] Richard Moore: 85, 000.
[00:03:11] Kris Ward: So I assume, all right, 85, 000. Then, I don’t know, the world is your oyster. That’s it. You’re done. But what you’re saying is that means nothing. It doesn’t mean anything. It is like being in high school. If everyone thinks you’re lovely and you’re popular, great. But that doesn’t put money in your pockets.
[00:03:29] Richard Moore: It doesn’t. And further to underscore the point, It’s the big influencers, the quarter of a million ones, or hundreds of thousands, who slide into my DMs, and I’ve had these messages multiple times saying, basically, Richard, don’t tell anyone, but I really need help with the conversion.
[00:03:49] And it’s simon again that works and it’s very noble, well done the world knows who you are, but they’ve got no money because they spend their time commenting on other people’s posts and so on.
[00:03:59] But it’s interesting what you’re saying there about your example of the five million quid company. And there was one I worked for a while back and I went in and there was, it was like, They were selling without trying. Yeah, it was appalling. Like they weren’t even asking for the order, but there was selling like 20 mil.
[00:04:18] I think it was a year they were doing at the time purely because their product was fantastic, but it was atrocious. And the new CEO was like. Look at them. I said, it’s like a library. This Salesforce, the sales team you’ve got is awful because they weren’t doing any kind of like optimization of their process.
[00:04:36] Kris Ward: Okay. So let’s get to it. So then tell us what, where, how do we convert? So I’m, let’s look like, cause you also, what you’re saying is, all right, if I have 10, 000 connections on LinkedIn, it’s really about the conversions. I could be possibly better off as somebody who’s got 50, 000. So how do we convert?
[00:04:54] Richard Moore: The key magic is all down to the individuals. Okay. One on one with people. I’m certainly talking about high ticket here. Okay. Because that’s a conversation. So high ticket sales is about speaking with an individual and getting into a conversation where you get to unpack with them where they may be struggling or allowing them to compliment you if they think highly of you and then learning how to pivot from that into a discussion where you start helping them and giving them some help is a wonderful starter, a little taster of what might be possible and as long as it’s sufficiently a bleeding neck problem or frustration for them they tend to want to fix it.
[00:05:39] And that buys you this earned right to then have a conversation as in a call and then take it from there. But it’s
[00:05:47] Kris Ward: okay. So that’s theory. Let’s break it down. Are you talking about a show and tell in a post? Are you talking about reaching out to them and one on one messaging? How do we say, how do we get our foot in the door and say, let me give you this to you.
[00:05:59] I think it will help. And how do we know they need our help? Like in my case. I’m like that client you said where they’re a big influencer and they whisper in your DM I don’t have any conversions. A lot of my people are not going to come online and say, I’m working insane hours. They tend to whisper that to me after they’ve resonated with some of my posts or I’ve been doing an interview on their show and now they’re like, Oh, I’ve heard it for a half hour.
[00:06:21] Oh my gosh, you know what, Kris, I hate to tell you this, but I’m working, like I’m working 80 hours a week. So how, where do we get, how do we do that?
[00:06:28] Richard Moore: But you’ve hit the nail on the head, Kris, because it depends. Annoying answer, I know. The reason why it depends is, if I’m a recruiter And I’m, I know one in particular who I work with and she, she works with very impressive aerospace businesses who aren’t going to be looking at LinkedIn posts, writing comments, doing more outreach.
[00:06:49] Someone like you is a great example of a nuanced industry where it’s a vulnerability that someone’s willing to open up with frankly, someone they don’t know well enough like yourself in order for that to happen. So let’s look at this one. What’s crucial about this is this warmer inbound approach.
[00:07:08] It does have to really works well with content. If you’re going to try and do cold outreach to help people with burnout or with like vulnerability around anxiety or working too many hours, that’s someone that really opening up. And it’s very difficult to do. This is a decade of cold calling speaking.
[00:07:28] That was what I used to do. So I know that’s hard, but if you have the right kind of content, what you’re looking for is to move someone top of funnel from seeing you as an expert, because sure, some stuff to becoming their expert and what that looks like is you’re showing an awareness of their inner dialogue.
[00:07:51] And specifically the posts, before I get into how they will step forward, the posts need to dial in to the symptoms that they’re experiencing that represent their problem. When I worked 80 hour – weeks, And I was close to burnout and I needed my life organized. There’s no way I would say to anyone that I had a problem.
[00:08:16] Kris Ward: No. I’ll die on that sword. Yeah. For sure. I get it.
[00:08:19] Richard Moore: As you well know, people don’t often aren’t aware of their problem. That’s actually a blind spot in the same. I’ve said this to someone recently. If I go to the doctor with a wheezy chest and a cough, I don’t know that I’ve got bronchitis.
[00:08:33] Yeah. Like symptoms. And so people think they know content when they talk about, Shay, what your, what the problems your prospects experience. No, that’s not nuanced enough. We need to talk about the symptoms they’re experiencing, how, what’s the thing as in literally in inverted commas. As something that they’re saying to themselves, they’re in a dialogue, in that piece of content, how are they describing how they, what they’re going through?
[00:08:59] And that is your point of access to get them to move from an expert to their expert when they look.
[00:09:04] Kris Ward: Okay. I love that phrase, an expert to their expert. In my case, I often say this. I know when I was back in what I call my dark years or many of my clients, you have this philosophy. Like you said, you would have never admitted you had a problem working 80 hours a week because you probably thought once you get past this next thing, things will be different.
[00:09:24] There is always that next thing. Oh, once I get this client on board, once we get through the kids holidays, once we do this, Oh, once I get the website fixed, there’s always, I just got to get caught up. I just need a little bit more time. So in that case, I can talk about those symptoms of burnout or whatever, or that you, the faulty language or dialogue you’re having with yourself.
[00:09:44] Then in my case, the problem I always, and I’m using these example, cause I’m all I got here. And I think it breaks it down for the clients. They hopefully not clients. Hello. You’re all clients. Everybody listening. I’m a quadrillionaire. Everybody listening to this show as a client. So for all you listening, I’m hoping you can relate to my example.
[00:10:01] So in my, where I often get lost is. We do focus on their team, the time and the toolkits. 95 percent of people don’t know how to use their calendar. It’s a time bank account. I could teach a whole little course on that, right? Then there is what we call our super toolkits and people get stuck on systems and processes and why they don’t work.
[00:10:20] Cause they were corporate. They’re written not by the end user. They’re static in nature, blah, blah, blah. We have a different way of doing it. And then team, time and then your team to, and then your team, how to, why this team would be different than, and they wouldn’t take up your time. So I tend to go too quickly into the house and how to fix it.
[00:10:38] But I think if I had posts that were more sympathizing to your issue and the symptoms of that, and then if I had a very simple, short, powerful, showing how to use your calendar differently without getting too much, cause that’s a problem over delivering overwhelms if I just had a simple, maybe two, three minute video showing that’s what you’re talking about because
[00:11:04] Richard Moore: if we transpose to use mutual term from what you’re describing to say a mechanic with cars, here’s the analogy.
[00:11:14] the mechanic talking loads about how they use air compressors and spanners and things. No one cares. They just want a car fixed. And so actually it’s groovy, man. That’s really cool that you have all these amazing things about calendars, but we don’t care. What we want is the outcome of understanding that.
[00:11:33] And in fact, you could share that with us. When we’ve bought your outcome you’ll fix for us, which is, servicing this problem we have about time. It’s just one of your tools. Not something we need to learn. So you’re quite right. Showing the awareness means it’s you know what, I think this Kris person maybe is on to something.
[00:11:54] Okay. But let me add an asterisk. The fact is, what we want is for these people to want to step forward, right? And, what you’ll find is that those lurkers, as they’re fondly known, who don’t step forward, they look and they’re gone, they do often like something that might help them. So it might be that your content is demonstrating that yes, you are aware, That they have these symptoms, because you’re speaking to them in their, using their vernacular, you’re like, here’s the wording you use when you speak to yourself, don’t you?
[00:12:28] I know you think like this, don’t you? And they’re like, yeah, wow, this is totally me. There are four cool things you can do with your calendar that will help free up an hour or a day.
[00:12:40] Kris Ward: Okay. Okay.
[00:12:42] Richard Moore: Once those I’ll happily just give them to you comment, comment this and I’ll send them to you. And then we get into the wonderful world of doing lead magnets like it’s 2024 in a careful way, which I can go into.
[00:12:54] Kris Ward: Okay.
[00:12:55] Richard Moore: And, but that’s crucial because now you can give us a tool. Yeah. Where we can try and get an outcome on our own, but of course it gives you an in to now say, so which not did it help, or was it interesting, no, far more accurate questioning here will be something like, which of the four steps. Okay. Had the most impact.
[00:13:18] And indeed, when you give them that lead magnet you might say, hi Richard, thanks so much for asking for my four step calendar thing. I’m sure you’d give it a more elegant name.
[00:13:29] Kris Ward: Yeah. I got you. Yeah.
[00:13:31] Richard Moore: Out of interest, everyone says something different, which, when you look at it, which of the four steps do you feel helps you most?
[00:13:38] Because of course their answer will represent the area where they have most need. And now we’ve got this beautiful moment where we can pivot into a conversation. And I must say, because I’m right, can you see here why we don’t need thousands of impressions? We need three conversations like this a day, and then we’re off.
[00:13:58] Kris Ward: I think this is spectacular. And I am so glad that I used me as an example, not because I like me, but because I think you broke it down really clearly. And that’s a big thing. Our audience, you guys are so awesome. We have over, well over a thousand five star reviews. Every one of you say you love that there’s tangible takeaways.
[00:14:13] And so to me, it’s Everyone talks in theory about warm messaging and all that other stuff. And what I have a tendency to do, someone even said this to me recently, they said, Kris, your videos are great, but you give more in a video than some people give in a course that you paid for. So the problem with that is then people go off and do it all.
[00:14:32] And half the time they’re doing it wrong because they’re trying to do it themselves. And it’s because I’m so passionate that your business should support your life, not consume it. And then I over deliver and you’re right. I would have made that way more complicated and given them too much of a course, too robust the language.
[00:14:49] I probably would have educated them in the warm messaging. Listen, here’s my client. Say la, where your gentle approach was I know you think like this here are the four core of your calendar. Yeah. Would you like this? So that is a spectacular example.
[00:15:02] Richard Moore: There’s such an important addition here because there’s this narrative that says, give value.
[00:15:08] And the more value you give, it’s exponential, but it’s also proportional. The more value you give, the more people will like you. It’s not true because what happens with sufficient volume of inverted commas value given you end up with a buyer now feeling overwhelmed. And it actually becomes, so I remember once helping a guy build a course and it’s You need six to ten modules tops and he came back with 13 or something and then it’s 18.
[00:15:38] I’m like, stop trying to fix the world, make it simpler than that. People don’t want too much, which is why you’ll leave it, which is that first thing is his four things. Because the crucial part with your videos, with your interviews, with your, with everything you give is. Here’s some of it, but let me add, there’s more to it than this.
[00:15:58] Yes, you need an, you’re gonna need an expert to navigate it, so I’ll give you some things that will make a bit of a difference. Obviously I’m scratching the surface and I’ll say that here I’m pleased that you are, you recognize I’m all about tactical value and giving that kind of detail.
[00:16:13] But needless to say, there’s much more nuance and elegance that can be covered, can’t be covered in an hour. And so that’s what’s crucial about it, you have to caveat it with, look, this will make a step change of improvement on your world, but there’s so much more depth and nuance. And that’s where I come in.
[00:16:31] And that’s why Kris Ward is in existence because we need that true superhero expert to give us all of that expertise. Based on your experience and that can be done in a quick four point PDF you send someone.
[00:16:45] Kris Ward: No, but what you’re saying is so profound and powerful and yet so simple. And we know this, what I would say is, I know, I don’t want to be overwhelmed.
[00:16:53] I remember one time our washer broke and we went out to do after dinner and we’re like going to get a new washer. We went in and they educate, it was when the whole front load thing switched over. I came home and I’m thinking they must’ve had less decisions to make when they built that first rocket ship.
[00:17:07] And suddenly it was like So like it turned into this huge thing that took three weeks because I was given so much information that I didn’t know this was a choice that was bigger than my first purchasing of a house. But I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed. And then you think I need time and space to figure this out because apparently it’s quite a commitment.
[00:17:24] But then as the giver of information, we’re you’re right, we’ve been conditioned to over deliver. I, that’s all I want to be is over. I want to be known for over delivering, but over is overwhelmed.
[00:17:36] Richard Moore: Yeah, exactly. And it’s intuitive to want to help. And here’s one of the biggest mistakes.
[00:17:41] Kris Ward: Okay.
[00:17:42] Richard Moore: Certainly high ticket selling and selling as an expert slash coach slash consultant, as subject matter expert, who’s going to be the guiding light for someone when you give options.
[00:17:55] What you’re actually doing is saying in this instance, you could do A or B. Which do you think is best? You’re now making the prospect the expert, which they are not. When you have a number of let’s put it this way. Let’s say you have three packages you could use to sell to people. The right package for them is never one they would decide upon. The right package is the one that solves their problem best. And that’s the end of it. And the bet, that’s why I call my methodology, the doctor method, because when you get to the point, the end point where the doctors heard you out, you respect and believe in the doctor or the authorities there, but he’s heard you out, ask the questions and he or she then Gives you an option.
[00:18:39] I saw it gives you that it gives you your medication. They don’t give you options. They prescribe the solution. And so that goes for not just this is the package you want, but also how we deliver the value. It is everything for a buyer and their experience that it is a systematized or a framework or a process or step by step but be simple.
[00:19:04] Otherwise, you get into this zone of, do you know what, maybe I’ll live with the problem instead because I just can’t be bothered with all this work you’re giving me.
[00:19:15] Kris Ward: All that learning. Also, to your doctor analogy, which I often give as an example, is you could be sitting there and your parent has to have some major heart surgery that this doctor went to school for I don’t know, 12 years plus an intern.
[00:19:29] They might’ve been in school for 14, 15 years to learn how to do this. And what they say to you is I want you to picture your father’s heart like a sponge. And so they simplify it so much so that you can make a decision in 25 seconds on which massive heart surgery somebody has based on a sponge analogy. So to your point, that’s really valid.
[00:19:50] Richard Moore: And what’s really interesting about your example there is In that situation, the doctor is the expert because they’ve said it’s this style of surgery or this style. I’m deciding they are the two ones that work and then they make your, you the expert for a decision around which type of lifestyle as a result of either surgery you choose to have.
[00:20:12] So there are different scenarios where we’re the experts as the purveyor. And a perfect example of this just to make life easy for the listeners here is. If I’m going to choose shoes, or buy flowers for my wife, or a low to mid tier restaurant, I’m the expert in my tastes and what I want. But if you go to, so I had dinner at a restaurant in London off Park Lane, called Le Gavroche, which is a Michelle Rue restaurant.
[00:20:40] When you go to Le Gavroche, You don’t decide what you want. You are given the food by a Michelin star restaurant and you are thankful that person gave his time and you pay them for the privilege of eating the food that they selected and cooked in their way. They’re the experts. So it’s so fascinating.
[00:21:01] Kris Ward: It is. I’ve never been to anything that fancy.
[00:21:03] Richard Moore: It was wonderful. I got like
[00:21:06] Kris Ward: chicken. I don’t know if I can handle that.
[00:21:10] Richard Moore: Yeah, it’s not the place where you say, can you hold the salad, please?
[00:21:13] Kris Ward: No, it doesn’t sound like it. And it adds with your posh accent, it makes it even sound more expensive.
[00:21:20] Richard Moore: Thank you very much.
[00:21:22] Kris Ward: Oh my gosh. Okay. So this is really, I find this really refreshing and very different than what’s out there. And that’s really fascinating to me. Cause that’s one of the things I always say to, guess when they’re okay, what is it that you’re talking about? Why do we have you on the show instead of your peers?
[00:21:36] And I really do find this refreshing. I don’t know, like a break in the water, like it’s clearing ah, yes, we’re all out there chasing a, but it’s like a dog chasing a car. Great. The car stopped. Now, what do you do?
[00:21:48] Richard Moore: Do you know what it is though? And this is, I’m glad you said that, but it’s so important that you’re going to hear so many experts always talking about volume.
[00:21:58] Kris Ward: Yeah.
[00:21:58] Richard Moore: And the fact is, and again, this is someone who, if you look at, think about Richard, my first ever job 20 years ago, I was selling in 2003, selling internet marketing. And that was cold calling. Unwanted with a product people didn’t really need or want and selling it in a way people didn’t want either. So it was very,
[00:22:17] Kris Ward: excuse me, how in God’s name did you get out of bed in the morning? I think I would rather go to prison.
[00:22:22] Richard Moore: It was how I was raised. I really was. My mom was my absolute hero and she’s just so you know, you don’t get to quit. You choose, chose the job. So make it happen. I’m like, but I’m not making money.
[00:22:31] So get better then and I loved it was like off the table that I couldn’t do it. So I had to my first commissions, Kris, I was spending on how to sell courses and some of that, you put up with enough of that abuse, you start getting really good at it. And thankfully, I don’t do cold calling anymore, but it was really powerful learning that kind of thing.
[00:22:49] And I think what’s crucial is. There’s a good example of volume is always compensation for a lack of competency. Oh, okay. And what people try and do is they’re always trying to scale themselves, but they’re not competent yet. What I love the most in what I do, is the little guy who makes, who has 3, 000 followers and is making high multiple six figures this year, in a year, and has Yeah.
[00:23:19] 13 likes on their post because they know what to say and they know what to do and meanwhile you’ve got people desperate for attention with millions of views and all they can do is post a graph of their LinkedIn impressions and I’ve spoken to them and they’re on 18 hour days and they’re scratching together three grand a week. And I got we need to
[00:23:39] Kris Ward: double, we need to double team them. I will tell you, I can barely hear what you’re saying because I think that should be a bumper sticker that says volume is in place. Your competency.
[00:23:47] Richard Moore: I’m right. I’m right.
[00:23:49] Kris Ward: You are right. But it was so well said. Yes. Yes.
[00:23:52] Richard Moore: I’ve done this a few times, but the crucial part in there is you only scale it when you’re competent. So before you get more, get better.
[00:24:00] Kris Ward: Yes. Oh,
[00:24:01] Richard Moore: it’s the first thing. And no doubt with your service. You encourage people to improve the systems first, before they add more people to their team, rather than bloat.
[00:24:12] Kris Ward: Yes, Adding people to chaos does not create calm. Okay, so back to your original thing, when you’re reaching out.
[00:24:20] So again, my people are not going to be saying stuff like, Oh, I’ve got this problem. I’m just saying, Hey, whatever. I, whatever my lead in question was I can just put that into a warm message one off regardless, even though they’ve done nothing to say that they’re working too many hours.
[00:24:35] Richard Moore: Yeah. I think what you want to remember is that people are willing to open up when they trust you or respect you, look up to you. And My in, usually, is a thing that they’ve done in my direction. And so it’s as simple as someone looked at my profile. Because,
[00:24:53] I’ll tell you now, there is no way of knowing externally if someone has a problem with the hours, the amount of hours they’re working.
[00:25:03] No one’s gonna admit that stuff, no one writes a post about it, unless there’s Every year for influence and that’s not what you’re off. Yeah. What’s fascinating is that you don’t know who you’re going to uncover. So should I put out posts that are focused on that self awareness around the symptoms these potential buyers have what I need to then be doing
[00:25:22] this is a LinkedIn play, beautiful LinkedIn. I get to look at my profile views. Yeah. I posted at this time for the following hour, I had this gentle spike in traffic on my profile. So that’s people looking and that’s potentially the buyers. They’re not writing comments going, Oh my goodness, God, that’s so me.
[00:25:41] I
[00:25:41] Kris Ward: yeah no.
[00:25:42] Richard Moore: If it is happy days, it’s an easy lead. Yeah. It’s the people who are like, Good point. And the human curiosity factor is the leverage we’re looking for. And it’s a, who’s this Kris person? They look at your profile, gone. And that’s where, that’s our in. It’s hi, Kris. Just saw you checked out my profile.
[00:26:00] Thank you so much. So you acknowledge what they did and we progress it to the next question, which is just out of interest, what caught your eye or even better, what made you decide to look at my profile? Or you go to your followers, you got a bunch of new followers because of that post. Hi Kris, just want to say thank you so much for following me today.
[00:26:20] Just out of interest what made you decide to do
[00:26:23] Kris Ward: that right away. I always do audio. I’m like, hey, what made you want to reach out? Thanks so much. I’m all I will warm them up and then I drop the ball according to you. I just go. Okay
[00:26:32] Richard Moore: That’s the thing. That’s the crucial moment. Everyone gets a bit excited but if you remember this is a cool passive audience member, it’s not a super hot lead yet So what we do is we sprint at this tiny little seedling and we scare it off.
[00:26:47] And so what we should be doing instead is nurturing. And what that looks like is saying, what was the reason why you did the thing? And when they say, Oh, I just, I really liked your posts. Yeah. Oh, we’ve got them. And instead of going, Oh here’s some resources. You should check out my podcast.
[00:27:03] Yeah. And it’s overbearing. It’s, it should be, think about what they’ve just said. What’s the thing?
[00:27:09] Kris Ward: Yeah,
[00:27:10] Richard Moore: call it the thing. Isolate that and then unpack it. So they liked my post today. Okay, so good. That’s not good enough. I don’t want to just respond with that’s nice or thanks so much. I appreciate it. I want to respond with what part in particular. See how I did it earlier with that lead magnet? Yeah.
[00:27:29] Kris Ward: Yeah.
[00:27:30] Richard Moore: Not just, here’s the lead magnet, thanks for asking for it. It’s which one, which part in particular did you like? So again here, what reason in particular did you decide to follow me? Oh, because I like how you do this. What did you like about the content?
[00:27:44] Oh it’s because you talk about this thing. When they give that second answer, that is a gentle reflection of actually what their need is.
[00:27:55] Kris Ward: Okay.
[00:27:56] Richard Moore: So your post is on working too many hours and improving it and showing awareness. Then they look at, then they decide to look at your profile and you establish the reason why they want to look at your profile is they found that useful.
[00:28:07] The first question is a what question, what in particular was useful about the post? Oh, it’s the bit where you talked about this thing that really resonated. The second question is simple. It’s why? Okay. Why does that resonate so much? They will give you an answer. And here is your crossroads. It’s very delicate.
[00:28:26] I’m giving you the full process here, Kris. At this moment, most people will now write paragraphs trying to solve the problem and give value. No. Get the hell out of the DMs and into a call. That’s what I help with. That’s the thing I do really well. Remember the context. They chose to look at your post.
[00:28:45] They chose to engage in your profile or look at your profile. And now they’re willing to go through a conversation. They’re quite happy to go further because of this momentum. So all you do is say, look, there’s a few more things I could share. Happy to do are you free today at 3. 15?
[00:29:01] Kris Ward: Okay. Hold on. They’ll back up the truck because I followed that. It was beautiful. Well crafted. But to our earlier in our conversation, here’s the four core things that people do wrong in the calendar. So we’re now warming them up, warming up, having a dialogue, love it. See if we get them on a call.
[00:29:18] Is that a different tactic or am I getting confused? Cause before it was something pretty
[00:29:23] Richard Moore: good question. It works really well. So what I’ve suggested just there is what we do is someone say looks at our profile because of a good.
[00:29:28] Kris Ward: Okay. Okay. Okay.
[00:29:29] Richard Moore: In this, the thing they did was ask for in the call to action.
[00:29:34] They’ve asked for that lead magnet, the calendar thing with four tips. So what we do is we say, look, here’s the calendar thing. Here’s the PDF. Thanks so much, by the way. Everyone gives me a different answer to this. Which of those four things stand out? Then if they don’t give you an answer that day, go back the next day. Oh, don’t leave it a week.
[00:29:55] Kris Ward: Yeah.
[00:29:55] Richard Moore: Get back the next day and say, hey, just checking in on, what did you think? And those who are like, I didn’t really read it. They’ve just disqualified themselves. They don’t care. Okay. But the ones that do oh, it’s actually thanks for nudging me. It was the second point.
[00:30:10] It’s something I’ve never really thought of. Again, we are here so they’ve said the thing, why is that? I get to jump straight to the Y based question. Okay. Because they give what it is. Why is that? Oh, it’s because I think I need more help with X.
[00:30:24] Kris Ward: Oh, so one is if they look at my profile and the other is if they’re looking at my post.
[00:30:29] Richard Moore: Both could be ’cause they look to you. Both could be. But one is the second one. There is if in the post you’re like. I’ll share the four things that will help.
[00:30:37] Kris Ward: I see.
[00:30:38] Richard Moore: When there’s a lead magnet, really.
[00:30:40] Kris Ward: Gotcha, gotcha.
[00:30:41] Richard Moore: It’s just a nice way to pivot from there’s more than where that came from, essentially. I’m really good at this. Would you like to explore how it would look if I helped you?
[00:30:50] Kris Ward: Oh my gosh, we could talk to you all day, Richard. I’m telling you all, let’s see if we can strong arm him into coming back. All right. Okay.
[00:30:57] Richard Moore: The nice thing is I’m saying with, I know I’m sounding bold in this, but like it just works.
[00:31:02] Millions of quid of sales can’t be wrong. And also it’s not just me, all the people I who joined my group, then go and do it as well. So it’s just, it’s nice.
[00:31:10] Kris Ward: And a quid is a English dollar.
[00:31:13] Richard Moore: Apologies. Yeah. It’s an English dollar, which isn’t worth much these days, but what’s really important here.
[00:31:18] Is that’s where we should be spending our time each day. Because the truth is it’s, there’s a massive difference between selling the way we want to sell and selling the way they wish to buy. And there’s that beautiful saying, people hate to be sold to, but they love to buy. And when they are taken through this process, it’s much more organic, and they feel much more fulfilled and listened to, and you’re never going to the next step until they give you the cue.
[00:31:46] As I’ve shown that allows you that earned right to go there. So no one feels under any pressure, plus way more fulfilling for you. Then..
[00:31:54] Kris Ward: It is because nobody like, you know what? We all know that if somebody says hello to you, doesn’t mean I want to marry you. And I accept people as an invite on LinkedIn.
[00:32:03] And then they’re like, let’s collaborate. And I have this course. I’m like, I just said I said, what the hell, right? And so then I think the pushback is Richard, then we go, Oh, we don’t want anything to do with DM messaging because we’ve had people do it so poorly to us.
[00:32:16] Richard Moore: Indeed. And that’s why you need to do it this way. Elegantly. You never should be needing to send anyone links to articles that you think they’d like. No, so you don’t prescribe value and solutions. You’re listening. And this again, Dr. Method, you’re in that stage now where they’re looking up to you. And there’s compliance in the form of them answering your questions.
[00:32:39] So consult, ask them some things. And that’s some really, the nice thing is the wording I’ve given is just so incredibly reasonable.
[00:32:48] Yeah. To say to someone, thanks for looking at the profile. I saw you did, what caught your eye? It’s really reasonable to do that. It’s in turn, it’s really reasonable to say when they say to you, Oh, I, it’s because I really liked your post today.
[00:33:04] Thank you. What part in particular just for feedback? It’s an incredibly reasonable. So when they’re really reasonable with people, what I love is that the shy introverted, I don’t want to go near sales. I hate sales group. I’m always quite happy to to say those things.
[00:33:21] Kris Ward: Oh my gosh, Peter. I don’t know. I keep calling Peter. Richard, where can people find more of your brilliance?
[00:33:29] Richard Moore: So there’s this website called LinkedIn. You can find me there. My camera’s just dropped.
[00:33:33] Kris Ward: I listened. You know what? I was, I had me hooked me. I was like, okay, write down the website, right?
[00:33:39] Richard Moore: I know. Sorry. I always do that one. But yeah. So basically the, if you find me on Richard, therichardmore.Com is the website. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Richard Moore was taken. It’s a South African amateur photographer. I offered him so much money and he’s no, and he doesn’t even use it. So it’s really annoying.
[00:33:55] Kris Ward: Yeah, that’s the hard thing when the world shrunk and we found that other people had our full name.
[00:33:59] Richard Moore: I know.
[00:33:59] Kris Ward: It’s bad enough in grade two when some kid had your first name and now you’re like, oh my gosh, right?
[00:34:03] Richard Moore: Exactly. I don’t have a popular enough name. That’s the problem. But yeah so on therichardmore.Com or you can go to linkedin.com/in/therichardmoore and I’m right there.
[00:34:13] Kris Ward: Oh my gosh. Okay. You have to check him out. Listen, he does do phenomenal posts as well. I find them they really stop the scroll and share this podcast with a business buddy. Do not let them hanging out there by themselves. Do not let them suffer. This is really quality content and keep the reviews coming. I read each and every one of them and we will see you all in the next episode. Thank you again so much, Richard.
[00:34:37] Richard Moore: You’re very welcome. Thank you for having me on