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Recent Podcast Episodes

Outsourcing Unveiled: Insider Secrets and Strategies for Success! with Criz Tumapon



Episode Summary

This week’s episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day Podcast is sponsored by Win The Hour, Win The Day’s Signature Coaching Program the Winners Circle. Kris Ward who helps entrepreneurs to stop working so hard interviews, Criz Tumapon.


Criz May Tumapon spills the beans! Join us for an eye-opening discussion on the realities of outsourcing.

The pitfalls of outsourcing agencies and why to avoid them.
Proven strategies to optimize and make the most of your outsourcers’ time.
Unveiling the importance of leaders over mere task managers.
Plus, a whole lot more insider knowledge!


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Podcast: Win The Hour, Win The Day Podcast
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Criz May Tumapon Podcast Transcription

[00:00:00] Kris Ward: Hey everyone. Welcome to another episode of Win The Hour, Win The Day. And I am your host, Kris Ward, and I am so excited. We have a very special guest. It took a long time to get her here. And boy oh boy is she gonna enlighten you and give you the behind the scenes, behind the curtain, the whole access pass to outsourcing in the pros and cons. Welcome to the show, Criz Tumapon.

[00:00:25] Criz May Tumapon: Hello everyone. I’m pumped to be here, but let just, lemme tell you Kris, as your podcast manager I didn’t even, it didn’t come to mind that one day I’ll be a guest on your show. I get used to just listening to your show, so it’s really a privilege. So I’m really excited. So thanks for having me here.

[00:00:44] Kris Ward: Okay. So yeah. Criz among other things is my podcast manager, but she is so much more than that. She is a powerhouse. She is a force to be reckoned with and she’s a very interesting and dynamic human being because it, like I train all my clients. What you do when you have an amazing outsourcer is you really pull out their personality and give them leadership skills and so that they’re not just really efficient task, mindful people running around and doing a to-do list.

[00:01:13] That’s not what you want. You want people that can make decisions and have ownership and do all this stuff. So Criz and I were talking. And cuz she, you tend to lean a little bit, Criz towards being quiet. When you started working with us, you were a little bit more quiet and I kept pulling that out of you. Is that correct?

[00:01:30] Criz May Tumapon: Exactly, yes Kris.

[00:01:32] Kris Ward: Okay, so let me jump in here because then I asked you, I said let’s get you on the show. And the big passion I have when I’m working with myself and outsourcers is that they can be… now you guys know I never call you outsourcers. You are such a… you are my team, and when I talk about my clients, I talk about their team.

[00:01:50] But for you listeners, what your understanding is, okay, you can have an incredibly affordable team that you can afford. It’s good for you. It’s good for them. And there’s so much to dive into. So please, this is a show worth listening. So we talk a lot about in the Winners Circle how the rest of the options are there for outsourcers and what that looks like, right?

[00:02:13] So there’s a lot of outsourcing agencies that pop up. That’s the new thing right now, and they’ll bill you the entrepreneur, like eight US dollars an hour, but they only pay the outsourcer of $4 an hour, and then if the contract ends, the outsourcer loses a job and you lose an outsourcer, lose all that stuff.

[00:02:28] So what I’ve been really learning from my team, and especially from Criz is what it’s like to work for other people, and it’s not about saying nice things about me. This is not gonna be, she’ll always say nice things about Kris. What it is about the systems we even play for myself and my clients.

[00:02:43] And because these systems are there to cultivate an amazing and talented team, then I start to find out what it’s like when you, Criz we’re working for other people. So let’s start at the top. You, you talk about working for other people. You said to me in one of your reviews, you felt like you had a voice here, and that’s not what it’s like traditionally when you’re outsourcer for other entrepreneurs. Is that the case?

[00:03:09] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah, a hundred percent. Kris, because I’m used to being quiet I don’t… I feel inferior to my boss because we don’t have… we don’t talk to them regularly. So that’s why if I have ideas, I just keep it to myself because I feel like, do I have the right to say that they are more smarter, way more smarter than me.

[00:03:27] So when I work with Kris, when I work with you rather. I’m silent. I’m waiting for you to call me. What?

[00:03:37] Kris Ward: When you started? Not now.

[00:03:38] Criz May Tumapon: When I started, not now. Yeah. Yeah. So you helped me through me you helped me how to cultivate my leadership skills, how to take the platform, like how to to be confident in speaking like.

[00:03:51] Take it as like a stage, like perform well and speak well, and jump in anytime that I can. Because us, before when I was starting, I used to say ” excuse me, Kris can I have, can I talk?” So you always remind me, not, I don’t, it’s not like I’m being impolite. You encourage me to jump in to make it the conversation.

[00:04:11] Like our scrum meetings more conversational, so I love it and it have me gain more confidence and speak my ideas more.

[00:04:21] Kris Ward: Yeah, so I think what you’re talking about, Kris, is we have these daily scrums and we have these short, tight meetings on all the things that we’re working on. It’s not a place where I check your work.

[00:04:30] It’s a place where we work on projects together and usually new projects, like, how are we gonna make this happen? Whose idea, who’s gonna take this on? That kind of thing. And I think what you’re talking about is previously in all other jobs, every outsource or VA I’ve spoken to, what happens is the entrepreneur just sends you emails or you don’t ever meet with them, and you just get all these responsibilities or tasks through the written word.

[00:04:53] And so then you can’t clarify or ask questions or say, Hey, you’re doing this, but have you thought of that? So there’s like this bigger leap to use your voice because it, you’d have to write something out and it, there’s a gap. There’s a gap between you and the employer.

[00:05:07] Criz May Tumapon: Exactly. Exactly. Kris, let me add also that they just ha hand off the SOPs or standard operating procedures. So when I try to ask my teammate what to make everything clear, they just said, oh, just check your SOPs. That’s why I’m asking because I’m confused with the SOPs, but we cannot reach out to the managers, to the bosses.

[00:05:32] Because they we’re not sure where they’re available and there are no platforms ready offered to us for us to ask questions. So yeah, it’s really difficult working in that kind of environment.

[00:05:44] Kris Ward: So I think what happens the way this setup is by virtue of you having a question, it comes back to you feel like I I’m missing something. I don’t understand. I have a question. This is my problem, and now I’m gonna have to find someone to bother. And then when I ask somebody else who, you call it your seatmate who’s working in the office with you, even if you’re both on a virtual you, I guess there’s different arrangements where sometimes you’re in a virtual job, but you’re in office working for overseas or whatever.

[00:06:09] And they’re like, follow the SOPs. And you’re like if I can read, if I understood the SOP I wouldn’t be asking you.

[00:06:15] Criz May Tumapon: Exactly.

[00:06:16] Kris Ward: We do something completely different. That’s not how we work at all. So what has been what were you surprised about when you started working with us?

[00:06:28] Criz May Tumapon: I’m surprised by, you are just available anytime you can just, you encourage us, oh, can we hop on a quick scrum? Are you around? So we have the help and the resources that I need and we have access to them. So it’s really a different thing. It really is helpful because we have the help that we need. Like it’s not just you available. We have Evan, we have Deanna, we have Maura, our WIN team is really collaborative in everything that we do.

[00:07:00] Kris Ward: Yeah, so we’re all about being efficient. So when I am always available to you, however, you’ll look at my calendar if I’m doing interviews or I’m doing whatever with people, but we usually have a daily scrum in the morning anyhow, so what I want people to understand is don’t think for a second if you’re an entrepreneur, oh, that’s the last thing I need, is somebody reaching out to me all the time, being always available.

[00:07:22] That’s not the case. Here’s what’s happening. Criz and the people on my team are spearheading major projects and they’re usually in the creation stage. So then that’s what our little scrums are about. I don’t need to supervise your work. We’ve got this super toolkit so you know what you’re doing.

[00:07:38] And sometimes you’ll come to me and say, Hey, we’re missing some steps on the super toolkit. Things have changed. We’ve gotta improve it. That’s great. So I don’t need to supervise your work, but when we’re creating new stuff, and then something’s new and there’s always gonna be confusion and clarification.

[00:07:51] And what are we doing with this? Right now, at the time of this recording, we’re adding a bunch of features to what we have as a Winners Circle. And then when we find a VA or outsource for our clients in the Winners Circle, we are supporting they’re hires with what we call the WIN team lives.

[00:08:06] And now we’re starting a Discord community. We have the Learning Center for the VAs and the outsourcers, and now you’re taking charge of the Discord community and that you’re gonna be available to them and providing extra services. So right now we’re gonna have questions about setting up discord. Are we gonna do this?

[00:08:21] Are we gonna check every day? We’re gonna whatever. And you’re gonna have ideas, which you’ve already had a number of great ideas. I’m like, just yesterday. We were talking in our scrum meeting and we were saying how, I’m like, you know what? I really, because all these people like yourself, these VAs had previous experiences where they were really meant to be submissive and just do tasks and not to be leaders and not to have confidence. You can relate to that.

[00:08:45] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah.

[00:08:46] Kris Ward: Yeah, exactly. So then we’re trying to, for our clients, teach them that this is going to be in a different environment. We don’t want you just to get the work done. We want you to have ideas, we want you to speak up. We’re hiring personality over skillset, blah, blah, blah.

[00:08:57] So I said, Criz, what if, every time we do a live training with them, what if we sent them like a badge? Like you asked a really great question, or you really took the floor to really reward them. And then you said, what was your idea?

[00:09:11] Criz May Tumapon: And I said, can I jump in? Kris can we, instead of just sending them to the WIN team members during our WIN team session, can we send an email to their WIN team leaders for them to know how the outsourcers, or that the WIN team is performing so they can see how the improvements of the WIN team. So it really is helpful and it’s a different thing and I think it’s a really game changer for them.

[00:09:37] Kris Ward: Yeah, it is a game changer. And so the words, we’re speaking a lot of words, but the words that we’re avoiding is we don’t, I never use the word boss, I just don’t like it. It’s not I’m about a team, about a circle, about, listen, I always tell people, you should be the dumbest person in the room if you’re lucky.

[00:09:51] And I’m telling you with my team, I really am so the heck if I’m gonna call myself somebody’s boss. So what we’re, and then, so we don’t call them bosses, we call them team leaders, right? Cuz we’re looking for a team. So my clients who hire me to help them stop working so hard and then often they need to start building their WIN team.

[00:10:09] What you are saying, Criz is when we say, oh, you did something really great in the training. Make sure we CC their team leader so that they get praise. It’s not just praise from us, but they get recognition from their team leader, a k a, their boss. Oh my gosh, she’s doing really good. And I was like, oh, that’s a great idea, Criz.

[00:10:28] That’s what that ah, yes. Sometimes ah, it’s so why didn’t I think of that? It was so good. So that’s something that I think really when I started working with you, I was always like, excuse me, I have a question. I’m like, no, we can’t do that. Just jump in. Just say hey. So I think you had said that before, that you had more of a voice here than you had before.

[00:10:51] Criz May Tumapon: Yes, absolutely. Because, now I can jump in, like I can boss you around like I don’t usually do. Hey Kris, just follow up on this. I keep on bossing you. So it’s not a bad thing. I feel like I, I think I’ve encouraged I’m, I’ve cultivated my leadership skills and yeah, I feel more confident and I feel I’m enjoying the job that I have now.

[00:11:17] Kris Ward: Yeah. And you talked about in previous jobs, you were always fearful of being scolded, and and also if you made a mistake, you could lose your job.

[00:11:28] Criz May Tumapon: Yes, absolutely. Because previously just like I said before, a while ago, that we are just handed by the SOPs, so there are a lot of confusions there.

[00:11:37] So I make mistakes. So we have this performance score at work, like for example, a hundred percent. So if we make a mistake that equivalent to 5%. So if I make three mistakes, that would make it 15 points and 100 minus 15 that make, that makes my performance score equivalent to 85. So that affects my incentives and my performance.

[00:12:02] So imagine three mistakes validates my performance how do I perform at work? So unlike compared to our win team here at Win Hour, Win The Day when we make mistakes, you don’t devalue me or you don’t scold me. You just say, oh, let’s fix, let’s fix the Super Toolkit where we left off. Where we left off, where we dropped the ball.

[00:12:24] Kris Ward: Criz, didn’t lose the ball, drop the ball. Why she’s laughing is one time she said in a meeting. Criz? I said, what happened here? Because we use the Super Toolkits. Okay, so the super toolkits, let me back up for a second. Super toolkits are dynamic in nature. We always cue them, create, use, and edit them. So they’re always evolving.

[00:12:43] So if we miss something, we look at the super toolkit and we say, oh, clearly that step wasn’t clear. Cuz we missed that. So we turned to the super toolkit. We don’t blame each other cuz the instructions are clear and if something gets missed it’s cuz the instructions missed a step. And I said, “Hey, what happened here?”

[00:13:01] And you said we lost the ball Kris. So now every time she says she dropped the ball, it’s hilarious to us cuz we’re like, no, Criz we dropped it. We did not lose the ball. Losing the ball is a bigger problem, right?

[00:13:13] Criz May Tumapon: Yes.

[00:13:13] Kris Ward: So yes, there’s a difference between losing the ball and dropping it. Okay. So that’s a really good point because again, what you’re talking about is standard operating procedures, which are usually static in nature, not written by the end user, and they get outdated really quickly, and they’re just usually there to cover liability. And so people hand those to you and then it’s not your fault that there’s mistakes in them because they’re just, they’re people wrote them a long time ago and then they don’t work.

[00:13:36] Whereas us with the super toolkits, they’re changing all the time and we’re always building on our strengths and our proven steps and stuff like that. So that makes such a big difference there. And I think… all these things that you’re talking about, which I’m hearing more and more from the other team members than anyone has been a VA or outsourcer for other organizations.

[00:13:57] This is becoming the trend with these outsourcing agencies. So they’re hiring you, then you get code, code evaluated and assessed, and you get all these numbers, which would make me crazy. Like I, I think the fear of losing five points, you’d make mistakes just by being nervous, right?

[00:14:15] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah. Yeah, totally.

[00:14:16] Kris Ward: So then, so that’s what’s happening more and more with these agencies and what I would argue too is even if you are fantastic and smart, which clearly you are, then if they give you to somebody who has incomplete standard operating procedures, who’s stressed out, entrepreneur, running around in a chaotic state, adding people to chaos does not calm anything down.

[00:14:36] Adding more people to chaos is just chaos. So then you are dealing with these people who you can’t parent them and say, listen, you’re all over the place and you’re not giving me the proper passwords. So that’s the other thing is you’re set up to fail. Cuz it’s almost like I always say, it’s if you were a really good chef, and you came to my house and you said, oh, I’m a really good French chef.

[00:14:58] And I’m like my family just likes barbecue. It doesn’t matter how good you are, it’s not a good fit. So you’re great at what you do. You’re incredibly smart, you’re bright, you have ideas, you have a lot of initiative. But if you are sent to somebody who’s running around in chaos all the time, we’re grinding it out and just jumping all over the place, that’s gonna reflect negatively on you cuz you’re not jumping all over the place with them and you’re not even communicating with them.

[00:15:23] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah, exactly. A hundred percent.

[00:15:24] Kris Ward: Yeah. Oh my gosh. Tell me a little bit too, I found this shocking about if you are, traditionally as an outsourcer, if you’re sick.

[00:15:34] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah, but with my previous work, Kris, like one time I had this headache and this dysmenorrhea at the same time. So when I need to take a time off for me to, for them to validate my absence, I need to present a medical certificate.

[00:15:50] So I think that’s costly because I need to travel to the doctor’s, doctor’s clinic. So that costs me, and then I need to pay for the…

[00:15:59] Kris Ward: and you’re not feeling well enough. Let me jump in here like it’s not feeling well.

[00:16:02] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah, because I’m not yet. I’m not yet. I don’t feel well yet. So I need to go there to present that to prove that I’m that I am sick, so I need to pay for the doctor’s fee that separate from the medical the medical certificate.

[00:16:16] So that’s when I need to present to them, for them to accept my absence for them not to terminate me. So I think it’s awful and I feel bad about that because I feel like I need, then the next time that I’m sick, that I get sick. I just force myself to go to the.. to work. I just forced myself to work just to save money.

[00:16:41] Kris Ward: Yeah, because it’s easier. I would assume it’s easier to go to work and just get your butt in the chair than it is to be going all over to town waiting to see a doctor. So you’re like, I’m not feeling well. So guess what? Work is easier. And we don’t operate that way, nor do my clients. So if you weren’t feeling well, what happens here?

[00:17:00] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah. Let me tell our listeners that is really a different environment here, because there’s one time like I don’t feel well, you always remind me to take a rest, go to bed. Especially when I work late. You always remind me, oh, you are working late. Oh, Kris, I feel like you are concerned of me. You are caring, and I, it’s I mean you, it’s unusual because I haven’t I felt that, or experienced that before with my bosses. So it’s really, it really is different and I feel loved here in this in working with you, working with the WIN team.

[00:17:38] Kris Ward: Here’s the thing, let me break this down. So first of all, what I want you to all understand is this isn’t about how great we are.

[00:17:45] This is about how flawed other practices are out there and they’re just doing this on volume and this is what gives outsourcing a bad name. Cuz sometimes people will say to me like, Ooh, are you taking advantage of these people? And I’m like, I don’t think so. Because if you’re paying an outsourcer five, six US dollars an hour, that means I can afford to have a team with a lot of entrepreneurs couldn’t if they had to pay their local fees and then bring them in house and overhead and desks and stuff. But in the Philippines, what’s the minimum wage per day? It’s 10 bucks an hour. 10 bucks a day or something?

[00:18:19] Criz May Tumapon: I think 300 pesos is six, I think six.

[00:18:23] Kris Ward: Six US dollars a day.

[00:18:26] Criz May Tumapon: I believe, yes.

[00:18:27] Kris Ward: Okay, so it’s around six US dollars a day minimum wage versus me paying someone five, $6 an hour. So that’s great. That is a win for them, and it’s a win for us. Now, where things are not as helpful is when you get agencies hopping up all over the place where then their profit comes and we’ll pay you four and I’ll charge a client eight. So the, that’s fine. That’s their business model. But then with when they’re doing it in volume like they are with you, Criz, and it’s okay, now you can’t be sick and do this, and you get points and it becomes very dehumanizing and it also, it really doesn’t benefit the entrepreneur at all.

[00:19:00] So here’s the thing. I’d like to think I’m a caring and compassionate person, and I am because I’ve been sick and I know that I don’t feel well when I’m sick. But what really matters is I tell people, when I’m working with my clients, let’s say you had 10 units of productivity in an hour, but when you’re not feeling well, even with a minor cold, you’re down to five or six, and then the next day you find mistakes.

[00:19:21] Yeah. So it’s just a better plan for you to go to bed and get rested and come back better tomorrow, it’s just going to it’s a better business plan, even if it wasn’t a better caring, compassionate plan. It just makes no sense to make somebody work when they’re sick.

[00:19:36] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah, it slows you down.

[00:19:38] Kris Ward: Yes. Yeah, and I’m also always sensitive. The another thing I don’t believe in at all is I don’t believe in working overnights at all. I don’t care who you are. Nobody gives their best at 5:00 AM There is no way. So for me or anyone of the clients that we find, hire and train on board in the Winners Circle, I always say to them, You know what you want is your team around in the morning, so you know Criz, Maura, Deanna.

[00:20:01] They’ll be around to 11, 12 est time in the morning. Now that’s 11, 12 for them at night. That’s it. They don’t need to be around my entire day because if I’m set up correctly, they have worked to work on independently. They can meet with me in the morning. We can go for things when I’m sleeping.

[00:20:18] Work gets done. So it’s better for me to come in the morning, it’s done, and then they can do the other half of their day at their convenience, which also brings us back to if you’re not feeling well, Criz, I always say, look, if I’m not feeling well and I come into work at 10 o’clock in the morning, I might cut out at lunchtime saying I don’t feel well, but your day with me starts at nine, 10 o’clock at night.

[00:20:38] So you’ve been not well all day. So I think it’s a bad plan, right? Yeah, I don’t want you guys here when you’re sick. It just, it doesn’t make sense. Oh, Criz, go ahead.

[00:20:47] Criz May Tumapon: Let me add, we’re not afraid to take a time off because of our super toolkits or job bios? We, yeah, because our super toolkits, it helps us map out our tasks ahead of time.

[00:20:58] So if emergencies happen, like we get sick so we don’t feel pressured to go to work because we have already planned out because of the systems and processes that we have.

[00:21:10] Kris Ward: Yeah, so we had this thing called a job bio. So it might say on Mondays, somebody does A, B, C, D. So if something happens where you are not well, Criz, we just go look at your job bio and we go, okay, a doesn’t matter, B ooh.

[00:21:24] B is the promotion for the podcast. We have to put that up on social media today so we can take a quick look at your job bio. And we have the super toolkits to know how to do everything so we can just prioritize. We don’t all look at the ceiling and go, oh, what does Criz do? And then you find out two weeks later if she was sick that week.

[00:21:39] So we didn’t put that up. And everything is comes out later in the mess we make. But with the job bio, somebody else can jump in and we’ve done that where oh, really sick this week. Can you go in and do that for her? Just check her job bio and do these two things and then it just, it’s not a big pile up when they come back and nobody, there’s no consequences. We just reprioritize.

[00:21:59] Criz May Tumapon: Yes. And one thing, Kris, I remember because our super toolkits are well detailed and easy to learn. One time when, remember when I was away and we have this scrum meetings, our stats meeting, so one can we can, I can move my spreadsheet or my analytics to another WIN Team member.

[00:22:19] H e or she can present that because of the super toolkits that she can, he can learn in just five minutes. Yeah we don’t lose anything when one is away.

[00:22:28] Kris Ward: You were away at a wedding and so we had our monthly team meeting on stats and you just gave them the link and they had, they could just follow it through so you don’t feel pressured, you don’t feel guilty if you ask for that time off or anything like that.

[00:22:39] So that’s what I want, when I bring people from my team or other clients’ teams on, it’s to show you that this isn’t some miraculous thing where I just get lucky and find amazing people. We do have a really 12 point hiring process, and there’s things I look for, but once you bring them on is it’s really about developing leadership skills so that they’re not coming to you and asking you everything so that they do come up with fantastic ideas and that they’re focused on one thing and you’re focused on another.

[00:23:10] So you really do get two brains are better than one. And also when you hear things about outsourcing and how it doesn’t work, just be mindful that might be the setup, not the outsourcer, not the entire industry, it’s just the expectations. Because I think I’m always surprised with the things that you say Maura about sorry.

[00:23:32] D oh my gosh, Criz you know about previously were you’ve, you just kept your mouth shut so that you didn’t feel dumb if you a bad idea, like even if you did, come up with what I would, I don’t think there are any bad ideas, but I think you should judge somebody on how good their good ideas are, not how bad their bad ideas are, but if you came up with an idea that I didn’t dis didn’t agree with, I would say to you, yeah, that’s, thanks.

[00:23:55] Thanks, Criz. That makes sense. Here’s why I’m concerned it may not work. Like it wouldn’t be shooting you down. It would just be like, and then when I say that to you, you are like, oh, I understand. Then you come up with a different idea.

[00:24:07] Criz May Tumapon: Absolutely, yes.

[00:24:09] Kris Ward: Yeah. Okay. What are some other things that felt, you probably went through culture shock when you started working with us, which I think now has been like, I don’t know, maybe two years?

[00:24:18] Criz May Tumapon: Yes. I’m working two years already with you, Kris.

[00:24:21] Kris Ward: Okay. So what are, what did you find surprising when you started working with us?

[00:24:27] Criz May Tumapon: It was really surprising… the scrum meetings, Kris because we do it in a regular basis, and then…

[00:24:32] Kris Ward: Yeah

[00:24:32] Criz May Tumapon: I’m not used to talking with the bosses and you didn’t treat me like, you didn’t treat me like a child like you, you treat me as an equal. I feel

[00:24:44] Kris Ward: because you are

[00:24:44] Criz May Tumapon: we are partners. Yeah.

[00:24:46] Kris Ward: Yes. Cuz you are my equal. Yes. That’s why I treated you like that. Yeah. Okay.

[00:24:50] Criz May Tumapon: That’s why I love it. I love it. And when you gave me task, you, when you had tasks, it’s really easy to adopt. Remember one time we need to let go of this specific like win team member

[00:25:06] Kris Ward: right?

[00:25:06] Criz May Tumapon: And she was our podcast manager and I was working like five months old with you. I was the admin manager, so I need to take over the position. So I didn’t have an experience with podcast management, but because of the super toolkits, you helped me. You walk me through it once, how to do it, and then I feel like I’m doing the job just like a pro in just one week because of the.. our scrum meetings. So it really is helpful and it really is different from because of our WIN formula and how we set up things. So it really is a game changer for me and a different environment that I enjoy.

[00:25:45] Kris Ward: Yeah, so you came on as a general Va and then a long story short, we had to change and somebody was leaving for a different reason and she was leaving and then you got all her responsibilities and managing the podcast is a bit of an undertaking.

[00:25:59] So what you’re saying is, I gave you all the super toolkits, we went through it once, and you’re like, oh, I got this cuz it’s all clear. And we went through it in Scrum. Isn’t that funny? I still have my hard time wrapping my head around this. So I guess what you, when you said that, when you said it this last time, you said it in a different way, you said I didn’t have, I wasn’t used to having contact with the bosses, so I guess it’s to me like a Disney movie or something.

[00:26:21] The bosses are like this big person up on the fourth floor. That’s really important. And then you’re down in the factory basement working, and so then, oh, you would never get to speak to the boss because there’s this big gap between you. But that’s just not, it’s not an effective plan. It doesn’t get stuff done.

[00:26:39] Criz May Tumapon: And one thing, Kris, also, I feel like we have a close relationship, like me as a WIN Team member and a close relationship with my team leaders because remember when every time before we close the meeting you ask Evan the baby pictures, something like that because it’s a win.

[00:26:59] It’s a win for Evan because it’s been a long time since they’re planning to have a baby and finally, after many years, they’re now having a baby. So it’s like a win for him. And all of the team is celebrating to that win because before we end the meeting, oh, remind me to take baby pictures, like we share Fox pictures. So it’s really personal and like my experience before that too formal. We don’t know what the other person is going through

[00:27:25] Kris Ward: oh, I see.

[00:27:26] Criz May Tumapon: It’s really different culture.

[00:27:28] Kris Ward: I see. Yeah. I think business should be fun. So Evan, who’s been working for me for a very long time now, oh my gosh, over 10 years. And they didn’t think they could have children.

[00:27:39] I guess he never shared that with us, but it came as quite a surprise when she got pregnant last year, they thought she had a flu or something, so he’s just beside himself over the moon with having a baby. So yes, when we have our group team meeting, we always say, let’s take see a baby picture at the end of the meeting.

[00:27:55] And it’s so funny that you notice that because to me it’s like, Listen, if you and he Fox sounds confusing, but yes, that’s what they named the child. They named him Fox. And so I’m doing that because Evan’s over the moon excited. But to me it’s amazing that you notice that you think, oh that’s our culture.

[00:28:13] We’re appreciating Evan and the win for Evan. That’s a really good, I wouldn’t have thought of that. I thought of, okay, we’re being nice to Evan, but I like how you’re saying the whole team is celebrating his win. I wouldn’t have looked at it that way. That’s interesting to me.

[00:28:26] Criz May Tumapon: Yeah

[00:28:27] Kris Ward: see, I learned things from you every hour of every day. It’s so amazing. So yeah, I wanted people to understand it’s not about me being nice or anything, is that there are some basic things put in play that can really create a culture where people feel safe and confident and get stuff done. And I always tell my clients, Criz, I’ll give them this example. I’ll say listen, if you are in an ocean liner on a cruise and there’s 500 people and something happens to that ship, you might find a hundred people that are like, okay, this is how we’re gonna solve the problem.

[00:29:02] And you’re like, okay, this is great. I’ll find the smart people and we’ll survive. No problem. Excuse me, but if you’re in a rowboat and you’re in there with one or two other people and there’s a hole in the boat, you better have a good team. And so sometimes people think a culture of a team and cuz you keep speaking about culture a lot, sometimes people think a culture of a team is often when you have 50, a hundred, 500 people.

[00:29:23] But I think the culture matters way more when you have a few people. And I also think that’s why when things get tough in a business, they can cut back and fire a bunch of people is because they don’t have a solid culture. They do have wastage. They may only have 25% of the people that are working really hard.

[00:29:40] Whereas when we’re working together as a WIN team man, we’re all on it. We’re really together and there’s no wastage and it’s just tighter. And we wanna make sure if we’re in that rowboat, anything happens. We’re all on the same page.

[00:29:52] Criz May Tumapon: Absolutely.

[00:29:53] Kris Ward: Yeah. All right. We just have a moment left. Tell us any final things do you have to say about speaking about what it’s like to be in a WIN team or what it’s like to be an outsourcer? What do people need to know?

[00:30:05] Criz May Tumapon: It’s really exciting to have a WIN team to have the win formula because it really helps us enjoy the work that we do because I now say because of the systems and processes in place that we have with the win teams, with the collaborations that we have, I could say that I didn’t just have the job that I need. But finally I can say that I have the job that I love.

[00:30:28] So this is really a big changer for me and I love this job working with the WIN team. And I hope every every business or every entrepreneurs learn this process, to have their own WIN team and their own WIN formula. So they can scale their business and they enjoy the kind of business that they have started at the beginning.

[00:30:50] Kris Ward: Oh my gosh. Couldn’t have said it any better. You know what I have to say too? I told you this week, Criz, that when you were talking to me about the things you wanted to talk about in the show and you gave me these pros and cons and I didn’t really understand how I guess not how hard it is, but I guess what it’s really like out there for regular outsourcers and it really inspired me to do even more for the people in our Winners Circle and for their hires. So that’s when we really started getting even more assertive with the WIN team members for our clients and adding a lot more services for them because not only is it really fun when clients tell me I changed their life and I help them get 25 hours back a week and they can scale their business and they’re working less and making more.

[00:31:32] I found that rewarding. But now when I start hearing more and more from you and other outsourcers, what, how much more fun their jobs are and how much they love their job. And we had Christine’s Rica sorry, Fel from Kim. Her VA came on and fell, was like, oh my gosh, I hope I get to keep this job.

[00:31:49] Cause I love it so much. I’m like why wouldn’t you get to keep it right? So I didn’t understand how much I was changing lives of the VAs and the outsourcers, and that’s just made me hungry to do more. So I can’t thank you enough for your honesty, how refreshing you are. I can’t thank you enough for trusting us as we pushed you when you first started working with us saying no, you can’t raise your hand every time and say you have, I have a question.

[00:32:11] I’m like no, we don’t time for that. Just jump in. You’re here cuz you’re smart and contribute. Thank you for trusting us and everyone else share this with one other entrepreneur. Do them a favor. Your business should be fun and it should support your life instead of consuming it. So let them know there is an easier way and you get amazing dynamic people like Criz and everyone else. And we will see you in the next episode. And thank you again, Criz.

[00:32:37] Criz May Tumapon: Thanks.